Chapter 39: Zenobia vs Bloody Mary


*Kaboom* a life-threatening explosion would scatter upon the sky as many other soon followed after.

Explosions danced in the sky and lit it up, their colors white and red, most of them blue and black. These attacks carried on and on, eventually traveling across the entire Spirit World which is a feat none other could perform but those of the Queens caliber.

The sounds of metal clanked upon each other in the sky as well, and it was just as loud as the explosions themselves.

"A-A battle of this caliber. Bloody Mary is battling with another, causing this much destruction? I see... her enemy forced her into the sky so they could battle there, that's why she vanished from my side—"

Cain gritted his teeth against one another as he gripped his Hallowed Armament.

"That must be one of the strongest spirits, if that's the case, then I'll carry out my plan. Just don't die, Bloody Mary."

The explosions were being manipulated, just one of them were capable of completely eradicating the entire Spirit World, and yet they only stayed in the sky rather touching the ground. Spirits from below watched the battle in awe.

"Kyaaahahaha! Managing to keep up even with My Divination active? How impressive, you are truly worthy to be called a queen Zenobia!!!"

Blood would pour from Zenobia's chest, it splattered and danced in the sky.

"Take this! And this! This, this, this, this, this! This this, this!!! Die you worthless shit! Begone from my sight!"

Jab, jab, jab, jab. Each stab pierced through Zenobia's body and straight through her Origin itself. First in the neck, most in her limbs and the others in her heart...


Bloody Mary spun around and kicked the queen in the face causing the biggest explosion of them all, radiating in white and black.


The kick did manage to push the queen back a few feet however she wiped the blood from her lips, and scoffed.

"I haven't been damaged in a long time. I almost forgot what the concept of pain feels like, so thank you Bloody Mary."

Mary's rapier was covered in blood before she swiped it to the side and licked up the rest of it by driving it across her tongue.

"And I haven't seen the hopeless face of a powerful foe in such a while. Are you afraid, Zenobia!? You are stopping our explosive attacks from carrying out into the ground in order to protect the spirits, however those who live in the sky are already dead."

Bloody Mary's red eye would glow again, the swastika spinning clockwise.

"Bloody Magic: Flipping Table"

In that moment Mary would cast another one of her Bloody Spells, using Flipping which forms a large swastika underneath her and her opponent, being capable of equalizing every stat to that of an opponents speed, strength, and power. Once casting the spell, any damage inflicted upon Bloody Mary will be reflected back to the attacker leaving Bloody Mary completely unscathed.

"You are nothing with your Akashic Records Zenobia."

Zenobia quickly risen her arm.

"[Spirit Magic: Dnib lartsa]"

Blood Mary was now surrounded by an bind which not only binded her but also Zenobia as well due to flipping table being active.

"Huhhh? Oh I see what you're doing. Since you'll damage yourself by attacking me with Flipping table active, you rather bind us together to form a stalemate...? Well, you forgot one thing."

Bloody Mary's expression changed again, she was crazed, bloodlusted even! This battle taking her to newer heights.

"I am the Spirit of Destruction! The ultimate power which everything runs off of! You cannot destroy destruction for I am already destruction itself!"

Bloody Mary broke free from the magical spell through "My Divination", however Zenobia would smile.

"You cannot destroy destruction, but no one has ever said you couldn't stop it."

Bloody Mary would suddenly reverse right back into the Magical spell casted from Zenobia.


Mary gasped to feel herself bound by the same bind again.


"What did... what did you do? What is happening?"

Zenobia was free from the bind, however Bloody Mary wasn't.

"Now, [Spirit Magic: Roetem!]"

Meteors would suddenly come from the astral space up above. Astral space was just the spirit version of space similar to humans version of space, but more complex.

The meteors all slammed into Bloody Mary and carried her down into the ground creating a explosion that carried itself outwards, blowing up mountains, to even creating an entire crater the size of an island.

"[Spirit Magic: Aval!]"

In that same crater lava would suddenly shoot out and into the sky like a massive geyser. Bloody Mary was shown blowing out from the lava, carrying upwards.

"Guhh... what's... happening...?"

Mary was confused as ever, not knowing how she could fail... or how her magic itself was becoming useless?

"Wait... don't tell me...?"

"Fumu. So you've figured it out?"

Bloody Mary's eyes would widen.

"No... it couldn't be... th-that's absurd... that's absurd! You couldn't!!!"

Zenobia would suddenly take the same stance as Bloody Mary.

"Bloody Magic: My Divination."

Mary's eyes looked as if she stared death in the face, watching her own ability taken away from her.

"Just like from the Ultimate Void, using [Egnahc], I can change the concept of whatever I grasp or understand. It only took one touch on your body for me to do this when we were clashing with our blades. Now as we speak, I've managed to change your entire arsenal of abilities, and they all belong to me."

Zenobia flew straight ahead and threw a punch right into Bloody Mary's gut, sending her flying backwards from the raw force alone.

"As of now "My Divination" isn't an Magical ability that allows your imagination to do whatever you please, it's just a simple strength enhancement!"

Zenobia would blow forward even faster than before to send another punch right into Bloody Mary's face.

"I can accelerate my strength to thousands or even trillions of times stronger than it was from before! A simple, strength increasing ability!"

Bloody Mary still being in the bind was bleeding, her eye black and her cheek swollen.

"Everything that you have is now gone and belongs to me!"

Zenobia's speed was enough to make it seem like she teleported right behind Bloody Mary, and raise her leg to perform an Axe kick, striking the Spirit downwards, and forcing her to spiral into the ground, forming another Crater in the already formed crater.

"I... can't lose... to something... like this... you just cannot... defeat me... this way... damnit..."

The spirits Swastika in her eye started to swirl but this time in a different manner.



Zenobia's eyes widened as she stared down at the crater from above, seeing a complete different aura surround Bloody Mary.

"Why did she—"

The bind surrounding Bloody Mary broke, her eyes still having its swastika spin.


Using her Chaos Magic was dangerous enough, it could even eradicate the entire world which is why Bloody Mary always kept it at bay, but now it was active and in its primal state.

"The entire Spirit World is shaking..."

Zenobia looked around her to notice space starting to distort, trees starting to fall, mountains rumbled and broke apart. Zenobia kingdom was under lockdown already, and now this made their matters worse.

"You are willing to destroy the Spirit World and more, in order to defeat me?!"

Bloody Mary's expression remained stern until she finally smiled again.

"Did you think I was going to play fair and calm, Zenobia? Look again at who you are talking to."

Zenobia in a fit of rage vanished from her spot in high speeds again, throwing a right hook straight into Mary's face, however—


The punch didn't affect her at all.


Zenobia was in question to what was happening, unable to understand the situation at hand.

"You are really trying to defeat me when My Divination is active?"


"I changed My divination to a simple strength enhancement, and as I am now, my strength totals your own—"

Mary simply palmed the queen into the chest which sent her flying, crashing through mountains upon mountains, and even through a forest.

"My chaos energy passively destroys logic and manipulates logic. From the laws of the world, to concepts and to even Spirit concepts, once I use my Chaos energy, everything will be destroyed. Everything that harms me that is."

Zenobia had managed to get out from the rubble and slowly approach her way over towards Mary, blood dripping from her head and her expression remaining calm and collected.

"Just from the looks alone, all of reality is crumbling from your power. If you keep your chaos energy up too long, everything will be destroyed Bloody Mary. The throne you wish to rule will even be stripped away from you in a dead world."

Zenobia would exhale from her mouth and stand up firm again, her wounds regenerating.

"Then I'll simply take over the Akashic Records and change everything back, not too hard now, is it?"

Zenobia glared at her.

"Then you leave me with no choice as well, Mary."