
"How dare you Cain? To think you'll betray the village for your own selfish needs... curse you... we trusted you more than ever and this is how you pay us?"

A man who was on one knee, and resting on the palm of his hands shouted at Cain in the distance, blood dripped from his mouth.

"That's too bad, maybe if you decided to show attention towards me a little bit more then maybe I would've had a change of heart."

The man who bravely spoke towards Cain had fell face first.

"L-Lord Ulric! He's fallen?"

It wasn't only one man standing in front of the village of Etobu, but an entire thousand-man army.

"I don't think as we're now, we can even get close to his energy of Sin..."

One of the soldiers spoke, they had no deep or severe wound on their body, but they were out of stamina.

"We've been battling him for days, protecting the village, while that woman with the white hair watches!"

Behind Cain was Bloody Mary, she stood in the background watching everything unfold to her liking.

"Dear dear me, that stubborn old man fell to his knees finally. He was getting on my nerves. Well then, you have an easier job now Cain."

One didn't think much of Cain, being a young boy of average height and has dark, long hair, and a very soft voice, due to which he is often mistaken as being a girl.

His face is very pretty and many others are seen blushing after looking at him, however in a battle against others, he takes on a form of bloodlust that terrifies even those that care about him.

His entire appearance was misleading, inside he just had the heart of a monster.

"Enough waiting, let's get to the fun part shall we? All of you on your hands and knees, as of now I am king here."

The thousand men army all stood up in sync, as did they yell in sync.

"Again!" (All)"

The area lit up with a vibrant glow of red energy, bursting into the sky in the shape of an upwards beacon, everything from trees, to the buildings, even the sky had lit up in a red glow.

"We'll do it again! A Combination of our attacks, in order to defeat Cain!"

They had the confidence to win this battle, and they had the willpower to stand up to fight again, these weren't any ordinary men.

"As the guardians of Etobu village we've trained every day of our lives!"

"Yeah!" (All)

"We fought demons in the Devil Zone!"

"Yeah!" (All)

"We've served Lady Aurora until her last dying breathhhh!!!"

"Yeahhhhhhh!" (All)

"This is our last attack, we'll finish off Cain once and for all!"

One man was leading this army into the hopes of winning, he guided them as their general Ulric fell to his knees.

"Gods Wrath!" (All)

They've all screamed at the top of their lungs, releasing all of their sinful energy from out of their hands, controlling it to shape shift into a large floating hand upon the sky.

"Another one? How ridiculous."

Bloody Mary exclaimed behind Cain who looked up into the sky baring a grin.

"Well then, this just makes things more interesting..."

Cain walked a few feet forward and manifested something within his hands.

"Come to me, Skofnung!"

An eerie ringing sound echoed throughout the air.

It sounded like reality had paused for the smallest moment, and as if time had slowed down.


"That's it my dear Cain, show them... show them the absolute power of a Prophecy Child..~ you turn me on, I can't wait to break all of their bones, every single person in this world will be under your command!~"

Skofnung's power was eternal. Whenever manifested into the hands of Cain, all is forced to bow at its presence, even gravity itself.

It didn't matter who you were, what title you had, it didn't matter about your rank in this world, general, captain, nothing mattered.

"I am your king..."

The entire army had been forced to sink right into the ground, some falling backwards and some falling frontwards, however.


Even Gods wrath had been weighed down by the gravity despite it being Sin energy.

The shape shifted hand came crashing down to the ground, exploding right upon collision.

"Gwaaaaa!" (All)

The sounds of their last seconds before death had reached Cain and Bloody Mary's ears. An loud explosion occurred, creating a sphere of energy that covered the entire village, engulfing them all but Cain and his Spirit from Skofnung protecting them

"No matter who or what you're, everything under the presence of Skofnung bows at my power. Whether man, god, or even concept, the only thing that it allows is me!"

Reality has stopped working. Concepts had departed, they were even erased in his vicinity. There wasn't anymore concepts that it would allow if it didn't benefit Cain.

"Fufufu..~ this is Cain's Hallowed Armament, a weapon every Hero obtains once they undergo their evolution. It's limited only to them, his brother Seth has his already, what was it's name? Ah yes, Dàinsleif was it. I watched everything go down from the very beginning."

Bloody Mary stalked Seth his entire journey into the Devil Zone, waiting for her perfect moment to strike and go after one of the Prophecy children, so thus she chosen Cain out of them all.

"I must say, out of all the possibilities of an Hallowed Armament, Cain may have the strongest, but Seth's is also a problem. This will become a problem in the near future, though there isn't much to worry about, Seth as I speak is making his way into the mountain of the gods."

Bloody Mary talked to herself from behind Cain, ending up walking in the vicinity of Skofnung.

"It seems Skofnung believes I benefit you my lord, Cain. From here on out I will do my best to fulfill your quest, and show them all, for who is the greatest hero in the prophecy of mankind."