Chapter 29: Enter the Mountain of the Gods


Cold. It was very cold. In the sky it was a large thunderstorm, around me was dead bodies. Dead, all dead and gone. I was knocked unconscious for hours.

Knights were scattered along the ground. Right now I was in a open plain. The mountain was big, it did cover a 1/4 of Ofriedan, and now I was inside of it.

I couldn't see anything, I could only see small details through my eyes that's been covered by the intense snowstorm around me.

I slowly gotten up to my hands and knees, breathing hard. Why was it so hard to breathe? Dear god... just what was this place?

"The knights around you didn't die from the vacuum. Actually they died from the environment of the Mountain. You must be the lucky one..."

I could hear a voice yet not see them. I wiped my eyes with my hands, looking around me until I noticed a white-haired individual who stood before me.

She had a blade in her hand, with an smile upon her face.

"My name is Katie Densin, it's nice to meet you Seth Genesis."

Katie...? I heard that name from Shia unlocking the seal on the gates.

I actually heard this name from the spirit Hephaestus as well... wait a minute... she was another Hero?

"Katie Densin, how do you know of my name?"

Katie who said she knew my name would walk up to me, placing my arm around her neck and holding me up more.

"Well, I have my ways, dontcha worry bout it, right now we should get into a safe location, and back to the others."

Wait what? Back to the others? So everyone didn't die? Hearing those words made be relieved... but-

"What others exactly?"

Katie wouldn't answer me but instead looked to the side to face me.

"Just hold on tight."

"Wait, what do you mean hold on ti—"

I wasn't prepared for what came next. In a instant she had ran in such speeds that would make even my Speed of light look like it was slow in comparison. My cheeks flapped from the intense wind, and my body felt like it was gonna fly off from her grip, like paper in a hurricane.


Katie still holding onto me would laugh at my fear...

"Hahahahaha! Chill out, I'm just taking us back to where I arrived with my group!"

That did not answer my question at all!

We moved at speeds that far surpassed light itself, she was in another caliber of speed...

"Right now I'm just going about One million times faster than light. It's probably the slowest I can run. Besides that, we're here!"


As she stopped my body would roll forward like a tumbleweed. I slammed into the ground before bouncing back up and suddenly crashing into someone?


"Crap Katie, what did you do?"

Holding me was another guy, black hair, and deep tone of voice with an exaggerated expression upon his face...

"Chill out, I searched all around this place and couldn't find anyone else, be lucky he's alive. Maybe we can get some info on this guy, he looks like he's from this timeline doesn't he? I mean there's knights and all sorts of other guys here."

Another person who spoke was standing at a far distance... he had white hair, a white coat that covered his arms and upper-body with a split in the middle. His mouth was covered from the coat having a button up collar that went up to even his mouth.

"We're in a dangerous situation right now, we have no clue where we are located and this place seems to be outside of the flow of time and space itself. Right now we're all from different timelines. Or to be more specific, only this person you found is from another timeline Katie."

Whoever this guy was with the white hair, he was smart. He could tell we were in another area that existed outside of time and space. Assuming we were all from different points of time, the mountain of gods must be outside of time itself, meaning timelines are irrelevant to it. And where we came from is irrelevant.

"I am Akira Kojiro."

He was the first to tell me his name. I assumed he was one of the smartest out of the group next to the other two.

"I'm Katie Densin, but he already knows my name. Over there is Haruo, he's Nuthin specialll!"

Haruo glared over at Katie, balling up his fist.

"I don't need you to talk for me. I can speak for myself!"

Haruo looked at me and stretched out his arm.

"My name is Haruo Merlin, it's a pleasure to meet you. How about you give us your name?"

I took the handshake with a bit of hesitance... right now we all were in a weird situation, yet these guys stayed calm.

"I'm Seth Genesis. The knights you seen scattered along the mountain edges were the knights of Densin Kingdom."

Katie would suddenly walk up to me and get close into my face.

"Wait what? Densin kingdom? What do yah mean by that?"

"Uh- well Densin Kingdom... it's the home of-"

I was interrupted again before I could speak by Akira.

"So we're on a mountain right now. I see. If that's the case then this mountain must be extremely large, it's the size of an island at most. Our main priority should be looking for the others that were taken here."


"Whatever do what yah want. I'm gonna meditate here a bit and enjoy the view."

Haruo had walked over to a rock-stump, sitting down on it... but what view was he even talking about? It was a thunderstorm above us and a entire snowstorm.

"We got Split up from Makoto and Toshiro, we should really focus on finding them."

Katie seemed like she forgot her own question about Densin Kingdom and skimmed over it. Haruo was sitting down looking at the view, as Akira was trying to be a leader but utterly failed. This team-up seemed odd, I'm not gonna lie.

"Are you all from the same timeline?"

I asked curiously.

"We are. The same timeline and everything, we know each other and actually been through a shit ton of battles in our world. Trust me, we've been through it all..."

Haruo replied to my question with a slight hint of anger in his voice.

"Alright then, If it's your priority to hunt for your lost friends then I'll help. I actually have things I must do as well, we can join up for now and see how things go."

Katie patted my shoulder.

"I like the sound of that. Alright then, let's start searching around."

Haruo crossed his leg over the other.

"I'll keep my spot warm for you when you're back Akira."

Akira heard him but ignored, walking off. Katie followed behind as I made my way with their group as well.