Chapter 28: The Seal Broken


It felt like a silly dream. Xerxes bowed his head down in shame, slowly kneeling himself to the floor and in front of Shia's presence.

"As you wish..."

Shia who watched him kneel down, had stomped her heel on the back of his head and into the ground.

"What type of man do you think you are Xerxes? You believed I would travel all the way out here and break a Divine code without some type of favor? You know how I am."

Madoka had slowly moved to the side and walked over towards me and Loki.

"And you two are?"

Madoka looked at me and Loki, her personality was childlike, jovial, and happy-go-lucky demeanor; always smiling, and acting very friendly and even polite with everyone, demonstrating excessive intimacy towards even her enemies and revealing to others in a rather nonchalant way the fact that she killed their family. She was crazy, however her potential as a Great Sage made her fearsome to turn down...

"Woaaaah, I like your hair, what did you do with it?"

We didn't have a chance to even Reply. She talked to Loki who had the exact face of a female and voice as well, I wouldn't be surprised if she thought of him as one.

"My name is Madoka, what's yours?"

Loki had smiled.

"My name is Loki, it is a pleasure to meet you Madoka..."

They both looked at each other with their smiles... creeping me out.

"And for my hair... well, I of course brushed it out using a custom-made brush from a Spirit I once knew long ago."

Um... Loki? You're kinda making our situation seem highly suspicious right now.

"Oh cool, a spirit made you your very own brush? Check it, mine is like that too!"

Madoka comedically pulled out her own custom-made brush that had her name branded into it. Really it looked like some silly old wooden brush, but the name was the only neat thing about it.

"That is amazing, your design looks better than mine. If there's anything else I love doing a more than trickery, it is to keep myself beautiful. I must attract many in order to complete my goal, even use them if I must."

Madoka had laughed out loud hearing Loki say this, starting to jump into the air raising her hand.

"Hehehehe!!! We are just alike! I use a lot of people to get what I want, even if I have to kill them in the end!"

Loki had covered his mouth with his hands laughing, using his other hand to point at her.

"Fufufu~ that's the spirit Madoka, we are almost the same. It's been a while since I could relate to a mortal."

Madoka walked over towards Loki and would tug on his sleeve, pulling him to the side with her.

"Cmon, Cmon! I wanna show you lots of cool stuff I can do and tell you my plans on taking over Ofriedan!"

Wait... what? She said that so casually, what's even going on?

"A-Ah... by the way my names Seth Genesis!"

Yeah, she didn't even get my name. Those two seemed like they could correlate in a lot of ways, so I'll leave them be.


"Take this! And this! And this!!!"

I turned my head to the side not even hearing the sound until now.

Shia stood off to the side as the other Great Sage Chiyo was beating upon Xerxes...? The sight alone had made me cringe. I could hear bones being broken and even his tooth flying out. The knights in the background sat quietly watching...

"This is just wrong..."

It wasn't me who spoke but Providence. She peeked her small head outside of my pocket watching Xerxes being manhandled. However there was a reason for it.

Shia was a sadistic and cruel human being, she takes advantage of her Sage title and in return does what she wants. She always takes advantage of Xerxes as well, beating upon him and using him however she likes, knowing he was loyal enough to serve the queen in any way he pleases, even if he has to throw away his pride.

"Beat him harder Chiyo! Make his bones nonexistent! I want to hear him scream!"

Shia forced Chiyo to beat upon Xerxes, who was half unconscious.

"S-Sis I think he's had enough... usually you only tell me to kick his ribs or break his arm, but his entire body is nearly crumbled..."

Chiyo was so small, the smallest out of them all. She was small yet had the biggest weapon out of them all which she could summon forth. A large Club with the imprints of divine language inside of it.

"Did you say he's had enough? Ridiculous! That fool has yet to utter a groan of pain! Grrr... fine!"

She turned to the side and looked right in my direction.


She had went silent. She could notice my hair flailing in Red Energy. My Sin Energy exploded into the sky, my rage was fierce and could cover even the clouds in pure negative energy being emitted from me right now.

"W-Who is this... boy?"

"Sinful Mode: Godspeed."

I was ready to kill her. I was gonna rip off her head and stomp it into the ground if one more hand touched Xerxes head. There wasn't anymore games, I didn't care if she was the greatest asset to the kingdom of Densin. She would die if she injured him again.

*Cough, cough* Xerxes turned to his side and faced me. Blood coming from his mouth, holding out his hand.

"S-Seth... don't bother... I do this for the queen... there's no reason to use violence against her... it's what makes her happy... just let them do their job..."

Chiyo who was beating Xerxes backed off some, scared from my sudden outburst.

"How about you stop beating on him and do your damn job, you bitch."

I eyed Shia, her face was lighting up with fear. Sweat poured down her forehead as well as Chiyo. Despite Sages having madness-inducing aura's, mines surpassed theirs by a large margin.

"Bwahahaha! That's Seth for you! Mess with Seth and his friends then you're gonna be floating through the River Styx in a instant! Bwahaha!"

Providence flew out of my pocket, crossing her arms with a laughter that just slightly dimmed out the intense atmosphere being upheld.


Shia and the others understood their position soon as I expressed my emotions and overall power from my Sin Energy.

The sages were indeed strong, however they weren't comparable to me.

Watching as Chiyo and Shia were in front of the gates, Loki and Madoka were still missing...? I actually don't know what happened to them, but whatever it was, I hope they were having fun.

"Chiyo, hand me the Divine Cube."

"Yes, sister."

I sat back on a log not too far behind them, Providence sitting on my shoulder. I watched their every move, Xerxes was in the medical tent being patched up by one of the soldiers who was experienced in healing magic.

Shia was now holding a divine cube in her hands, it looked just like the shape of a 3D cube, however cracks were inside of it, and through those cracks a glow was being emitted from it.

"Now let's begin the operation. This seal is massive, it may take some time reading it all, but it will be necessary.."

Shia had sighed to herself, I could tell she was still nervous with my presence around. I watched the cube glowing and then suddenly projecting a bright light upon the seal as if it was scanning it.

"What...? I expected this Seal to have divine language scattered all across it, however it's only at the foot of the mountain?"

I didn't understand what she meant, however I could tell once the cube shun it's light upon the seal, it revealed some divine language in front of them.

"Providence I never asked, do you have the power to break the seal?"

Providence was sitting on my shoulders and turned to the side as if she was embarrassed.

"Ahem... no, I lost my powers long ago. Perhaps I'll become a Sage in the mortal world since I'll never return back home, that way I can make a living."

I chuckled, that sounded like a Provy response.

"Seth Genesis, Katie Densin, Akira Kojiro, Makoto Hisaya, Abel Genesis, Cain Genesis, and Haruo Merlin. Break free from your timelines and come forth!"

What...? Watching as they yelled my name, with my brothers, I was confused. Were those words written upon the Seal?—

"Guaaaaaahhhh! Kyaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

It was as if I heard the screams of death. In front of me Shia was swept up along with Chiyo. A strong vacuum gathered together at the front of the seal, sucking in everything in its surrounding... providence was the first to fly off my shoulder.

"Waaaaaaahh! S-Sethhh! Sethhhh!!!"

I reached out to her trying to grab her body, and my body was being sucked in as well, however I grabbed onto the log underneath me, it still had its roots in the ground.

"Providence, damnit— PROVIDENCE!"

I missed the chance to grab her... I could only watch her body being sucked into the strong vacuum, following behind the other knights who were set up at camp, going straight ahead with her.

"No... I'm coming Provy!"

I let go of the log and my body was picked up by the wind, hurdling me forward into the vacuum as I made Dàinsleif disappear until I made it inside.