

Death and destruction to the Spirit world, a melody of chaos, yes, that's what she loved. The bells of end times rung, it was the end to the entire world. The World of the Spirits.

"Kaahahahhahahaha~! It's so beautiful! It's so lovely! Run away and scream in terror as I take your lives away!"

Spirits ran, some fought back. Here in the spirit world there was no other kingdom that existed powerful enough to stop Bloody Mary and Cain's rampage. The only kingdom that could stand in this chaotic rampage was Zenobia Kingdom.

"I have killed many Bloody Mary, and yet there's no sign of the spirit of magic. Just what am I doing? And why are you wasting my time?"

They were standing in the middle of a burning village of spirits, all being set ablaze by fire not from the mortal world but flames of the spirit world.

Spirits naturally were immune to concepts that existed in the human world, and could only be harmed by concepts that existed in their world. If a spirit were to touch flames that existed in the human world it wouldn't do harm, but if it were flames that existed in the Spirit world, it would do the most harm of them all.

"Now now Cain, finding a legendary spirit is difficult you see. Every legendary spirit has their own kingdom and their own territory, right now finding Magic will take quite some time."

Bloody Mary's right eye was completely Blue in color while her left eye is a Red, Swastika in the middle of it. The red eye with said swastika would suddenly glow.

"Bloody Magic: Nullification"

The Swastika in her eye spun around, twisting at high speeds before the flames around the Spirit Village ceased to exist.

Bloody Mary used her own created magic, it being capable of nullifying powers by creating logic which can be used to negate immortalties, non-corporeality, Spirit magic and even more.

Naturally everything is bound by logic, thus manipulating this allows Bloody Mary to nullify any effect she desires in her presence. Her Swastika was capable of nullifying even those who are immune to magic and Nullification itself, such as Legendary spirits.

"You gotten rid of the flames... just what type of magic did you use?"

Cain asked her as he held onto his Hallowed armament.

"Utilizing my own Magic of course. I must tell you Cain, I am a legendary Spirit, but I'm one of the more powerful ones, being able to even stand up to the Queen of Spirits herself. I'm sure she will give us trouble if she manages to cross our path, so do be prepared dear."

Bloody Mary would summon forth a rapier inside of her hands and continued walking down the burnt road of the spirit village, walking over dead bodies of spirits, reduced to ashes and limbs.

"Come, we don't want to keep Magic waiting, now do we? Let's get this over with my dear Hero."


"Reporting in, reporting in! Q-Queen Zenobia, someone would like to have a word with you."

A spirit entered the throne room of Zenobia herself as she sat down with her arms crossed.

"Bring them in."

Footsteps were heard echoing through the massive decorated room, showing a young boy with an odd design making his way forward. Soon enough it was obvious on who this boy was, walking right next to Princess Adana.


A surprising welcoming.

"I can tell you are a Prophecy Child, I can see your origin already."

The same boy stopped in his tracks and looked towards the queen.

"Welcome Abel, Prophecy Child of Vengeance. You've come to meet my presence, why?"

The fact Zenobia knew of him, how was that possible...?

"Queen Zenobia, how do you know of me?"

Zenobia would extend her hand forward, pointing her finger at Abel. Abel felt himself unable to move before all it took was a simple gesture with her finger, pulling him close and up to her face.

"Mother what are you doing?"

Adana quickly ran over towards Zenobia and Abel in worry, knowing how her mother acted in certain situations—

"Mom he isn't what you would think! He's one of the good heroes—"

Zenobia glared at Adana as Abel stood afloat in the air, unable to breathe.

"Gnnkkk... c-can't... move..."

Abel was struggling to break free from her grasp, feeling as if his life was about to end at any moment...

"If you so much as touch my daughter Abel Genesis, I will put you through trials of pain that any man or spirit would never survive to tell the tale. You will go through endless suffering and through the cycle of death endlessly."

She stepped forward after raising from her throne.

"A hero is created by the world Beloveno, the first wheel itself. You heroes are always protected by endless possibilities for you to survive in order to complete your destiny, from Beloveno protecting you, but..."

She would smirk as she stared up at him.

"That doesn't matter to me. I run Beloveno, I run this entire world. If I wanted to strip your title away as a hero then I would've already done it once I read your Origin."

Abel looked in shock, only able to mutter a few words...

"R-Read... maahhh— Orig...in?"

Adana had stopped herself and could only pray for the best...

"Yes, I've read your Origin. Once you walked into my Castle, Mythos, I looked deep down into you and into the unraveled world, reading your information down to the very birth of your existence from Adam and Eve. You've done some terrible things, just for more Sin Energy, to get powerful."

It only took Zenobia but a second to understand Abel and know more about him than he would ever know about himself.

"On your knees."

Abel was now unrestricted by her telekinetic ability, being forced upon his hands and knees in front of the queen.

"Now that you know your place, I want to hear it from you, and from your mouth alone. State your reasoning for coming here."

Abel slowly tried catching his breath as Adana stood right next to him.

"I...want...t-too... get help... on defeating... my brother Cain! That is... my destiny, Queen Zenobia!"


"It's... Princess Katie?"

One of the Celestials in the sky spoke as they all realized what they said.

"Princess Katie? You mean the daughter of Zeus? How were we unable to tell that she was the Princess of Zeus?"

Another Celestial who seemed to be a female with red dark hair sucked her teeth.

"Idiots... it's from her authority. Every Higher God has an authority, and Katie possesses one as well. It allows her to be unaffected from the omniscient, and future reading of a god. But that's only the basics of an Authority..."

They all had realized their position and quickly fell down to their knees, each one surrounding the heroes on the mountain.

"Sigh... another pain in the ass."

Akira whispered underneath his voice.

"I was wondering if they would get to notice who you were. It took some time for it to happen, I was quite worried."

Makoto spoke out loud. For Seth, he was just confused as ever, looking side right side wondering what the hell was going on.


Akira looked over at Seth.

"Don't worry about it, it's a long story."

Seth blinked a few more times trying to process this—

"Katie is making the Celestials bow—"

Seth couldn't help but feel so... weak, and irrelevant?

"Worry not Seth, you have lots to learn. Come here."

Makoto spoke to Seth as she walked over towards him in a gentle pace.

"Your emotions are so ill and tiring, may you rest in my arms a bit?"

Seth looked up at her with a small blush on his face, suddenly overwhelmed by this persons charm... unable to help himself but hug her—

"That's Makoto for you... she's gentle as ever."

Toshiro smiled over at the two before facing the other Celestials, however him and Akira weren't fools, they already had their hands readied upon their weapons in case something were to happen, or an ambush.

"You guys seriously need to take a chill pill."

Katie wasn't talking to the Celestials but rather Akira and Toshiro.

"These guys are under my command, why would they be stupid enough to attack the daughter of— uhhh, who again?"


Galatea responded, still being a talking sword...

"Oh yeah Zeus! Anyways. Celestials, if you don't mind but to hear me out. Every hero was summoned to this Mountain for some unknown reason, so is it possible to bring us back to our own timelines?"

Makoto pulled away from her hug and grasped Seth's hand, cheering him up in a short amount of time...

"That felt weird...? Why do I feel much more relaxed— and why did I even wanna hug you?!??"

Makoto giggled underneath her voice.

"It's only logical to be attracted to a positive force of nature. There isn't anything to be ashamed of, you can call me Musashi Makoto, as of now I'm only an avatar."

Seth was gonna question what she meant but the guy honestly just let it slide—

"We can figure out the situation Princess Katie, however we must deal with another problem. The seal of the mountain has been broken... that means it will be the possible resurrection of Sun Wukong. We must act quickly, that is why we came!"