Chapter 35: Abel’s Destiny


The Legendary Spirit of Destiny, I was standing before her presence with Adana who was right next to me. She waited for me, for so long. A purpose I had to fulfill, she wanted me to fulfill that purpose.

I was concerned on what prophecy she was going to speak of, however I prepared to hear the worst of it all.

"Abel Genesis, your destiny is quite simple. You have been brought here in order to defeat your brother Cain. Do you see? Your brother Cain is not only a threat to the Mortal World, but even the Spirit World."

She stretched out her arms towards me now. She looked more human than I imagined once I could see her smooth pale skin, topped off with her clothing of an black cloth, made from fabric as soft as silk.

I walked towards her and would gently place my hands upon her palms, looking down at her with an gentle smile. For some reason her presence made me feel safe—

"Listen well, if your brother destroys magic, it will disrupt this world and change everything as we know it. There is something called Concepts that I must talk to you about, in order for you to understand. Please, sit down next to me."

She gently pulled me over and to the edge of her bed, forcing me to sit upon it and right next to her.

"Lady Adana, if you do not mind, may you close the door?"

Her gentle voice was directed towards Adana. And just like me, Adana would smile before gently shutting the door from behind her.

"There are things known as Concepts in this world, and they govern over reality. Us spirits represent certain concepts, we are deemed as the lower concepts, in most cases. However there are important Spirits that embodies other certain concepts like the spirit of magic, who exists here. If the spirit of magic were to die, then magic would cease to exist forever."

The Legendary spirit would face me, half of her face covered over by the hooded-black cloth she wore.

"Sometimes we embody theories, sometimes we embody rumors and legends, to mass desires. It all depends on what the Mortals in the human world does and how they create us. However Celestials can also create us through rumors as well, thus we are also able to come from the God's desires and theories."

The Spirit of Destiny faced in front of herself staring at the mirror.

"It is true that we embody concepts, however our embodiment pales in comparison to an Celestial's embodiment. Our concepts is lower to their concepts, except those such as the Legendary Spirits who's existence is on par with that of an Celestial."

She gently grasped my hand and squeezed it.

"Do you understand now? Magic is a legendary spirit, they exist here governing over reality with their existence. If the spirit named magic dies, then magic in all of reality would die with it. Cain, your brother, wishes to destroy magic to fulfill his goal, and he is here right now, as I speak."


My face lit up. Cain was here right now, in the spirit world? Just what happened when I was dead? What power did Cain receive to traverse over into the world of the spirits?

"How...? How is Cain here?"

The Legendary Spirit beside me would gently bow her head, as if she was thinking of a bad memory.

"Cain has managed to gain control and power over the Spirit Bloody Mary."

I would hear her tone of voice change into a more saddened expression of words. Looking over at Adana, I also noticed her face light up with another expression, of shock.

"You mean to tell me, someone has managed to receive Bloody Mary? The Legendary Spirit of Chaos and Destruction!?"

Hearing those words, I instantly knew how powerful Bloody Mary was. If spirits were born from theories, mass desires and rumors, then Bloody Mary had to be one of the strongest of Spirits.

A spirit that governed over destruction and chaos, what happens if you kill something such as that? Wouldn't destruction and chaos no longer exist?

"Then... what happens if one were to kill Bloody Mary? Would chaos and destruction cease to exist?"

The spirit of destiny shook her head side to side.

"Nay. Heroes have the power to kill conceptual life forms such as us spirits, and still have their concept to remain in reality. However for Cain he merely wishes to rid of the concept of magic entirely."

Then... how do I become a Hero exactly? I heard of this hero from her, but yet had no clue on how to obtain it.

"I wish to become a hero for the worlds sake, and for the sake of you all. If my brother is doing all of this then I'm assuming it's his destiny. But if that's the case then it is my destiny to stop him as well. We will collide in our battle."

I would stand up and ball up my fist, motivation was surrounding my body.

"Cain was the one to bring me here, since he was the one who killed me, my own flesh and blood. When I died I couldn't blame him, I wasn't the same brother anymore... I was soulless... but now? Now I'm going to be that same brother he loved, and stop him for the greater good, showing him that what he's doing is just unnecessary! If I wish to do this, then I must become a Hero, the greatest one this world has ever seen."

Adana crossed her arms looking over at me.

"I just met you an day, and you're already growing on me Abel. Fufufu~! I can see you're motivated as ever!"

Adana would make me blush. Hearing those words did make me smile soon after, rubbing the back of my head.

"W-Well I guess it's my dads blood inside of me that makes me like this."


"Heheh... very well, Abel."

The Legendary Spirit would get up from the bed.

"Call me Destiny, from now on I'll be your guide in this world, and to save the world. I destiny have introduced you to your prophecy. To become a hero, you must discover your prophecy and your true meaning in life, and accept your destiny even if it's bad or good. Abel, you have accepted your destiny, therefore—"

She would gently raise her arm and touch in the middle of my forehead with her finger.

"You may awaken into a new light."

Soon as her finger touched my forehead and I heard her gentle voice, my body would undergo a drastic change.

I felt my consciousness slip away and disappear from my body. My consciousness, or perhaps my soul would transcend into a new world. I was falling through an endless vortex of Red and Black, eventually ending up in another reality.

I couldn't scream, I felt there was no need to do such a thing. I was now standing in the middle of a large area, similar to the village on planet Adana that me and Adana arrived in.

"Everything looks like the village I was in, on planet Adana...? But it's all... red? And different-"

I turned around and would notice a creature stomping towards me, the ground shook and even rocked me—

"What... is that...?"

I was in disbelief at first, but once it made its way over at me, it slowly leaned its head down.

"It's a... Celestial Dragon?"

I looked up at it, and felt it breathe on me through its nostrils, steam even coming out from it.

"No... I am you, Abel Genesis. As we speak right now, I am your Origin. You have now awoken me through meeting Destiny, for she force-awoken your Origin, bringing me to life."

The Large Dragon would raise its head.

"Call me Leba, the other side of Abel Genesis that exists on the side of True Reality. We will be together from now on Abel, and I hope you can accept me as you, just as I accept you as me."

Leba...? True Reality? Just from an assumption, I felt like I already knew what true reality was.

This place was actual reality, hidden away from normal reality, only being accessible through acquiring your Origin. This was amazing me, second by second. Giving a thumbs up at Leba, I smiled.

"Yeah! Alright Leba, let's do our best together. Just talking to you, it feels like I've known you all my life, I'm guessing that's because you're just me, isn't it?"

I felt a pair of hands gently rest upon my shoulders now, forcing me to turn around.

"Indeed Abel, you are correct. Leba has been with you ever since you were born into this world. Everyone has an Origin, and Leba is yours. After you awoken him, your amalgamation vanished from reality, and replacing itself with your Awoken Origin instead."

I was confused how Destiny managed to come here, not knowing how this thing worked, but what she spoke of I slowly started to understand more, and more.

"I see. I wish to have you working with me Leba, so we can fulfill our destiny."

Leba would stand up on his two hind-legs of a dragon, flapping his wings about.

"Amazinggggggg!!! Aaaahahaahahahahaaha! We are reunited!"

I backed up some from the sudden shout he done, roaring into the sky like a lunatic... sheesh.

"He sees a enthusiastic as ever, you have an interesting Origin, Abel. I performed Link to arrive into this world, it costed me most of my Spirit Magic, but in order to return back you must link into normal reality like I linked into true reality, here. For you, you will waste Sin energy doing it, at least half the supply."

"Linking? I'm Assuming I must connect back to my body in normal reality, since I'm a walking soul right now. Alright, sounds simple enough— Link!"

My soul-body would vanish in a instant, returning back to my physical body that existed in Normal reality.

Once upon return, I noticed I had a completely different look than before...