Chapter 36: Spirit Queen Zenobia


Upon my arrival I looked into the mirror and noticed my appearance has changed drastically. I had long dark gray hair with red streaks along the tips held in a low ponytail, a pair of red horns on my head which were sharp as obsidian once I touched them, red claws with scales that reach around his wrist like a dragon, and a red tail. Around my body I wore a long coat over a military uniform, a two-toned red and black scarf, black pants, and black boots.

I looked like an entirely different person than before, but why did I look more like a dragon—

"Why do I look... like a dragon... fused with a human?"

Destiny would gently giggle, placing her hand over her mouth, and walking up to me, poking my horn upon my head.

"What an rare occurrence. Usually when one awakens their Origin they remain the same, but you have fused with your Origin in terms of appearance, becoming half dragon, and half human. It suits your looks."

My jaw was just hanging in shock, glancing over at Adana who was... red in the face?

"Ehh? You got something to say Adana?"

She turned around and crossed her arms.

"N-Nothing at all! Shut up Idiot! Only look at me when I tell you to!"

Huh? What was going on with her...?

"Hey, that was unnecessary!"

Destiny had stood behind me and closed her eyes, a shiny glow around her started to illuminate around her body.

"As of now, I will be your weapon Abel. May you use me as you please, and fulfill your Prophecy. Use me and I will do my best in order to help you along your journey. You have transformed into a Hero, and awoken your Origin from me. Now I will become your blade, as we will be one."

My pupils turned to the side to face Destiny.

"You are going to great lengths, putting your trust into me Destiny. I suppose this makes me happy... I can't let you down."

As the illuminating glow around her body gotten brighter, she would shape-shift, and turn into a blade which I grasped with my hand as it hovered in the air. It's design, beautiful as was her voice.

The Metal on the blade was golden, and the hilt very sharp at its edge with a rigged design upon it.

"I'll do my best."

I turn to the side to face Adana again.

"Alright, I'm sure you heard everything Adana, can you take me back? Back to the Spirit World and off this planet."

Adana was still facing the other way, however she wasn't red-hot in the face this time.

"To think you came here, and destroyed the Celestial Dragon I rode... and arrived into the Spirit world by death, and in some murder... I was just calling you lucky this entire time, but to realize you are a Prophecy Child...?"

Adana would glance back over to me.

"Ever since I was a child, I heard stories of Prophecy Children— actually my mother Zenobia was one, and it was her Prophecy to defeat the Grim Reaper and save the world of Spirits. I just never told you that... so I'm sorry... but now, I trust you more than ever. For me to accompany you in your journey, I'll do my best, Abel!"

Her speech, her tone of voice, her posture, it all changed. Right now, I could even tell that she was prepared to risk her life, in order to work side by side with me.

"You are brave Adana, that's the perfect Partner I need. From here on out, my life is in your hands, as yours is in mine."

Adana's cheeks lit up with a blush. It was an blush of a child excited to hear their hero talking to them.



The destruction of countries were already here, a being reducing the spirit villages to ash and even killing the Legendary Spirits with an unknown entity. This was the man feared as Cain, the most evil child of Prophecy.

"....Give me your word, Spirit of fire, Vulcan. Can I trust this plan to work for the better of the Spirits?"

The Spirit Queen Zenobia uttered these words whilst sitting on her throne with her arms crossed.

"Yes, Queen Zenobia. The Legendary Spirits can activate the Akashic Records in order to stop Cain from destroying anymore Spirit villages, and Spirit forests once we acquire an absurd amount of energy!"

Standing next to Vulcan, the spirit of fire, was Boreas, the spirit of ice.

"Tell me, Boreas, how do you feel about this? As of now only Vulcan spoke his thoughts, but you have been quiet."

Boreas was a gorgeous spirit, though shy, she remained calm and collected at all times, while Vulcan remained fierce and ready at all times.

"T-To activate the Akashic Records, it would take nearly every Legendary Spirit we have in the Spirit world in order to activate it... while for you Queen Zenobia, it would only take a pint of your power."

Zenobia was on a level far outside that of the Legendary Spirits; she was above every spirit here, from once being a Prophecy child, she defeated the Grim Reaper after all.

"So are you saying, that I should get involved, Boreas?"

Both the Legendary spirit of fire, and ice looked up at Zenobia with a stern look upon their face.

"Yes, Queen Zenobia!"

Boreas nodded, prepared to face consequences for asking Queen Zenobia to be involved, however the queen didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"Allfather, Zeus, and Odin, the Higher Gods. They all fear me and my power, even the great Error Gilgamesh fears how powerful I am, and yet you ask for me to get involved on activating the Akashic Records, for a child?"

She would place her elbow upon the arm of the throne, resting her cheek upon her balled-up fist.

"Kuhahahahaha! My life hasn't been more interesting in hundreds of years until now!"

Just from a laugh alone Zenobia could tame any beast, it could instill fear into even the strongest Great sage of Mortal Kind, and outright have someone fall for her glorious presence.

"I have yet to move from my throne in many years unless it is to bathe or watch the Spirit Olympics with my daughter Adana, but now I'm being asked to move, in order to handle danger. I am not angry, rather more interested in this situation."

Zenobia slowly risen from her seat.

"Let us be off."


Queen Zenobia, beautiful as ever. Just from a glance any man would fall for her looks; Zenobia, a young looking woman with long blonde hair coupled by a crown and a veil covering her face. She seemingly wore a black dress that exposes her navel and abdomen.

As she exited from her Throne Room and out into the open, everyone bowed in her presence. Her, Boreas, and Vulcan walked down a large flight of stairs, making their way to their destination.

"It seems everyone is in awe to see me once again."

Boreas would giggle, turning to the side and facing her Queen.

"Yes my lady, they haven't seen you in many years. To even enter your Castle, Mythos, they must sign Spirit Contracts which alone is dangerous."

Spirit contracts were contracts a Spirit could force any other life form to sign, in order to do certain things. The contract has rules you must follow, example: If You wish to visit Queen Zenobia, the contract says you mustn't turn away when she speaks to you, you mustn't give any threatening glare, you must wait to speak when she finishes speaking, and you must listen to every order she gives. If you fail these rules then you die, be it legendary spirit or not, however Boreas and Vulcan were an exception, from being the very ones who created the contract.

"I see. Perhaps I'll have to change the contract one day, it is too strict, it's why my daughter is the only one who comes visit me, with the exception of other Legendary Spirits."

As they walked down the large flight of stairs from her castle, they ended up in a long narrow pathway which lead to an open circle in the middle of Zenobia kingdom.

The City known as, Ethos, was built within the walls of Zenobia Kingdom, buildings, towns and villages surrounded this large circle, as it had one specific goal only.

"We are almost there."

Boreas muttered underneath her voice.

"It's been some time since I've seen the circle of the Akashic Records."

Zenobia said, in a gentle tone. They eventually ended up in the large circle which encompassed Three Large runes.

"The Akashic Records, a structure that allows for us to utilize the Destructive Force of any world. I could perhaps even use the Ultimate Void, place where the Outer Gods lay dormant inside."

Zenobia would stretch her hand forward now.

"Once the Akashic Records open, there's no telling if we would be under attack by these hideous creatures, so stay on guard."