Chapter 32: Seth vs Haruo Pt1


I would just let it slide and watch him, but they casually let him get away with an attitude like that? It wouldn't slide for me. I walked up to Haruo, this bastard pushed me to my edge, standing in front of him I was angry...

"Can you do anything else but act like an piece of shit? Aren't they with you? How about you help a little bit instead of acting like you're the big and bad man."

I was face to face with him, we were about the same damn height. At that moment I held myself back from punching him right into the face.


His reply was simple to me. It was actually so vague I decided to land the first blow against his stupid fucking face.

"How about you fucking help us?!!"

My fist collided straight into his cheek, however he didn't even budge— instead my entire hand had broken, down to the bone.

"Ngh... agh...!"

I backed up some and held my wrist which was broken out of place, causing my hand to be useless, however it regenerated soon after, going back into place and having the bone re-fix itself inside my arm.

"What the... hell?"

Of course I was confused. I landed a solid blow to his face which should've knocked him to the ground, but he was still standing.

"Let me show you how to throw a real punch shithead."

Soon as I heard those words I was already in the air...? No... I was in the sky...? My entire body flew upwards from an uppercut he dished out, breaking my entire jaw. He was just as fast as Katie, being able to move on par with her speed…

All these guys were equal in terms of their strength and speed, however that's what I assumed—


Adrenaline pumped through my veins, I would grow wings from my back. Looks like this trench coat isn't for show at all.


In a fit of rage I came soaring from the sky like a bird, tackling him straight into his abdomen and sweeping him off his feet. I flew us straight upwards into the Conceptual Thunderstorm, about to rid of this bastard from full rage and adrenaline pumping through me.

"Y-You crazy little shit, you wanna die?"

He elbowed me into the face which hurt like hell, it was enough to break my cheekbone but I still held on and flung him straight into the thunderstorm and pass the gray clouds.

"Uhhh hey, shouldn't we stop them?"

Katie spoke from down below as she talked to Akira, Makoto, and Toshiro.

"It looks like it's their fight, we should stay out of it for now unless it gets too out of hand."

Makoto replied as she gotten out of Katie arms, and resting on her feet.

"Something like that can't Kill Haruo, don't forget we're all the same. We're Prophecy children, are we not?"

Toshiro replied.

"How about you apologize you jerk? Apologize for-"

I was interrupted to see Haruo slowly levitating down from the gray clouds with only minor injuries.

"Ouch, looks like that thunderstorm did kill me after all. I gotta give it to yah, I didn't see that coming. You fight smart kid, however you are way outta your league."

Haruo would extend his arm to the side.

"Is he really going that far? Haruo is going to use his Benoyin...?"

Akira looked up at the fight watching this as the others did too.

I was confused to what was happening. I could hear what Akira said below but I didn't exactly know what a Benoyin was—

"Now, Benoyin."

An dark coating of aura surrounded in his hand and formed the shape of a broadsword.

"Death Apostle — Dead Edge."


"W-What the hell is that...!? His blade is... more powerful than Dàinsleif? It's aura alone is... making me feel off—"

I couldn't even stare at the blade without feeling a malice that made me want to run.

"What? You feel like running? Let me guess, you don't even know what a Benoyin is, do you?"


A Benoyin can only be manifested from Mavericks; mavericks are Origin users who obtained their origins and connect with the Unraveled World, losing their history and are unbound by Causality itself, transcending it entirely. A Benoyin is only obtainable once a Maverick creates a bond with their Origin, granting them the power to bring their desires into reality in stages of transcendence. These stages can be represented as weapons to even abilities. The stages are: Benoyin, Kumpara, Kaichi, and Taihō, the last and final stage of a Benoyin. As of now Haruo was only using the first stage of his own desire.

This was an ability reliant on his Right arm — death apostle summoning a powerful large broadsword that was forged from him alone. This Benoyin was able to construct large energy attacks created from negative emotions such as madness, despair, sadness, and misery, hell, chaos, would all be one, as well as being a destructive force against ones foe to a point where they can harm or even shatter ones will. Of course that being said, it has many useful mechanics to the sword, that being the blade can strikes one's trauma.

However there are always downsides to the blade once it does form into reality. The broadsword fuels itself from either the users emotions or others allowing it to fire the beams of energy, so it would be a double edge sword for his opponent or himself.

The blade can drain a lot of his emotions so it would be cautious to not overuse his own trauma-force which could make him exhausted for awhile. The blade itself once manifested is heavy, weighing more than that of a universe and it's entire space-time continuum, so his speed is dimmed down slightly once using it, due to the weight of its existence.


"What is it bastard? You feel like you losing your will already just from Dead Edge? Hah! You don't even have a Benoyin, you are no match for me."

From Haruo all it took was a simple swing from his blade; a crescent of energy came forth from its tip, hurdling towards Seth.

Seth tried to move out of its way but ended up being caught inside of its attack, thus hurdling towards the ground along with it. However he used Dàinsleif to clash with it as he fell.

"Grrrggh... haaaaaaa!!!"

Blood came from Seth's nose and his mouth as his teeth clenched together. He tried to fight against this attack but he was no match for it — just how could he win?


He crashed into the ground with the crescent of energy weighing him down, and this was only one?

"H-How is it so powerful... I-I... can't Win!

His fingernails were chipped off, his neck was being burned from the energy alone. Seth was now starting to lose his will to fight—

"My will... to fight... is no more..."

Seth gave up on his weapon and the explosion from the chaotic energy had detonated, blowing up the entire surrounding area and part of the mountain, creating a sphere of hellish energy.

"I-I don't think Seth could've survived that—"

Toshiro spoke in the background before casting a barrier around him, Akira, Makoto, and Katie.

"Enigma Barrier!"

The barrier protected them from the explosion of chaotic energy coming their way. If they were so much as even hit by it, then their wills would be affected as well.

"This is getting ridiculous!"

Katie yelled at the others, knowing this battle was even damaging the mountain of the gods.