Chapter 37: The Akashic Records


The Akashic Records, a system that connected all worlds that existed within Beloveno, the first wheel.

Zenobia specifically was going to use the Ultimate Void, a world that existed far beyond that of the Higher Gods and all.

It's said that Long ago the Outergods were banished by the supremes and sent into the first wheel, which is called Beloveno, as punishment for messing their creation(Beloveno), thus they became an lower existence than the First Gods, also known as the Supremes, by residing within the Supremes own creation now, forever stuck in Beloveno and lowered to a point where they'll never match them again except their archetypes, but even then they're weaker.

The Ultimate Void itself was a place that existed outside of Beloveno before, until the Supremes banished it into Beloveno. The Ultimate Void in itself is an infinite Realm of pure nothingness and chaos that transcends all conceptions of being, size and boundaries, as the genuine and ultimate infinity beyond the mathematics of any Mortal World, Celestial, and even Higher Gods World, of which all of existence underneath it, is nothing but an bubble in a vast ocean, residing beyond the reach of a vast hierarchy of the Celestial realm, and Higher Gods realm.

"Spirit Magic: [Thgil]"

She casted a Rune in front of her in which blasted forth a beam of light straight into the circle they stood upon.

The Circle itself was the Akashic Records, Zenobia purposely building her kingdom around it to show the world of Spirits who ruled this place.

Once the beam of light connected with the Akashic Records, her Spirit Magic was enough to power it, once again giving life to the Akashic Records.

"Incredible, Lady Zenobia just powered the Akashic Records with nothing but a low-grade Spirit Magic Spell..."

Using [Thgil], it was a beam of light, being able to move at light speed and incinerate anything it touches, and purify evil life forms. She powered the entire Akashic Records with nothing more than said spell.

"It would take the full power of an Higher God to power the Akashic Records, and she does it like it's nothing. That is Lady Zenobia for you..."

Vulcan spoke proudly as the other spirits around them were cheering, praising Zenobia for her power alone.

"Honestly, I did nothing to receive praise, but if that's what you want to do, then carry on."

Zenobia would smirk at the other Spirits before the runes inside of the Akashic Records started to swirl clockwise inside of the circle.

"There's many worlds I could Utilize, from the Celestial World, The Higher Gods World, Ohithius, and the Ultimate Void. I could also utilize Babylons realm, a place where Gilgamesh exists, but I do not wish to bother him, or make an enemy out of him, it's pointless."

Zenobia had casted forth a magical rune in front of her; three circles were in the middle of the magical rune that she could move with her fingers.

"Ah…, is this the entire map of Beloveno, the first wheel?"

One of the spirits spoke at the side of her.

"Indeed, it is. As of now, I'll hunt for the Ultimate Void, and see what I can get."


The projected map in front of Zenobia was Beloveno. The structure of this map was a large cogwheel with planet-like structures inside of it; each planet-like structure was actually different realms that existed within Beloveno.

One was the Mortal World, another was Celestial World, another was Ohithius, another was the Ultimate Void, and another was Babylon to other unknown places. The reason they were in the shape of planets were unknown, but many speculated they looked like that to represent infinity in a "Sphere".

Zenobia would use the three circles and connected all of them with a certain realm inside of the map of Beloveno. Once all three circles hovered over a realm she chosen, Zenobia could see inside of the realm and even control certain things inside of it. Zenobia had complete control over Beloveno as a whole, in certain aspects.

"I suppose I will see into the Ultimate Void."

And thus she connected all three circles over the realm of the Ultimate Void, before a large projection of said void shown up onto her map projection.

It was dark, and chaotic as many described it to be, unknown entities flew about inside of it, and existed within said Void, to hideous nightmare fuels of disoriented birds, and creatures who floated within the empty space of this void, having large-mass tentacles, and looked to be a bundle of flesh.

It was a gross sight seeing these entities, but Zenobia has dealt with them before, once she used the Akashic Records in the past.

"Now, connecting the Akashic Record with the Ultimate Void."

The Circle in front of them still had the runes moving clockwise before they stopped, and formed a portal at the top.

"Did Lady Zenobia really connect us with the Ultimate Void?"

Another spirit mumbled behind.

"Everyone stand back. The Ultimate Void is dangerous, there's a black fog it emits and even touching it would be enough to kill you, and drive you to the brink of insanity."

Zenobia would have her projected map of Beloveno vanish before stepping further into the circle.

The Fog could do many things to others; touching the Fog could cause one to lose their memories, emotions, and sense of self, nullify their power, has an effect on causing others to feel sick, even ones as powerful as Zenobia herself, it could prone to rot and decay other's mind, soul, and body, even their concept itself.

The Fog from the Ultimate Void would nullify all resistances to someone, and having them lose their willpower, to even sometimes forcing them to have illusions of themselves dying repeatedly, for eternity. It could do a lot for any poor soul that entered within its vicinity, and yet—

"Lady... Zenobia?"

Boreas called from behind, Zenobia reaching her hand into the portal in front of her, grasping the very fog inside of it, and pulling it out.

"I see. The fog from the Ultimate Void acts like a sort of chaotic energy only the Outergods can use."

She turned around and looked at Vulcan, and Boreas.

"We will use this, in order strengthen the other Spirits, and stop Cain."


After grasping the very fog of from the Ultimate Void of chaos, Zenobia would form a magical barrier around.

"Spirit Magic: [Egnahc]"

Zenobia was the one who actually created Spirit Magic itself after becoming Queen, thus she had total control over it. She would go as far as to change the very structure of the Ultimate Voids fog, manipulating it to have certain aspects to it.

"She's using [Egnahc] on something as powerful as the Fog of the void?"

Vulcan looked in awe at his Majesty.

"I have changed it to be no harm to those of spirits and Half-Spirits. Everyone as of now who uses the Fog from the Ultimate void will not be in harms reach."

One of the Spirits stepped up and spoke.

"L-Lady Zenobia, how did you make that happen...? What did you do?"

The others weren't as brave as to ask the question, but they were just in shock of her power.

"Fumu. Very well, I'll tell you. I used Spirit Magic [Egnahc] to change and manipulate whatever concept I desire or ability I desire. Once I understand something after grasping it, I can change its structure down to even the creator itself. Example, If I grasped onto Boreas Ice attacks, I can use [Egnahc] to manipulate its concept and change it however I want. I could make her ice hot, or do whatever I please. After doing that, her ability entirely will now be what I changed about it, forcing them to use whatever I changed in their arsenal."

They all glanced over at the portal as Zenobia explained her spirit Magic.

"So the entire Ultimate Void's fog is now—"

"Yes, indeed. It is now unable to harm spirits from here on out, so use much as you need and craft weapons out of it, to even armor. It will only last long as the Akashic Record is still running, so make use of it and prepare for battle."

Zenobia walked over and pass Boreas, and Vulcan as the spirits all surrounded the portal, reaching their hands inside of it to test if what she said was true.

"Q-Queen Zenobia, what will we do about Bloody Mary? I'm uncertain that even the Ultimate Void's Fog would do anything to her...?"

Vulcan asked as he walked next to Zenobia, as did Boreas.

"Ah, so Bloody Mary is with him then? Don't worry Vulcan, I'll handle her myself. Bloody Mary is a traitor and will get what she wants by doing what she wants. She's using this boy Cain in order to take over the Spirit world and take my throne. She's been doing this for many years."

Vulcan looked down in thought.

"I-I see. I will put my faith and prayers into you, Queen Zenobia!"

Zenobia walked up the flight of stairs as Vulcan and Boreas stood behind.

"Put the prayers into the Spirit Warriors Vulcan, I don't need it."