The Hierarchy of Beloveno: Explanations Pt2


(As a Parody there's references from other series but in its own originality)


Magic is a source of energy that a great mage by the name of Merlin created. There's a major difference between Magic and Sin Energy. Long ago there was the sorcerer by the name of Merlin who King Arthur defeated. During the 4th century of the world, she decided to finally get rid of the use of Sin energy. She tried her hardest to make a formula and create a new system of energy, however she failed, and thus carried out with plan B, and that was gathering a large group of people and worshipping a nonexistent entity named the Spirit of "Magic". Merlin wanted to create something called magic so thus she called the spirit itself Magic.


Spirits are entities who exist within Beloveno and its structure however apparently it's been known now that Spirits are the living embodiments of mass desires, legends, rumors, fears, hopes, even beliefs. When beliefs become more widespread, a spirit based on them is born. Sometimes people's fear of death leads to the creation of a spirit of death known as the Grim reaper, and other times their faith in Life leads to the creation of an Spirit known as an Angel. People's beliefs is what forms the origin of a spirit; and as a result, spirits will cease to exist when their belief is forgotten. Neither resurrection or any form of method in Beloveno will be able to bring them back. They can also die when contradictions in their legends and rumors arise. Unlike demons and humans, spirits have no concept of reincarnation, though it is possible for a spirit to change its nature if the lore that forms its existence is changed. However, spirits are most influenced by the rumors and traditions that first created them, and contradictions to that can lead to their disappearance. However if a particular rumor doesn't contradict a spirits original lore, it will not cause harm and will be added to the original lore, thus potentially granting new abilities. They are able to serve humans and other entities who learns their chants, spirits come in various sizes, some looks like normal humans while others can be floating eyeballs, other spirits can look like animals and any other creature possible. The spirit world is similar to earth but more 'fantasy-like' in its nature — many spirits have the need to protect Mortals more than anything and would go to great lengths to do it, only if the mortal knows their language and tongue of spirits. These entities were powerful enough to even create Excalibur, the all powerful sword who's sole purpose was to protect Shinshui from virtually any threat that comes in its way, however it was only limited to using its full power in Shinshui as a weakness. Spirits represent certain concepts, deemed as the lower concepts, in most cases. However there are important Spirits that embodies other certain concepts like the spirit of magic, who exists in the Spirit World. If the spirit of magic were to die, then magic would cease to exist forever. The Spirits embodiment pales in comparison to an Celestial's embodiment. Their concepts is lower to Celestial concepts, except those such as the Legendary Spirits who's existence is on par with that of an Celestial.


Half-Spirits are half spirits and another race combined together, they don't have the same physiology as a normal spirit and aren't reliant among human beliefs, desires, and rumors, but are instead immortal, to the point where destroying their Origin cannot even kill them, for they are able to come back even after death. Additionally they can learn Spirit Magic which is only accessible to Spirits, and learn Spirit Tongue faster than other races.


They are spirits that are born from an more influential tradition that is powerful, as their own power reflects that. An example would be the Legendary spirit of Destiny, who is able to change destiny and even predict one's destiny to the level of an Higher God. The Legendary Spirits are on par with the Higher Gods in terms of power, however their Queen still transcends them on every level.


Spirit Magic is a magic created by Zenobia, only accessible to Spirits and Half-Spirits, allowing one to overpower the magic from Mortals, no matter what level of magic they use, Spirit Magic is superior. If the weakest Spirit used their spirit magic, and fought against the strongest mortal who used normal magic, the Spirit Magic would win in terms of power and concept.


Flames of Heaven, also called Heavenly Inferno comes from the very realm of the Higher Gods. The Higher Gods Realm is surrounded by a fire called the Flames of Heaven, its purpose is to keep the Higher Gods realms attached together, and functioning as a source of energy for them.


The Akashic Records was created by the Spirits Long ago after the spirit world was born. It is an structure that is fused with many legendary spirits and their concepts to empower it and make it an unavoidable system. Once it was created in the Spirit world it could access every realm and world inside of Beloveno the first Wheel, giving one complete omniscience over Beloveno and its structure, and even omnipotence to manipulate whatever exists inside of Beloveno.


A Benoyin can only be manifested from Mavericks; mavericks are Origin users who obtained their origins and connect with the Unraveled World, losing their history and are unbound by Causality itself, transcending it entirely. A Benoyin is only obtainable once a Maverick creates a bond with their Origin, granting them the power to bring their desires into reality in stages of transcendence. These stages can be represented as weapons to even abilities. The stages are: Benoyin, Kumpara, Kaichi, and Taihō, the last and final stage of a Benoyin.

Benoyin: The first stage of a desire after a Maverick makes a bond with their Origin in the unraveled world, allowing them to bring their desire out of its "Unsealed" state, transforming the users design and appearance. Depending on their desire it also gives them weapons or new abilities, representing their desires in the form of said weapons abilities or abilities. Activating a Benoyin puts a Maverick on par with a Celestial, and allows for said Maverick to infinitely transcend into the Celestial world, making it a battle of infinite clashes, steady bringing their existence into higher dimensional worlds.

Kumpara: The second stage of a Benoyin, giving them the physiology and existence of an Celestial.

Kaichi: Their desire grows into a much stronger variant than the first stage of their Benoyin, allowing for them topple another Benoyin user in battle from having the stronger desire, and third stage.

Taihō: Taihō allows for one to bring their hidden desires out into reality and create their own Realm, called a celestial realm. Depending on how strong they are, or how strong their desire is, it puts them farther into the Celestial World, deactivating their passive infinite transcendence.


Hallowed Armaments are Holy weapons given to one who awakens into a hero by discovering their destiny. The Armaments can't be destroyed unless the user is destroyed, from being connected to said user, and the same works the other way around for the weapon. The user cannot die unless the weapon is destroyed along with them.


Heroes are rare and only come every hundred years or so, it depends on if the world needs one or not. The existence of heroes is unknown, but it's said that Beloveno, the first wheel of creation itself passively creates a hero on the world every hundred years, in order to bring about balance to concepts, or creations, whether it be to destroy or to create. Whatever the cause of a Hero/Prophecy child is, will always be for the best of Beloveno. A hero can be bad or good, they only exist to be a hero for "Beloveno" and not a hero for their world or another world they care about. If it benefits Beloveno whether you destroy the entire hierarchy of gods, or even the Higher Gods, it won't matter, only as long as It benefits the first wheel Beloveno, it can be done.



The mountain of the gods is said to be the very mountain where the gods sealed Sun Wukong in order to get rid of him for good and stop his outrageous goals, coming from the very source of chaos itself. Wukong is still sealed inside of the mountain, and releases his presence which is known for decaying life, Origins, and souls, Corrupting those who enter the mountain, releasing a chaotic energy which is said to be chaos itself, causing those who enter the mountain to experience it. The Lightning upon the mountain of the gods is said to come from the Celestial Sea, a place where the celestial realms lay dormant inside, having raging thunderstorms that could wipe one out of existence conceptually, and nullify one's power entirely.


Ohithius is a endless void inside of the Wheel of Beloveno. Ohithius is the void where Errors go when their existence gets erased, destroyed, or conceptually denied. It is specifically created by the Supremes since they dislike Errors of their own creation. Concepts such as life and death have no meaning here. This is the "Hell" where Errors go after they die. Errors even like Gilgamesh goes into this realm after death. Powerful enough Errors, and other Higher beings, can send others here when they kill them, only if they're an Error. It may be Hell for Errors, however even weak Errors can regenerate from here and reform as long as they can regain their Memories again, however it is nearly impossible as Ohithius passively destroys one's mind, and concept down to the mere fraction of a atom. Most errors here cannot regenerate back and out of this void, and are forever stuck here. Ohithius is nothing like any realm or dimension, and or any universe Mortals or Gods would normally think of. The realm lies beyond the restrictions of physical space, time, and causality. Such concepts have no meaning there. Ohithius has no limit or real geography, nor is there any actual distance. The entire realm is a giant, metaphysical abstraction that is beyond any parameters of the worlds such as the Higher Gods, Celestials, and Mortals. It is truly infinite. Even trying to use abilities and laws here will not work as this Abstract Void holds nothing but the Origins of the dead for Errors. Ohithius transcends even the natural concepts of "Higher-Dimensions" and other transcendences such as the Higher Gods realm, and has no such restrictions. Even the full extent of the Celestial World contains an impossible myriad of higher dimensions, and above those dimensions is the Higher Gods worlds, while Ohithius is dimensionless and with no physical limits.


The Ultimate Void itself was a place that existed outside of Beloveno before, until the Supremes banished it into Beloveno. The Ultimate Void in itself is an infinite Realm of pure nothingness and chaos that transcends all conceptions of being, size and boundaries, as the genuine and ultimate infinity beyond the mathematics of any Mortal World, Celestial, Higher Gods World, and even Ohithius, of which all of existence underneath it, is nothing but an bubble in a vast ocean, residing beyond the reach of a vast hierarchy of the Celestial realm, and Higher Gods realm.


Long ago during the age of Gilgamesh came a man by the name of Lugalbanda who was Gilgamesh' father. He loved to venture out, them being the first generations of mortals and such, however they were still children of Adam and Eve since their influence by understanding origins and consuming the forbidden fruit still carried out through the world and still blessed mortals with origins they needed to awaken. Lugalbanda used his origin and his Benoyin which embodied his desire 'To find a world no man could ever find', and through this he gained incredible cosmic knowledge and clairvoyance. He once had a dream that their existed a world unknown to mankind, and he went out searching for that world, eventually following his visions, and his sightseeing, he found an ancient temple located off the far regions of Shinshui which at the time was only ran by Urukians of Lugalbanda. Discovering this ancient temple, he remembered some mysterious entity telling him a chant to open it forth and give him guidance to a new world. He changed what he saw in his vision and before his eyes opened a magical plane. The plain of the spirits. According to Lugalbanda, the spirit world is the world or realm inhabited by spirits, both good or evil of various spiritual manifestations, having such an earthly sight but much more of an sight out of a fairy tale. They never seen human life in many years except for Zenobia and Theodora, being mysterious entities who's purpose and existence is unknown, however spending his time inside the spirit world for decades, he came to realize that spirits were entities capable of fighting for humans and blessing them, even being able to be summoned by humans once they learn their language of chants.

In terms of ranks, it will be the following:

1. Ultimate Void/Spirit World

2. Ohithius

3. Babylon

4. The Higher Gods realm

5. The Celestial World

6. The Garden of Eden

7: Purgatory (Unknown)

8. The Mortal World