Chapter 14: Awakening of Origin


Me and Providence finally taken care of the Shadow demon, in a way I didn't want but nonetheless it managed to get us a good head start on what we'll be dealing with.

We traveled miles deep into the forest after that encounter, making our way to the Mountain until we eventually could see it in the distance. Tall, it's tip reaching pass the clouds and on up, it was an interesting wonderful view.

I smiled seeing its beauty, knowing I was getting closer, however I could tell the clouds surrounding the Mountain of the Gods weren't by any means ordinary; brutal crackles of lightning were in the dark gray clouds, they swirled around similar to that of a tornado.

"Looks dangerous to even travel up its terrain..."

I exhaled a sigh from my nose as I glanced at Providence on my shoulder.

"Well of course it is, Child of Mortality. The only way to travel up the Mountain of the Gods is by awakening your Origin, but even then it is difficult."

Here it goes again. Truth be told I had no clue to what a Origin was but it sounded helpful in these situations, so I asked the question circulating in my mind.

"Providence, I haven't really been on its topic at all, only because I have no clue to what it is. But what is an Origin?"

The fairy-like celestial kicked her legs back and forth as she sat on my shoulders, leaning her head back to do her annoying laugh again...

"Bwahahahaha! Silly Child of Mortality! If you don't know what an Origin even is, then there's no point in your journey! Go back home, you may as well!"

What did she say?

"What?!! You're fucking kidding me if you think I'm gonna turn all the way back around just because I don't know what a stupid Origin is you little imp!"

Providence slapped my face with her small hands and actually put some force into it. The slap alone caused my face to turn, forming a apparent bruise there...


I didn't know what to say. The whole time she usually hits on me I don't feel a thing, but this time around it stung.... It stung painfully bad.

"Watch who you're talking to, from here on out I'm gonna be your teacher. Refer to me as Lady Providence!"

My teacher? Since when? And for what?

"You're gonna be my teacher forrrr?—"

"To teach you an Origin, child of mortality. Now let us commence forward and find an open spot to where you can learn without worries."

Well, I didn't wanna decline and feel another one of her hits across my face, so I decided to do what's best.

Walking ahead down the pathway of the Devil Zone, I held onto Dàinsleif in case I had to battle, however I noticed the thick fog around us getting lighter by the second, we've managed to get so far enough to the point where the fog was no longer a thing.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

I subconsciously said, staring around my surroundings.

"You should, Child of Mortality. The thick fog indicates that it's the Demon territory, but outside of the fog in the devil zone is where human territory exists. Now we're in the territory of those who made Devil contracts. By far they're the worst of the worst."

Well, she didn't comfort me at all, she spoke what was reality, so I stayed on guard.

"I see. Well then, no need to worry too much about it, they may think we're also another Devil contractor."

I took a hard turn to the left and off the dirt way road, to the Mountain of the Gods.


"I find it funny, you know a human such as yourself isn't going crazy or driven into madness knowing what lays beyond your reality and the human world. Tell me, how do you feel child of mortality? About the Celestials, I am quite curious."

So many questions, I think Providence was starting to grow on me, well whatever the reason was, I found it delightful nonetheless.

"One thing I learned in life is that there will always be something stronger than you, no matter who you're, or what you do. Something stronger will always come along, and have a higher power."

I shrugged as we were eventually in the opens of a vast grassy plains, this time no mutilated corpses or demons everywhere. Honestly it looked peaceful.

"Interesting, your mindset differs from other mortals. You're very interesting, Child of Mortality. Alright then, we shall engage in the training for your Origin, are you prepared truly?"

Levitating off of my shoulders Providence eventually stood hovering a few feet in front of my face, her hands placed on her hips with that same sassy attitude of hers.

"I suppose I am... alright, teach me what I need to know. I'm relying on you, Provy."

I could see Providence light up with a blush, ah yeah, I given her a random nickname out of the blue, her reaction was normal.

"P-P-P-P-Provy??!! Provy? What... what does that mean?"

"Why're you stuttering so much? I find it cute! Thanks Provy, for helping me again."

The mini Celestial couldn't take compliments that well, it explained why she had suddenly kicked me in the freaking face.

"Ow- hey I didn't say anything offensive this time, can you chill out with the hits?"


Her hands went onto her hips despite her tomato red face, she stayed focus on the important matters as of now.

"E-Enough of that! Right now this is important. No time for nicknames dumb Mortal!"

She threw a mini tantrum, pun intended. Flailing her arms around and kicking her legs as she flew around in circles, she was really pissed...

"Okay, okay I'm sorry! Calm down, chill out!"

I thumped her against her chest lightly this time around before she regained her focus. She flipped around before catching herself mid-air and flying straight into me with a flying kick, though I dodged and simply tugged on her wing with my fingers.

"Hey! Let me go, a mortal like you deserves some discipline!"

"Oh boy... this is gonna be a long day..."