Chapter 38: Preparation of War


"Fumu. You are a brave young man Abel Genesis, you wish to battle with your brother and even bring yourself among my presence in order to ask for my help?"

Zenobia had walked pass Abel and made her way over towards Adana.

"Adana, for oh so very long you've always dreamed to be a Hero, haven't you?"

Zenobia closed their distance and placed her hands upon her daughters cheeks.

"You've looked up to your mother from her being a hero, long ago. You always wished to be like me, and have the same charm and kingly nature as I, therefore I will grant you the ability, to lead the entirety of Zenobia's Army."

Adana looked up at Zenobia with her eyes separating apart wider than before.

"M-Mother... you will let me lead the Army of Zenobia? I-I don't think I'm—"

"Quiet! I will not have that from my child! You have the courage, and the will to do it! I trust I you more than ever."

Zenobia would take her soft hands from her daughters face.

"They need someone there to guide them, and my own daughter is more than enough for this. I will be fighting against Bloody Mary, one of, if not the strongest spirit of them all, that's why I cannot lead the army while focusing on her in a battle."

Zenobia had walked to the side of Adana and approached the door to outside.

"Adana, Cain, do take care of Zenobia kingdom when I'm gone, and do not lose the battle."

Abel slowly risen from the ground and recovered his breath after panting for so long.

"Why is there an entire set-up against two people?"

The door inside of the castle of Mythos would close, leaving Zenobia on her own from then on out.

"Mother told me that Bloody Mary doesn't fight fair, and would use any tactic she pleases in order to obtain what she wants. Right now we could even be fighting against an entire army of Valkyries who died in the Great War of Ragnarok."

Adana eyes suddenly lit up, as if they had sparkles inside of them.

Resting on the throne was a crown. A beautiful shining crown belonging to that of a Queen, and yet it was left just for her—

"Mothers Crown...?"

Adana approached the throne slowly, seeing the crown up close and off her mothers head was a sight she thought impossible, but yet—

"Mother left it here for me, in order to fulfill what she trusted me for... and that's leading Zenobia kingdom into victory during this war, making sure we all prosper."

Abel would smile, standing behind Adana.

"I'm positive we can do this Adana, your mother is powerful, and an overall genius. She wouldn't give up something so important to another if she didn't trust in them, now would she?"

Adana looked teary eyed in the face, her head bowed. Abel could tell she was crying, a silent cry of joy from being the queens daughter, and receiving the most important artifact in the entire world of spirits...

"You are right Abel... mother wouldn't."

Adana would grab the crown on both ends and hoisted it into the air.

"Like you ask mother, starting today I will be Queen Adana until your return. I will fulfill my duty as queen and ruler, even if it is temporary!"

Adana placed the crown upon her head, it shining in the magnificent light outside of the open windows above them.

"Now we must prepare for battle! Abel, you will be the second in command next to me. Since you are a hero, everyone will look up to you, and trust you with their lives! Are you ready for this?"

Abel noticed a sudden change in Adana spark... as if she was a whole new person, or maybe that crown really brought out her mothers side—

"Ah... I see. I'm ready alright, let's end this once and for all, Adana! My brother won't get what he's come here for, I'll sure of it!"


"The Spirit of Magic, what is he like?"

Cain walked next to Bloody Mary, they were on the pathway heading into the regions of Zenobia Kingdom already.

"Magic is a Legendary Spirit that is always humble and enjoys life. He sees the world as a Priest of God would see the world, all a blessing, and all glorious."

She hung her rapier down to the ground and drug the sword along with her, creating skid marks in the dirt.

"Also, I already know where Magic exists. As of now he is inside of the Zenobia Kingdom, but on Planet Adana. To get there we must infiltrate, but it won't be so easy, so prepare Cain, for an battle of a lifetime—"

Bloody Mary had suddenly stopped speaking; it was as if her voice faded away and echoing from behind him...


Cain looked to his side and couldn't see her anymore... what just happened...? A second ago she was talking clear, and now she was... missing?"


Cain looked around him not noticing where she disappeared to, but soon as he looked upwards he could see a bright shining object skyrocketing up into the sky.

"Is that Mary? Just what's going on?"

Cain himself was already a hero, he's became one long ago after Bloody Mary forcibly awoken his origin and given him his destiny similar to how the spirit of destiny done the same to Abel, awakening them both into heroes.

Cain had awoken his Origin and thus already obtained his ability as an hero, and a new appearance as one as well; Cain appeared to have long flailing red hair down his back that reached his calf's, with an eyepatch, and red- sleeveless colored armor with gauntlets that went up his arms and stopped at his elbow. His features were always feminine, however mistaking him as a female could be one's death, as he tends to hate being called one.

"Cains Eye!"

Cain's eye was an ability which allows Cain to be able to see his target's Sin energy, Magic, and Origin, even if they try to hide it.

"There's two people...? They're going toe to toe with Mary? Who is this person?"


"Aughhhh!! Guhh... byack!"

The sounds alone would sound like someone being stabbed in the chest, making exaggerated noises of pain, and thus it was.

"B-Bitch... you bitch! Zenoooobiaaaaaaa!!!"

Bloody Mary as of now was going toe-to-toe with the Spirit Queen Zenobia, having an entire spear stuck in her chest and multiple other swords.

"Fumu. You've gotten weaker Bloody Mary, has spending time in the Mortal World drain you of your power?"

Bloody Mary as of now took out the spear from her body and chucking it down to the ground from above.

"You wench! You know why I left to the Mortal World, don't act like you're an fool, Zenobia!"

Zenobia was hovering via [Spirit Magic: Thgilf] which allowed the user to fly, and Bloody Mary used the same thing.

"You left into the Mortal World because it's more chaos and destruction there, I know why Bloody Mary. Your existence as a spirit is the embodiment of Chaos and Destruction, thus you migrated over to the human world to be around it more, because those concepts rarely occurred here in the Spirit World."

Zenobia would extend her hand to the side.

"[Spirit Magic: Nopaew]"

[Nopaew] allowed for Zenobia to create weapons from thin air, and give them abilities or enchantments that the user desired, thus she materialized a blade.

"Tsk... so you haven't forgotten? Yes, yes I moved to the Mortal World to be around chaos and destruction, it fueled me with joy, however existing too long in the Mortal World even as a spirit can be life threatening, and can even kill them, it's why I'm weaker than before, however I came back."

Zenobia's eyes would slightly close, annoyed at her response.

"You said you came back, but you've always kept coming back. Each time you came inside the spirit world you would cause trouble and fight against me for the throne, ever since I took it."

The Queen of spirits risen her arm and pointed it at Bloody Mary.

"The weapons I skewered you with will now slowly drain your concept. Using [Nopaew] I manifested blades that are able to drain a spirits concept and Embodiment entirely. You will cease to exist no more in the matter of minutes, Bloody Mary."

Bloody Mary suddenly would smirk as she held her chest, it being unable to heal, blood pouring from her lips.

"Kukuku... over you say, huh Zenobia? Kukuku...bahahaahahaha! Over!?"

Her eye lit in red would spin the swastika clockwise inside of it.

"Bloody Magic: My Divination"

My Divination was Bloody Mary's power to where if she can't imagine something it cannot happen. Bloody Mary is unable to imagine her own death and therefore she cannot die if she cannot imagine it. If she imagined her weapons breaking through something that is said to be impossible to break through, then the outcome of what she imagined would still happen. If one is said to create a concept who's sole purpose was to defeat her, then she would simply imagine the concept being unable to defeat her. With the power she had now, Bloody Mary was unbeatable.


Zenobia noticed the wounds inside of Bloody Mary vanish out of existence.

"You've been holding back?"

Zenobia questioned her, in which Mary replied with an attack.

"Kyaaahahahahaha! You now just noticed?? No matter Zenobia... let us dance..."