Chapter 25: The Spirit World Pt3


I finally ended up at the kingdom of Zenobia. Everything was beautiful and had a Greek design to it, similar to Greek itself. This made sense, the one ruling this place must've been from Greece.

My Sin-Bird flew us down and we docked upon what seemed to be her porch on the back of a massive towering castle that went straight up.

We gotten off my Bird before it vanished in thin air, now standing on the porch.

"Listen Abel, as things are now, you are counted as a rare species from the outside world. You say that you are dead right? Well there's only three ways of entering the Spirit World. One is by getting offered from a spirit itself, Second is by death; usually when a soul dies they are accidentally stripped away from the River Styx and is sent into the Spirit World. Reason be is because a humans soul is similar to a spirit in this world, so they correlate in some regards. The last way is through Spirit Tongue, it allows you to speak their language and enter into their world saying a forbidden password."

She opened her back door to her large castle room, walking inside now. Inside her room was massive- actually I was quite confused on it. It had a sky, we were standing in the middle of a village as well.

"I-I see... well that makes sense, I was stripped away from the River Styx then. But more importantly what's up with your room?"

Inside of her room could be the size of an entire Village. Her Castle from the outside looked big, yes that was true, but to this caliber? No...

"Oh this? It must be the first time you've seen Space-Time Magic. All of this was used with it so I could make my room larger on the inside than it appears from the outside."

Incredible, inside of the Spirit World there was many things I have yet to see in the Mortal World. Then again I've never been out to explore outside of Ofriedan really.

"I must say it is a gorgeous sight. How big is your room?"

We walked inside, I strolled behind Adana, however once I asked the question, she turned around and smiled.

"The size of a Planet. Actually everything you see here belongs to me, I own an entire room that's the size of what you humans call earth."

Well.... I must say, I was surprised.

".....Then, how do you escape from here?"

Were we stuck? How did this whole thing work exactly?

"Well, only I can leave whenever I want too. Other spirits live here and they're bound to stay here, enjoying their day to day lives. All I have to do is really just say Exit, and an Exit Door would appear. This is my domain, everything goes to my rules and my laws."

So from what she was saying, she walked me right into the center of her trap... at least in other terms one could say that.


"I actually never told you, but I'm actually Half-Spirit... you see, Half-Spirits are just like spirits, but different. Spirits exist from rumors, theories, desires. You name it. But for us, we only take their physiology and that's about it. A Half-Spirit cannot die, even if their Origin is destroyed."

Around us were other spirits but they didn't seem to mind us being in the middle of the village. They actually looked like humans, which was confusing. Some I noticed had wings, some were floating eyeballs, most of them looked like humanoid dogs and cats. There was a bundle of them. Hearing about an Half-Spirit was believable.

"And since we cannot die, I decided early to make my own Kingdom outside of my Mothers kingdom, since I would never get it. My mom wasn't born as an Half-Spirit, she actually became one. Once she became a Half-Spirit I knew that she'll rule Zenobia forever with her own power, so I decided to make my own kingdom in return and invite the spirits from the spirit world to live here."

She flicked her hair to the side again and smiled over at me.

"You are the first human to ever enter into my World. Here I present to you, Planet Adana! Named after me and exists outside of the far edges of the Spirit World."


Planet Adana didn't sound too bad. I crossed my arms and smiled, it was exhilarating seeing a new world- actually two worlds in one day.

"So I can call you queen here, right?"

Adana's face turned bright red as if she was gonna have a instant melt-down.

"I-I suppose you can call me that when you are here... but outside of it, and in Zenobia kingdom, Princess is a must!"

She cleared her throat and skipped along the pathway, heading over to one of the Village houses not too far ahead.

"Follow me Abel!"

I jogged right behind her and looked around me enjoying the view. From spirits to even Infant Celestial Dragons roaming the sky above me. This place was amazing. It truly felt like it's own world, without being a copy paste.

"Walk inside."

She stopped at the door in front of the house she had skipped over too.

"What's inside of it...?"

Adana crossed her arms and smiled.

"Inside is one of the Legendary Spirits. She is said to be one of, if not the most important Spirit of all other Spirits. Born and created from the worshippers of destiny. She is said to be even destiny herself, I visit her once a week here, and I'm sure she'll be delighted once she sees a full-blooded human."

Ah I see. So on planet Adana she just didn't have regular spirits but legendary ones. I assumed legendary spirits embodied something that was crucial in the world.

"To have me meet someone so important... very well, I'll take a look. However I'm nervous after hearing that-"

Anxiety did take over me. I turned the doorknob in front, twisting it to the side and pushing it forward... as I stepped in, I could feel a cool breeze brush pass me.


To my surprise, the Legendary Spirit looked like that of a human. Rather, she wore a long dark hood over her face and sat on a bed a few meters ahead. Her room was quite large, it had royal designs, Red and Gold interiors, the chairs and tables made out of rich mahogany wood.

"Greetings Abel... Destiny has brought you here. It seemed impossible at first, for you to find me and planet Adana... but now since you have, we must talk. I've waited for you, for oh so very long..."

"Huh? Wait what?


First it was Adana who was confused behind me, and then it was me. What did she mean she waited for me...?