Chapter 33: Seth vs Haruo Pt2


*Kaboom* the echo of destruction would sing upon the Mountain of the Gods, Seth was no more, he was killed and nothing else was left of his body at first glance.

"Tsk, looked like I killed him, he couldn't handle the attack from Dead Edge—"

It was indeed a sight to feel hopeless in, but Seth wasn't alone in this battle. One may call her a savior and one may call her a joke, but in the end she appeared, saving Seth from imminent death.

Haruo was blasted back from a white divine energy, hurdling him off the mountain.


That was right, providence saved him but in a particular way that shocked Seth himself.

"Seth... are you okay?"

She was much taller, actually she wasn't in the size of a fairy anymore but much bigger.

Her snow-white hair wavered in the wind, her black sleeveless-dress had been shredded and torn apart on certain areas, she damaged herself in an attempt to save her closest ally.

"Providence... you're hurt— what do you think you're doin-"

"Quiet, Child of Mortality. Have you forgotten? I'm the one who's destined to guide you and make sure you complete your goal! I will not let you die, no matter the cost!"

Her arm was dripping with blood, her neck riddled in bruises and scars. Her lip had trickles of the same blood pouring down, she was badly injured, ever than before.


A voice was heard but no one could hear it. The voice was as if Seth's Origin, Cala had spoken.

"You are always protecting me..."

Seth was in Providence Grasp as she held onto him in one arm, but then she fell unconscious, they both fell down to the cold icy ground below.

"And you're always trying to be ahead of me, to make sure I'm okay...."


"I'm so sorry Providence... I'm sorry that I'm weak to the point where I put you in danger... I'm... so sorry..."

They both collided upon the ground, Providence laid next to him bloody and battered up.

"You saved me twice... you given me Dàinsleif from meeting Pendragon... y-you even risked your life fighting the Devil contractors, while I couldn't do a thing..."

Seth was next to Providence on his hands and knees as she laid on her back. His fists would ball up hard enough until his nails dug into his skin, drawing blood.

"I couldn't even... catch you once the seal to the mountain of gods opened... I am... so... goddamn... weak..."

It was as if Seth had flashbacks from all the times Providence was there for him, always looking out and making sure he was in safe hands. It was her duty? He didn't care for that. He just wanted her to be safe more than ever, and yet—

"And yet... here you are now... laying battered and bruised from saving me once more."

Tears trailed from his eyes as his fist balled up in the snow underneath him even tighter.

"Provy... I'm sorry... so just sit tight, I'm gonna do this on my own... do you hear me?"




It was a yell of a new beginning, of a new era. Seth would transcend himself once more into a new height, obtaining the final piece to where he could finally become a true Hero like the rest of them around him.

The bright light around Seth had illuminated across the entire Mountain of Gods and now gently went down.

A Red jacket was shown, his white hair remained the same with a black cape hanging down his pants rather his back, one glove was shown on the other hand with a device on it, similar to a sort of system? And yet it was—

"Copy System: Trauma-Force"

Ah yes indeed — Once the bright light cleared away, Seth would finally show his new appearance and final evolution.

Haruo who had been thrown out of the mountains range had came back, this time having Dead-Edge coated in his dark energy.


He swung Dead Edge from above and would collide it upon Seth, who also managed to counter the blade, and the Trauma-Force energy that could drain his will.


Seth held Dàinsleif inside of his hand, connecting with the blow of Dead Edge. Upon collision, the area around them blew apart and a crater formed underneath in several layers, however Providence seemed to be protected in some small barrier of divine energy, keeping her safe.

"Little shit, you managed to copy the Trauma-Force energy?"

"I'm not losing this time, I'll make sure I won't. I'll show Providence why I don't need her protecting me all the time, this isn't for you being a jerk anymore but more personal!"

Haruo risen an eyebrow.

"What the hell are you going on about?"

Seth had managed to kick Haruo straight into his gut and would then throw a right punch to his face, sliding him back a few feet.


Haruo was in obvious pain from the attacks, but countered with his own, sending Dead Edge slicing right at Seth's chest which was countered again by Dàinsleif.

"Damn... so you powered up stronger than before- Heh, this should be some fun!"

"I haven't even used my Benoyin yet."

Haruo looked confused.

"Then what's up with that new getup!? Isn't that your Benoyin?!"

Seth and Haruo had both created their own raging thunderstorm, from their own power at this point.

"Why ask me, you should know more about heroes than I do?"

Seth would activate his Benoyin now which not only shocked Haruo but even the others—

"Benoyin: Ultimate Energy — Genesis"

The unexpected had now happened. Seth's power from his Benoyin revolves around creating an Ultimate energy in the shape of a sphere which always hovers beside him at all times. Using this Ultimate Energy, it passively acts to Seth's will, allowing him to coat his weapons and even body in the energy. This is the true manifestation of Seth Genesis power to battle... and to even Destroy others Benoyins. Its power was unmatched. It could eliminate all of the stars in the night sky and annihilate everything in the Normal world of reality.


As of now Seth had completely rid of Haruo's stages of transcendence, also known as his Benoyins. All it took from Seth to do this was by coating the Genesis Energy around Dàinsleif, departing Haruo from his other abilities and forms of power via Dàinsleif effects to deny phenomena combined with Genesis energy.

"What's going on...?"

Haruo at first was confused to what just happened to his abilities, losing Dead Edge within his hand now.

"You bastard... you-"

Seth would slash Dàinsleif across Haruo's chest which drawn his blood and even destroyed his Origin in the unraveled world.

Haruo as of now was dead, his body laying on the ground. He was unable to come back from his death which seemed impossible, however with Dàinsleif it denied the phenomena of Haruo ever coming back, keeping him stripped away from this world.


Katie was in the back seeing Haruo stripped away from his life and his concept. They all were shocked, all of them were in disbelief that he had been killed.

They all been through something, yes that was the case. But so has Seth.


Toshiro had the Enigma barrier vanish, his eyes full of tears seeing Haruo laying upon the ground, unable to come back once again.

"I reached the first stage of Benoyin, and was much more powerful than you. Haruo, you were a cocky bastard, didn't that teach you your lesson?"

Toshiro ran forward unsheathing his weapon.


He muttered under his voice, prepared to even kill Seth.

"Toshiro don't get any closer! Are you a madman?!"

Once Toshiro entered Seth's vicinity his power was stripped, and so was his Benoyin.


Toshiro was in shock from the sudden occurrence, however Akira managed to take him away.


Using Usurper, the ability allowed for Akira to truly heighten himself to his peak, grasping this through the means of absolute mimicry no matter how impossible Akira is able to copy first and secondary skills of people with Usurper.

Usually he is only able to copy fighting styles and identity, but Usurper takes this to new heights and even mimics abilities on their first appearance, be it directed to him or other opponents. It takes from all and not just techniques but is capable of even mimicking inanimate targets. Weapon or not, with Usurper, Akira is only required sight and understanding of the object taking, note of its structure and material composition before finally projecting a copy of it, though its deemed inferior there is no rule that says a fake can't surpass the real.

They aren't permanently formed and are more so always temporary, the process is divided into 7 steps:

Judging the concept of creation.

Hypothesizing the basic structure.

Duplicating the composition material.

Imitating the skill of its making.

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth.

Reproducing the accumulated years.

Excelling every manufacturing process.

He copied and simply created other versions of himself, all managing to pull Toshiro out of the radius from Seth's Benoyin.

"Toshiro, you can't run in reckless. Right now it's just not Seth in a bad situation but us all."

Toshiro was placed on the ground in front of Akira. He walked pass Toshiro and took a few more steps towards Seth.

"Seth, do you mind turning off your Benoyin? If it lasts any longer then not only we will be in trouble but you as we—"

Akira was stopped mid-sentence as his eyes widened.

"I already finished the battle, so of course I can turn it off. It's not like he's dead forever, as I said before, Dàinsleif can deny phenomena, so I'll just bring him back to life—"

A fist connected right into Seth's cheek, punching him forward and straight into Akira. He toppled onto him, feeling the enormous force from the blow, nearly crippling his body—

"Hahahaaha... Hahahahahahaha! You honestly believed it was the end of our fight? Kakaka... Kukukuhahahaha!

It wasn't Haruo but another voice entirely-