Chapter 40: Awaken Sun Wukong


Things with the known heroes on the God Mountain has settled down, and they all came up with an conclusion together, for the better of the world.

They all worked with the Celestials and had planned to seal the mountain again, in return they can go back to their own timeline, in order to live their lives again.

"Just how will we seal him again— ah wait, I have an idea!"

Katie walked over towards Makoto in a quick jog, placing her hand onto her shoulder, she stared at her lover.

"Makoto, If you don't mind, can we use your Enigma once again? You and Toshiro have it, don't you?"

She looked over at Toshiro soon after.

"Will that even work? How will we be sure that Enigma can seal the mountain for good?"

Toshiro questioned Katie and eyed Makoto who was thinking of the best outcome here.

"It could work, I have no doubts about it, but pulling it off may be difficult since I am not in my Celestial Realm."

Seth stood up from the ground after sitting on a boulder.

"No way! A celestial realm? Are you telling me... that you guys are—"

"Celestials?" (All)

Seth was dumbfounded.

"Well... are you?"

Toshiro walked over to Seth and would kick the back of his calf and unsheathe his sword, placing it right into Seth's neck...

"If you ask another stupid question again I'll kill you, however I won't be so kind like Haruo and just use my Benoyin."

Seth looked up slowly to see a disgusted face from Toshiro, malice pouring all out of his body...

"Uh... y-yes, I see. Alright, well I got my answer for sure!"

Toshiro would sheathe his blade back inside of his scabbard, and looked over at the Celestials.

"As things stand now, me and Makoto are the only ones who have a chance on sealing the Mountain. Using Arc or the Swirl isn't necessary, that can stir up some trouble."

Toshiro would grab Seth by the hair and gently lift him up from the ground— well... roughly lift him up.

"Ow, Ow Ow! What's up with the constant abuse Toshiro—"

"Seth, I want you to do me a favor!"

Akira glanced at Toshiro as did Katie and Makoto, however Haruo was still unconscious.

"I need you to be the Guinea pig!"

Toshiro said so in such a calm way, but those same calm words had hate behind them, or rather just eerie vibes.

"What do you need me to do?!?"

Seth gotten out of Toshiro's hand and stepped back a few times.

"I'm gonna test Enigma on you, and I want to see if it manages to seal you like I have planned for sealing Sun Wukong. I've heard stories on him, and frankly I wouldn't enjoy battling against him, so if you don't mind—"

Seth sighed from his mouth, giving a shrug.

"Sigh... if it's for the best then I'm open. Use me however you like, long as it doesn't cause anymore unnecessary chaos."



The Way of the enigma is a universal concept created to be connected to the very concept of a mystery and its individuality. The Way of The Enigma brings one to a greater height after learning its true ability and purpose, and more-so it's a way of life.

Discovering One's enigma is impossible unless awoken. Everyone has a mystery that they do not know about themselves, and yet this ability/technique brings forth that mystery and transforms it into power, and allows them to understand the Enigma style which Makoto herself created to be a universal source through Beloveno through the means of her Celestial body.

The way of Enigma's source exists inside of Jikkai. Jikkai is the realm created from the spirit of Musashi Makoto, the place where swordsmen go after death. Musashi embodying the true nature of a "Blade" allows for her realm to be the resting ground for the swordsmen of legends who had fought and died in battle in the past, present and even extending to them in the future. It grants her the knowledge and understanding of all swordsmen and what they think, how they think, what they do, their morals, goals, everything about their life is engraved into her mind and she loves each and everyone dearly who dies by the blade truly.

The realm is peaceful, the swordsmen who have died and transported upon Jikkai is now able to fight for eternity, train their styles and learn new styles, spend together with each other and make new allies. From how kind Musashi Makoto is, she allows them all to even watch over their family and the mortal world from Jikkai, watching everyone grow and prosper in life.

The swordsmen who have died here is able to allow access for their families to be transported here upon death as well, however the process depends on who they worship from the Celestial World.

Musashi Makoto has given all the legendary swordsmen in her realm the mastery of enigma which allows them to do an Unforetold swords style which is incomprehensible through its mystery and through its nature.

"I must develop a new technique in order to seal Sun Wukong, so if you are perhaps in pain Seth, you can tell me to stop and I will."

Seth slowly bowed his head before balling his fist.

"No, I'm ready Toshiro, give me your absolute best."

Makoto approached Toshiro and placed her hand upon his shoulder.

"Remember what I have taught you, the way of the enigma must be used with a calm mind, don't have your thoughts wonder about in negativity."

Makoto glanced at Seth.

"Seth, you must stay still."

It was clear as day to what she wanted, and that was for no repercussions.

"I understand..."

Seth replied back, his voice didn't sound nervous this time around, rather he had faith in Toshiro more than ever.


Toshiro whispered underneath his voice, feeling Makoto's presence next to him which managed to boost his confidence even more.


"Enigma Style: Mystery!"

Using one of the strongest style of Enigma, it was the absolute mental state a swordsman can obtain, being achieved only by swordsmen of the highest mastery over Enigma. It corresponds to the concept of Suigetsu. One is a mystery, and is thus invincible. As their enemy doesn't understand the mystery they're fighting unless they have an Enigma, it allows an Enigma user to be unaffected by anything if their enemy doesn't have an awakened enigma.

They become an unreachable mystery that can't be touched as only Musashi Makoto knows the way of mystery through her teachings. Not even an attack that uses their "Own mystery" can reach someone with an enigma/mystery of The enigma style. Only a swordsman who has reached the mental state of their awakened enigma can perceive this.

Upon reaching this mental state Toshiro would cast forth his hands in front of him and closed his eyes. He gathered his mystery that existed inside of him and utilized it as power. Mystery existed for everyone, thus he used every mystery he could think of about himself, changing it and turning it.

"Enigma Style: Seal of one thousand puzzles!"

He casted forth an swirling vortex which was illuminated as purple, twisting and turning and closing the distance between it and Seth.

"He managed to pull it off!!!"

Katie was in awe seeing Toshiro's development of learning Enigma, however....

"Kihihihi! A seal to beat me, is like a flea, so itchy. It doesn't work but only annoy me so richly!"

Everyone was shook to their core... even the Celestials themselves. This voice... another presence came and felt unmatched... once they realized who it was, they all felt powerless.


This person acrobatic and unmatched in his speed would slam their staff upon Toshiro's face in which he flew backwards and into Akira which caught him in the act.

"Sorry, sorry. I am suppose to introduce myself first, I almost forgotten how things have worked after so long. I am just so impatient!"

The person spinning their staff around them before sticking the other end in the ground had finally shown themselves after hundreds of years...

"Sun Wukong...?"

A Celestial muttered these words which given everyone an clear idea to how powerful their foe was.

"But how? The mountain didn't crumble... how did he break free?— HUOH!!!"

One of the Celestials were jabbed straight through their own gut. The Staff Sun Wukong had would go straight through the Celestials body and killed him on the spot.


They all gasped in shock, unable to move from his speed and precision... he was truly fearsome...

"I am doing nothing more than protecting myself. You expect me to just sit around as you all try to put me back inside my seal? Oh no no no, I won't do, or even accept any deal, for such a repeal!"

Using his staff which had extended straight ahead, he would swing it to the side, completely clearing the entire field and decapitating every single Celestial apart, showing the true terror of the monkey king.