Chapter 34: Arrival of the Divines


"You are not Haruo, who are you?"

Makoto spoke in the background of this entire situation, grasping the katana from her sheathe.

"Who, meeee? I'm Zankoku. I've been part of Haruo's life for so very long! If he was fighting serious than this boy Seth Genesis wouldn't have a chance against him. But I suppose I'll take over and do the honors, how does that sound?"

Toshiro glared at Zankoku, the entity taking over Haruo...

"I know of her. She's evil, she purposely manipulates Haruo and can interact with him through his dreams, driving him to wanting to cause more rage and chaos among the world. She's full evil, an entity like her is too strong. Perhaps stronger than all of us combined..."

"Get out of my head Zankoku... I-I don't need you here right now!"

It was once a distorted females voice to Haruo's which came in, trying to force Zankoku out of him—

"This... isn't your battle you damn bastard! Leave me alone! Get out of me!"

Katie blinked a few times trying to process what was happening—

"Wait, how is Haruo back alive? Wasn't he killed off from Dàinsleif?"

Well that was true, almost everyone forgot that for a moment. He was killed from Dàinsleif yet was back in the flesh, talking once again and functioning like the same old Haruo.

"N-No, you are doing this to me Haruo? You know I'm the one who brought you back to life! I'm the one who saved you when you died! Perhaps Xen is the one that needs to talk some sense into you since your father Shiroi had never done it before! I'm just here trying to help you— AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

An bloodcurdling scream was being emitted from Zankoku as her head tilted upwards, still in Haruo's body.

It was the clash between two entities trying to take control over one vessel, and surprisingly enough Haruo was the one able to suppress her.

"Sigh... I didn't need her help..."

Haruo fell down and was knocked unconscious as if he drained himself to the absolute limit.


"Stay here, I'll check upon him."

Akira made his way over towards his unconscious friend, leaning down and placing his hand upon his head, slowly moving it to the chest.

"Ah... he's managing, just barely. I can feel his origin in unraveled world, it's still hanging on and alive."

Toshiro as of now was on top of Seth staring him into the eyes...

"I-I... uhhh??"

To make matters worse Toshiro had an odd appearance of a female, you could easily mistake him as one. Body, to face, and even his voice.

"Give me it..."

Seth's face lit up with a blush...

"What?!! Whatttt?!!"

"Give it here!"

Toshiro was angry, grabbing onto Seth's collar and shaking him back and forth, slamming his head into the ground each time.

"Give me my Benoyins back!"

Seth was already drained as well from the battle, him moving up and down, and slamming upon the ground each time. Blood was comedically being drawn from Seth'a head as he collided with the snowy ground underneath him.

"I need it back!"

"Man... my mind is always in the gutter, I completely thought you meant something different-"

Seth spoke out loud in regret...

"Woah didn't know you swung that way."

Seth turned to look at Katie and so did Toshiro.

"Wait, what do you mean— HOLD ON!"

Seth instantly crawled back and outside of Toshiro's grasp.

"I just now got it! Alright, alright I'll fix my problems. Man... today is gonna be a long day..."



Things were horrible as they were now but I fixed it all. Katie she was so interested in Dàinsleif and what it could do, considering the fact that it denied any phenomena and changed things the way I wanted.

I denied the phenomena of me taking away Toshiro's and Haruo's power, thus it returned back to them in a instant.

Everything was settling down just slowly. Toshiro was happy with his regaining of abilities, as Makoto and Katie were sitting by themselves hugging one another. Providence had magically shrunk back down again and was the size of a fairy again, resting upon my lap, still unconscious.

Akira took care of Haruo, and made sure he was patched up and taken care of.

We could all settle down and finally rest for once, knowing the battle me and Haruo had could be talked out, and worked around.

I honestly felt regret, but at the same time I was also happy that they still accepted me as part of their group.

"We destroyed sections of the mountains... isn't that a bad thing!? Considering that the mountain itself is created by the gods for a specific reason?"

I asked them all but I should've been the one to know this more than anyone, however I didn't.

"We should be asking you that Seth. You seriously don't know about your own history and history of the mountain?"

Well Katie made me feel like shit. I never paid attention to history and other lessons on this mythical mountain...

"I have no clue about it, but we damaged it which is said to be impossible. Even Origin users in the past couldn't damage the mountain from what I heard by Lady Aurora."

Toshiro would be sitting on one of the large rocks that blown up from the ground by me and Haruo's fight.

"Well that's Origin users, not Benoyin users. They're two different things you know?"

Ah... well, Toshiro had a point. I never heard of a benoyin until now. Actually that made sense, Benoyins were rare I assumed, so I was probably the only one who had it in my timeline.

"I guess so."

I smiled afterwards and gently rubbed Providence's head with my finger. We all could relax, that's how I wanted it to be... but life wasn't fair at all. A voice from above had disturbed us all, as we shook in our core.

"You foooolssss!!!!"

The voices sounded in sync. Fear struck my body as it struck the others as well.... Slowly looking up into the sky, we had seen multiple- no...- hundreds of Celestials gathered together.

They all had arrived, their weapons in their hands and everything. It felt like I stared death itself in the face...

"The Celestials...?"