Chapter 26: Knights of Densin


After the recent events and finally me and Loki making up, he was healed, Providence basically forced me, taking advantage of my feelings of regret... however, things were a lot different than before... and I mean... a lot different.

"I must say it is delightful to be with you Seth, it's an honor, or more like an dream come true for me. If you have the power to defeat me then you have the power to defeat my father. Ah~! It brings me so much joy, I can use you for my benefits."

Loki walked behind me talking to himself out loud, and frankly I was use to it from Providence... however I wasn't use to the constant-

*Kyaaa* Hugs. He hugged me from behind screaming in excitement, and even clung onto my body, I didn't know how to feel honestly. If anything I felt severely weirded out, the constant hugs from behind and the glances he's starting to give me.

Just why was he so obsessed? He wanted to use me in order to defeat his father. I'm assuming he meant Odin.

Well I was strong, but I didn't think I was that strong. Defeating an Higher God? That sounded like complete Rubbish to me...

"Let me go... hey, let me go!"

I kept pushing his face from behind and getting out of his grip.

"Bwahahahaha! I must say this is entertaining for me! I do enjoy this very much so!"

Providence was on my shoulder just laughing at my pain...

"Whatever. Looks like we've made it, to the foot of the mountain."

Yep, about time. In front of me was the foot of the mountain. This was the Mountain of the Gods, said to be the highest mountain in the entire world. Actually it covered a 1/4 of Ofriedan country.

"Halt! State your position..."

That sounded like bad news instantly. Humans? Yeah, they were, and a matter of fact, I knew this voice...

"State your name travelers- huh?"

Yep, and he knew me as well.

"Seth, what are you doing here? Did you just travel outside of the Devil Zone?"

In front of me was an entire army of men, from the kingdom of Densin. My village Etobu wasn't part of the Densin Kingdom, it was actually its own little section outside of all the other kingdoms.

I was gonna return back to Etobu in rage from hearing how Abel died, but honestly I feel that Abel is doing just fine. Not even death would stop him, I knew my brother well. Anyways on another matter; the man who talked to me was Commander Xerxes, a ferocious man, who I would even put above the demons inside of the Devil Zone, he was fierce... and scary...

"I did. I traveled through the Devil Zone with my party. Is there a problem?"

One of the knights stepped forward and pointed his blade at me.

"Careful how you speak to Commander Xerxes you cocky brat! You want to lose your tongue?"

I eyed at the knight.

"Do you want to lose your head?"

He backed up, feeling a fear he hadn't felt in ages. My presence and my glare was enough to scare him. Being a Hero benefits me in more ways than you could imagine, I could scare even the toughest of foes just by my aura... however Xerxes didn't budge.


"To think it would be you who traveled through the Devil Zone, I expected that of Abel, from how much you talked about him and his potential."

Xerxes commented on my brother who sadly was dead, but like I said, I'm sure he's fine. When I was working in the fields long ago in Densin Kingdom, I stayed there a couple of months talking about my brothers, and made friends with Xerxes as a child.

We talked and he enjoyed my stories, and most importantly he believed my stories, due to rumors spreading around that I was a prophecy child. I assumed Lady Aurora told them ahead of time so they could take care of me more when I worked.

I did have a lot of benefits growing up, from being important and so did my brothers.

"Those were some good conversations we had Xerxes, I can tell you that."

Another knight was frowning. I could see it clear as day, their helmets were all lifted up, staring at me from casually calling him Xerxes without adding the commander in front. Honestly...

"They indeed were, I am proud of you Seth."

I smiled at that compliment. Finally I was starting to get some good vibes running through me.

"Well what's all of this about?"

Providence flew off my shoulder and casually flew to one of the knights, sticking her tongue out at them and kicking their helmets down.

"Us Knights of Densin traveled through the Devil Zone in order to make our way into the Mountain of the Gods. Legend says that in the mountain exists the Fountain of Youth, it grants those who drinks it immortality, they become immortal and virtually impossible to kill. I sent Knights to deliver word, to Densin Kingdom that we've made it, and now we need a Sage."

So that made a lot of Sense. When I first entered the Devil Zone I did see a group of knights getting chased by a demon, perhaps that was his men? If so, then they're likely dead...

"I see. If Commander of Densin Knights is bringing a sage then things must be serious here?"

Yes, it indeed was. Standing behind these armed men was a large gate. A magical gate that can only be opened through some unknown methods, but Loki probably knew them, or Providence more specifically since she was a Celestial.


"Well, I hate to say it but your men might be dead. I believe I seen them running away once I entered into the Devil Zone, but I'm not certain..."

Xerxes sighed to himself. The man I talked too wasn't any ordinary man. From appearance, he has sternly chiseled features with eyes that give off a odd glow, and burning red hair and beard. He wears Silver armor, with cuffs and greaves with black-furred fringes, that leaves his arms and thighs unprotected.

He wears a thick black mantle with a fluffy white fur collar. It is luxuriously decorated, and looks like a curtain wrapping the stage of a theater.

He looked supreme just by his dressing alone.

"Sigh... I see... those fools couldn't follow the right path. Me and my men traveled through the Devil Zone clearing a pathway, it didn't take long but we skipped a lot of trouble from dealing with Devil Contractors."

Xerxes turned around and looked at his men. His glare alone was enough to have them understand what he was gonna say next, thus having them all step to the side to form a pathway for him to the gates. He now walked forward.

"I'm one of the mightiest Commanders of Densin Kingdom. I can lift mountains with my hands, I can glare and kill a lion, I can put people to sleep from my aura alone, I can paralyze an enemy with my aura, to even drive someone mad with my presence. And yet, this gate won't budge..."

I noticed Xerxes smiling... he seemed exhilarated with some emotion I've never seen. Perhaps the first time in his life, he's unable to do something, finally stopping at a wall.

"How exciting. Let's see now, how long you can last before I take you down!"

He talked to the gate as if it was an arch nemesis.

"What a odd Human..."

I noticed Loki commenting behind me while Providence still messed with the knights in the background.

"That's Xerxes, I wouldn't even call him human. Everything he's said about himself is true, he really could do all of that..."