Chapter 27: The Sages


Me, Loki, and Providence waited for over an entire hour by now, standing around and watching the knights in front of us set up camp around the place. Right now we were outside of the dangerous parts of the Devil Zone and in human territory where other Devil Contractors existed.

"I still have mixed feelings about being closer to the Devil Contractors territory..."

One of the knights spoke straight ahead to the other, as they sat up camp. Tents were being built, horses and stables were sat up, and traps around the camp just in case they would get ambushed. We were outside of the forest as of now and in the open to where the Mountain of the gods were, however traps in the forest was still necessary just in case we were attacked.

"My dear sethhhh~! Come over here will you?"

Loki who was in front of me and by the gate called me over. He waved with his hand to get my attention, however I ignored as I turned my head to the side.

"This guy..."

I was sitting on a log right now with Dàinsleif leaning on my shoulder. Providence was asleep, stuffed right in my pocket after picking on the knights so much.

"What do you want Loki? Right now I'm waiting on the sages, do you know how to open the gates?"

Actually now I thought about it, Providence didn't really say much about the gates... so could she open it?

"No silly boy, I'm trying to show you something more important than the gates. Come and see!"

Alright I'll just go, so he could shut up. I stood up now and sluggishly hung Dàinsleif on my shoulder, walking towards Loki until I stopped a few feet in front.

"What is it?"

I asked without any further question.

"Hold out your hand, will you?"

I done as he asked, my palm facing upright.

"Now summon the Flames of Heaven, you can do it right?"

I almost forgot that I had that... well with something so powerful I could do a lot with it, however why couldn't I bring it forth...?

"I could do it... however something's just wrong."

Damnit I had no choice right now, I had to see what was up, so the only way for that was to Link.


I said it clear as day, and now my entire being linked into the Unraveled world.

Perfect, right next to me floating was my Origin.

"Yo, long time no see... uhh?"

I forgotten her name...

"My name is Cala. You must remember my name, for I am you, and you are me."

Right, I knew it was important to remember her name. She was me, I did know that... but you're never around unless I link myself into this reality.

"Cala, I have a question."

She stood afloat in the air and looked down at me, raising her eyebrows.


"Well, my copy system, you know how I can copy any sort of energy or ability? Well, to put it simply. I cannot use the Flames of Heaven for some reason, what's up with that?"

Cala had floated into the air above me a bit more. Loki could see her as well, I wasn't surprised he had an Origin also.

As Cala floated into the air, her long white dress that hung down, stopping at her ankles would flutter, so did her silky silver hair.

"Copy System: Flames of Heaven."

She uttered the words, and tried to pull it off... however nothing came from her.

"I see... it cannot be used. The Flames of Heaven has a time limit from how powerful it's existence is. Divine energy can only be used once a day, as the Flames of Heaven can only be used once a week. The only downfall to the copy system is that it isn't mastered by you."

Huh...? So the whole time my abilities had a limit to it?

"Also, The Flames of Heaven can be used only five minutes in a battle, as Divine Energy can be used long as you need until you defeat your opponent."

I placed my hand underneath my chin, rubbing it a little.

"How come you didn't tell me this at first?"

Cala looked at me with cold eyes, I could notice something change about her-

"Um... Cala?"

I looked at her with a worried expression.

"You forgotten, that me and you are both connected Seth. I know only so much as you do, however if you ask me questions I can figure them out to the best of my abilities. I am no sort of God..."

Yikes... as she said those words, her hair started to waver in a white aura.

"I understand, sorry about that Cala..."


I looked over at Loki with a sigh coming from my mouth.

"Well, that answers your question...?"

Loki had crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side.

"It indeed does, however with the way things are now, we are going to have to wait on the Sages."

The seal in front of us just wasn't on a certain section of the mountain, but it covered and wrapped around the entire mountain like a blanket, making intrusion impossible.

"The Flames of Heaven has the ability to melt the seal, due to it being the very source of energy that the Higher Gods need to function and use their own abilities."

Loki looked up in wonder, his arms uncrossing.

"Well, there's another way in, but I'm certain that will take more time than waiting for the Sages."

Loki shrugged his arms and given up.

"Ara Ara, it's all useless. We'll have to wai—"

"The Sages has appeared!"

Loki was cut off mid-sentence as I turned around. The sages had finally shown themselves... and their appearance isn't what I expected.

The leading Sage named "Shia" had a beautiful body and oddly-designed clothes in a Blue color. She had white skin, long red hair and scarlet eyes.

Behind her were two other Sages.

The one on the left side behind Shia was named "Madoka", a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears a pink dress with white details here and there and has a yellow ribbon on both sides of her hair.

The one on the right side behind Shia was named Chiyo, a young girl in a red, frilled dress, wearing long gloves that goes past her elbows, and stockings that stopped up to her knees.

"Lady Shia, Madoka, and Chiyo, it is an honor."

Xerxes had stepped in front of them as they walked out from the Devil Zone and on the pathway.

Just what were they...?


I have heard stories on the Three Great sages but I didn't know they were this powerful. If they managed to walk through the Devil zone and come out unscathed in only a hour, then they must have been almost too strong.

Sages were a group of people who's purpose was to break the coding of Divine writings, understand divine language, and even interact with Spirits. Sages by far were the most powerful humans on earth, being strong enough to even tame spirits and break the codings of gods, such as seals and activating divine weapons through divine tongue.

Right now I was in the presence of not just any normal sages, but the Great Three Sages.

The Great Three Sages has been said to be immortal, and awoken their Origins, which is deemed as a myth in the world.

Origins in the world are heard of and known about, however not one person can actually confirm they exist except the one who actually awakens their origin.

Origins are hidden from the Public for a good reason, and yet these three had theirs awoken.

"So, you brought us here to break the coding of divinity and destroy the Seal, have you?"

Shia spoke, her words were radiant to the mens ears. Her aura alone was charismatic... and knowing a sage, they all had some weird thing about their aura, which makes even fighting one dangerous.

I heard stories that a sages aura can cause one to be driven into madness, become confused of their surroundings, and even die from it's release.

The Three Great sages had the same aura but on a much higher scale than any other Normal Sage, they were powerful.

"Yes Lady Shia, there are important matters at hand on why we are traveling up the Mountain of the Gods."

Xerxes replied.

"The Queen of Densin Kingdom has asked to obtain Immortality, she says that she is on the verge of death and claimed to have seen her own death. Immortality is her number one priority, and is the only thing on her mind. Will you please?"

Shia looked up at Xerxes, who stood 7'2.

"Very Well, however I may work with Densin Kingdom for the time being, you need to do me a favor first."

I looked over at Xerxes who I knew full of pride, and would go to great lengths to serve the queen.

"Kneel before me..."

My jaw slightly opened, confused.... She asked Xerxes to kneel?