Chapter 31: A Reuninte with Friends


I traveled alongside Katie and Akira, as of now we made our way through the edges of the Mountain searching for two people which I have yet to meet. Makoto and Toshiro, two people who's names were mentioned in prophecy by Hephaestus and Shia upon the seal.

"Man it's cold, luckily I can vibrate my body to the point where I can phase-shift."

Katie was pretty insane from what she could do, I heard almost an entire story from her and her abilities, and it's only been ten minutes. Phase-Shift allowed her to vibrate her molecules so quickly that she could achieve intangibility for short bursts allowing her to phase through objects, and even reality itself. It's like linking into the Unraveled world except she phases outside of the normal world and even the unraveled world as well.

"Makoto! Toshiro! Can you hear us?"

Akira yelled for their names as we walked through the endless snowstorm, however an idea eventually came to mind.

"This is getting us nowhere."

I would use stretch out my hand and point it to the sky.

"Copy System: Divine energy!"

Now using divine energy my body was coated in a divine aura I could utilize. I held it for a short period of time before condensing all of said energy into my right palm.


I summoned Dàinsleif in that same palm and shrouded it in divine energy. Now arching my blade back, I swung it forward in a horizontal slash upwards, sending out a crescent of energy into the sky.


I could hear Katie gasp in awe. Dàinsleif would cut apart the clouds and suddenly explode in a radiant divine glow, completely disrupting the snowstorm and stopping it from continuing even further, however-

"How were you able to pull that off? The snowstorm we're in is eternal. It's unchanging and cannot be changed. The mountain of the Gods is a place where even Celestials would have trouble traveling through."

Akira spoke towards me as I placed Dàinsleif upon my shoulder.

"You think those things matter to Dàinsleif? It can rid of any phenomena that I please. It's my weapon given to me as a Hero."

Katie would look at my sword, and then suddenly light up in her face.

"Ah that's like me! My blade was given to me too once I became a hero, I think we're the same!"

She would unsheathe her sword from behind her and hold it in front of me.

"Sigh... didn't I tell you already the name of your weapons?"

Wait... was I hearing things? Could we hear things clearer now, due to me stopping the eternal snowstorm in the mountain of gods?

"You heard things right, I can tell by expressions alone you are confused."

Akira and Me looked down at Katie's sword.

"Have you forgotten I existed?"


I looked at the sword in shock at first... actually confused on what the hell was going on? Was her weapon talking?

"The weapon you have Seth Genesis, is called a Hallowed Armament like what I am. Once one goes through the process of becoming a Hero they obtain their hallowed armament either from their journey through their destiny or other ways as well."

Katie looked at her sword and rubbed the back of her head laughing like an airhead.

"Hihihi, oh yeah I totally forgot... by the way the person talking inside my sword- I mean hallowed armament is named Galatea. You can really ask her anything and she can answer in the snap of a finger."

I stared at the sword blinking a few times in disbelief.

"That's fucking insane... a talking sword?"

Akira sighed from behind and continued walking down the edge of the mountain. Now things had cleared up except the thunderstorm raging above us in the sky.

"On your journey to find Makoto and Toshiro I recommend being careful. The thunderstorm above us isn't any natural thunderstorm, the lighting it produces comes from the Celestial Sea, and can conceptually erase you from existence."

Celestial Sea? I had no clue what that was or what Galatea was talking about but it sounded related to the Celestials so I assumed it was dangerous—

"Ah... alright then, I'll keep a look out for that."

I followed behind Akira again, both me and Katie. Looking over at Katie and whistling, I could finally notice her facial features without the raging snowstorm... she seemed... very pretty? I even blushed just looking at her gorgeous face.

Damn what was I thinking!? I got no chance at that, no chance at all. I crossed the line trying to think about love when I'm here for another reason...

"There they are! Makoto, Toshiro!"

Akira called out their names in the distance. I could see two bodies laying on the ground unconscious and limp, Akira was over there in a few seconds while Katie had already been near them holding a girl—

"M-Makoto answer me! Makoto wake up!"

Katie held onto this Makoto person, the other on the ground I assumed was Toshiro as Akira grasped onto his body picking him up.

"They seemed to be struck by the lighting of this mountain."

I could hear from a distance as I made my way closer. Struck by lightning? Galatea had said it loud and clear, even after saying the lightning could conceptually erase you. So were they dead—?


*Cough, cough* Both Toshiro and Makoto awoken now.


The girl spoke first, and I looked at Toshiro who slowly started to open his eyes...


It looked like they managed to survive...?

"Makoto are you okay? What happened? Why were you two laying flat out the ground... I-I thought something horrible had happened to you! I can't afford to lose you!"

...I see now. Katie and Makoto were close in that type of way. Toshiro and Akira seemed the same way but more in a brotherly fashion.

"Toshiro explain to us what happened. Were you two attacked?"

Toshiro grunted and slowly gotten out of Akira's arms.

"Heh... attacked? Kinda. We were bombarded by a consecutive array of lightning from the sky, constantly killing me and Makoto... honestly this place is harsh. I don't know if I could've taken anymore attacks but I'm glad you both came..."

He says it like it's casual? You both literally died and yet you remain so calm...?

"I had to use Enigma to ward of some of the lightning as Makoto used her eyes of Yin to guard me as well. We managed to get pretty far but we were underneath a dangerous cloud that emitted the most lightning. I'm not sure myself but I guess it's bad luck...?"

Makoto turned to face Toshiro with a worn-out smile upon her face.

"We made a great team, I'm glad we were in on it together Toshiro."

To be conceptually killed multiple times and brought back to life... and act so neutral about it? These guys were on another level...

"Hey who the hell stopped the snowstorm?"

I knew that voice... turning around I could see Haruo who finally decided to join us.

"Oh you found them. Good job I guess? Well it didn't take long, but on more important matters how do we get home?"

This guy was getting on my nerves... he was always casual about things and seemed to give no fucks about other peoples feelings. Haruo was it? I need to keep an eye on this guy...