Chapter 24: The Spirit World Pt2


"I'm just here passing by..."

Abel did speak truthfully, he wasn't here to do any fighting or anything of the sorts so why continue battling against her? The one behind him was threatening him with a dagger at his neck.

"Passing by were you? Passing by in the spirit world isn't just an easy feat."

Abel's eyebrows dropped in a curious manner, his head turning behind to look at her.

"Spirit world...? You mean this isn't the after life?"

The one standing right behind Abel had an beautiful appearance.

She had medium-length ginger hair that is tied into a high ponytail, she wears a white, sleeveless jumpsuit, along with a sword on her back, a gold belt and chain, golden bracelets, and dark brown sandals.

She's what you would call an Royal in the 8th century terms.

"I don't know what the Spirit World is, forgive me if I caused any unnecessary trouble..."

The one behind Abel didn't look so menacing afterwards, slowly dropping her arm and closing her eyes.

"I can't believe this... you murdered one of the Queen of Spirits, Dragons... and you don't even know what the Spirit World is? You are gonna pay dearly for that you know?!"

"W-Wait queen dragon? You mean I murdered something important—"

Abel turned around fully. They both still were standing on top of the Bird made of Sin Energy.

"Look you idiot, there's nothing left of him!"

The Ginger girl pointed over at the smoke cloud that Abel created long ago... no dragon could be seen.

"Ah... I-I see... damnit... Damnit I'm a dumbass to assume things wrongly even after death!"

Abel fell to his knees and slammed his hand down on the bird, sighing to himself as his head dropped.

"I see my mistake... what is the punishment for it?"

Honestly he was already dead, so he expected it to be something like getting sent to hell or similar...

"There's none really, I'm the responsible one for taking it out. The dragon I rode on was a Celestial Dragon, they are said to be rare... and considering you killed it, you are no ordinary guy. Something is off with you, just what is it...?"

Abel killing a Celestial Dragon; these creatures existed inside of the Celestial World, said to be strong as Celestials and so on, however the one she had was specifically a newborn compared to the others who could live billions of years in age, and was weaker in comparison.

"Really? Well it wasn't hard at all... really I just sent an attack it's way and—"

"Quiet. I don't want to hear how you killed him, it'll just.... Make my problem worse..."

The Gingered girl soon would shrug to herself after getting chills thinking about her punishment, after all she was responsible.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for killing a Celestial Dragon! A lot has happened to me, please forgive me for my foolish mistake!"

Abel turner to her and bowed down at her on his hands and knees, joining his hands together in a beg for mercy.

"Well that's more fitting. Very well, I'll take your apology, for you to set aside your pride and beg for forgiveness without even knowing who I am. I like that!"

She crossed her arms before flicking her hair to the side in an elegant fashion.

"I am Princess Adana, from the family of Clifford. My family lives inside of the Spirit World, and we're actually the first known humans to exist here. Yes, I am human just like you."


"Wait... human? I thought you were a spirit-"

"Wrong, I am a human. Now tell me your name before speaking any other words you foolish boy."

Abel looked up at her with an blank expression, blinking a few times...

"Oh... uh, I'm Abel. Well, when I died I met the Grim Reaper, he told me my last name was Genesis...? So I guess I'm Abel Genesis."

Adana had stretched her hand forward in front of his face.

"I order you to hold my hand."


"Uh.... Okay?"

Abel grasped her hand before he was being pulled up to her height, face to face.

"Well then Abel Genesis, we shall discuss more when you are at the presence of the Queen of Spirits."

Abel scratched his cheek.

"Is she your mom?"

*Gasp* Adana turned around shocked, exaggerating her gasp...

"H-How did you know that? You truly aren't from here Abel???!"

Abel backed up a few times from seeing her over exaggerating attitude...

"Yeah... trust me I've never been here. Also if you are a human, how does another human like your mom rule over spirits?"

Abel genuinely asked, concerned on how this entire thing worked—

"Well, that is a long story. But let's say my mom has beaten even the Grim Reaper himself, who's said to embody absolute nothingness and exists as darkness. She's done this on many occasions actually."

Abel didn't hear that part from Grim Reaper, but he could tell that his presence alone was fearsome, however if his presence was fearsome and Adana's mother defeated him, then she must truly be a monster.

"Your mom sounds scary enough..."

"She indeed is. My mother goes by the name of Zenobia, the conqueror of stories."



It's said that a woman named Zenobia conquered the world of the spirits long ago, not by force but by being their savior.

Spirits are born from others fears and desires, some born from theories and other rumors.

Grim Reaper was said to exist in the spirit world, but due to his nature he would eventually destroy the world of spirits, thus the other spirits decided to reach and make contact with the Mortal World for help, in a desperate attempt to rid of the Grim Reaper.

The spirits contacted two females, one by the name of Zenobia, and the other who wasn't known but is rumored to be Theodora Densin, the one who has even mated with Zeus long ago.

The two females had accepted their plead for help and thus traveled into the spirit world defeating Grim Reaper and saving the world of their kind.

The spirits couldn't thank them enough and asked what they needed, thus Zenobia asked to forever protect their kingdom if she was made queen, and thus she was.

However for Theodora, her whereabouts went unknown, many has said that she died in the battle and others said she had disappeared out of clear sight soon after the battle ended, as if she was only there to change some outcome in the battle before leaving back into her hideout, or perhaps even disappear back into time itself, in another future.

This was rumored by the spirits of this world on Theodora, calling her a time traveler. That's what Adana told me—

Speaking of Adana, me and her was heading right into the kingdom of Zenobia, and at the sight alone, I could tell she was truly a queen—

"This is... the kingdom of Zenobia?"

We traveled on my Sin-Bird, and in front of me I could see the kingdom stretch on as far as the eye could see...

"Welcome to my home, Abel!!!"