Chapter 41: Heroes vs Stone Monkey


"Looks like we have no choice but to fight."

Akira placed down Toshiro who wiped the blood from his lips with his forearm.

"You're right... we'll die at this rate, he just killed an entire army of Celestials..."

The only sound that was heard now was the chilly air blowing along the mountain.

"If you don't return to your seal, then we'll have to force you in!"

Akira shouted.


Toshiro shouted soon after, activating his Kaichi, being the third stage of a Benoyin, and already infinitely transcending himself into newer heights.

"Swallow Style: First Dance: Dolus' Wrath-"

Akira unsheathed his weapon, it being a sword cut out for this battle. Using his first dance of his sword style, it was a sword technique where Akira swings his sword in a downward arc direction from right to left. This creates the illusion of four blades, however these attacks are real causing the target to have to avoid four blows at once.

The way that the attack is performed makes it appear as if it is simply a visual illusion instead of four physical blows. Each of the slashes retain the same power and speed as the first, meaning that this move is not meant to be taken lightly unless one wishes to enter an early grave.

However there is a brief gap in the time between the swords appearing, and while it is nearly insignificant it can be taken advantage of. The four blades made their way towards Wukong who seemed to be unconcerned—

"Kihahahaha! That's a pretty interesting sword style you have, can you do this though?"

Wukong casually caught the four strikes with four fingers, causing the first style to fail, even throwing out a counter which was a simple thump from his finger, however Akira counterattacked—

"Tsk! Second Dance: Cross-!"

Cross was an technique where Akira turns his body in the direction of his opponent's attack to simultaneously guard against it and take advantage of the opening to attack immediately.

While being a rather simple skill, it is one of the hardest for those hoping to learn this style of swordsmanship. This is for a variety of reasons, the main one being that it requires a perfect reaction time, and great timing. He countered Wukong's simple thump which was enough to break his blade—

"I got yo— huh?"

He couldn't see what happened but soon noticed his blade was broke in half.

"Heyyyyy you are pretty good man, this generation learned some cool styles. Kihahaha, I'm hyped!"

Wukong head-butted Akira which sent him skidding across the ground, and on his back.

The Monkey King seemed so nonchalant, but he was nothing more than stoked for this battle, though he could hear a voice from behind his back—

"Heavenly Blessing: Izanami no Mikoto!"

Toshiro skipped his other two stages of Benoyin, and already used his Kaichi. His Kaichi was an powerful desire that has the ability to kill anything instantly, it has an chance that Toshiro will claim the Origins of those struck by this ability.

Izanami no Mikoto can kill on a conceptual level; Capable of affecting an entire hierarchy of Celestial Gods that exists beyond the mortal plain.

Izanami no Mikoto can kill ghosts, souls,  concepts, abstract and nonexistent beings such as even the Grim Reaper, as well as destroy virtually anything he thinks inside of his head.

Once active, Toshiro could even "Kill" the concept of power for his opponents to null them, it could go as far as to even negate their regeneration despite if they can regenerate from conceptual destruction, even destroy their immortality. No matter the immortality, you could be alive or have no concept of death, your immortality could be reliant on some entity or abstract concept. It wouldn't matter before Toshiro's Kaichi.

"That looks pretty dangerous—! Woah there!"

Wukong managed to evade the attack by stepping to the side — The Monkey King was Capable of seeing through transformations and illusions along with shapeshifters who battled him, and even hear things miles away, his power and speed was unmatched, as was his experience in battle.


All it took from him was a spinning elbow into Toshiro's face, and then roundhouse kicking him into the ribcage, sending him to the side—

"Guh... even... with my Kaichi... I failed?"



Katie was heard in the back, she finally decided to take step in this battle.

"Destiny Break!"

The one and only daughter of Zeus, finally showing worth of her skill and title. Katie has gained a special ability for her Benyonin. It is a mixture of her mother's potential as the fastest Mortal in existence, along with Zeus's genetics. Katie is capable of viewing the "strip of fate". With this, she can view fate as if it were a strip on a tape recorder, along with distant future actions and events. Then, she can manipulate events to go in her favor. This is done by Katie gaining an "Destiny Break", or how a Fourth Dimensional being looks down on a Third Dimensional being.

She is able to view their information via Origin. This, in exchange, allows her to influence these events in extremely unnatural ways by manipulating her own origin.

For example, if she were against an entire army, then she would be able to manipulate herself to deal with it, either by viewing the army as inferior, or creating a field where all abilities are fated to be null and void, and even more.

This gives her an unconventional resistance to things such as time stop, along with being invulnerable to attacks. An important part of her Benyonin is that it grows with the amount of steps she has taken during her celestial life, and along with this, her invulnerability grows with it.

Another example, in this trivializing state she becomes invulnerable to effects that may trigger her emotions, or try and copy her abilities. The nature of her ability works along side her speed, and tends to activate instantly, or passively, in conjunction with her built up speed as well.

In this state, everything below her is simply viewed as information, and if she removes that information, it is gone entirely, with no memory of it existing, whether it be irregular concept outside the original laws, or a simple detail such as a disease that shouldn't have existed.

"This one seems strong. Mhm, mhm, very strong and powerful."

Wukong looked at Katie who tried to see his fate... however—

"That's odd, I seem to can't change his fate with destiny break... it's like he has none... Woah!"

Katie dodged to the side after seeing Wukong swing his staff right at her.

"Kihahaha you managed to dodge, you sure are something! I knew there was something about you!"

"Well it's nothing really!"

Katie snickered right back at him as they had a standoff against one another. Makoto and Seth managed to stand back and out of the fight, but for a good reason—

"This is the perfect time to return to Toshiro and pull off the sealing technique..."

Makoto whispered under her voice, next to Seth as they walked around both Katie and Wukong.


"Alright I can fight seriously, just a little!"

Wukong spun his staff around before holding it with both hands, pointing the edge in front of him.

"Getting serious are we? Well so am I!"

Katie would have her body surrounded in a bright light for a moment.

"Kaichi: The End of Ages!"

Katie's Kaichi had finally activated, the second to last step for unlocking her deepest desire. First, is her inner desire...the desire to utilize, and understand anything through the vast expanse of infinite time by running through it, and slicing it down directly.

Like this Katie will then utilize her weapon, Galatea, to slash anything down before her. Flesh, life, the soul, even higher concepts of the celestial realm such as space and time. As long as she can run through it, as long as she understands and wills for herself to do so.

Her inward desire of her Kaichi is one of a destined maverick, working on concepts and providence of areas where even the celestials exist perpetually frozen in space time. When this desire is released outwards the "lines of creation" are formed which allows for her to easily run through the vast expanse of even other Celestial realms to reach her destination.


Wukong realized her speed increased from her activation of Kaichi, and before he could finish his sentence, he was blown backwards and slamming into one of the cliff sides on the mountain.

"Now, Galatea!"

She moved even faster than before, her speed was infinite, perhaps even faster than infinity itself. She could outrun the concept of infinity as if it was nothing more than a snail to a Heir.

"What... power is this...?"

Seth looked at the sudden explosion in the cliff-side to realize Wukong was slammed right into it.


Katie made her way right towards Wukong before slashing Galatea across his chest, cutting him apart... and decapitating his body?—


Muttering these words were Toshiro as he looked up at the battle.

"She managed to defeat him?"

Akira who gotten from the ground after being head-butted could notice wukong's body sliced apart, however—

"See this is why Immortality can get boring sometimes, it makes you lazy, and you really don't care about attacks coming your way to kill you."

His body started to regenerate again after being sliced by Galatea, and now jumping outside of the crumbled cliff, he would be behind Katie this time around.

"Alright, watch this!"

Katie looked behind her to notice Wukong was a bit... faster?

"Let's see how you deal with my Ruyi Jingu Bang!"

Sun Wukong's Ruyi Jingu Bang was none other than his staff, or rather a cudgel that weighs over thirteen thousand pounds. It has the ability to fly and act via Sun Wukong's prompt and can even fight for him. It is capable of shapeshifting along with the ability to multiply itself thousands of times over.

On top of all of that the staff itself is stated multiple times to be capable of growing to any size, similar to Sun Wukong.

"Extend... Ruyiiiiii!!!"

Long long ago it's said Wukong reached the very heavens... and that myth was proved factual once he extended his staff. Katie was hit by a massive growing staff, it broke apart the entire mountain and even extended outside of the mountain of gods which existed outside of space and time itself.

The staff steady traveled with Katie at its end, being forced back by its growing length.

"Kihahahahaha! Let's take this to the Celestial Sea, shall we?!"

It was as if the staff transcended higher dimensions and broke through those higher dimensions. His staff reached and even stretched outside of the Mortal World and right into the Celestial world, breaking through the infinite higher worlds until it went off trajectory and thrown Katie into the Celestial sea: a raging sea where the Celestial Realms laid dormant like bubbles in an ocean.




Everyone was silent. Half of the mountain was broken apart and the staff even extended outside of the God Mountain and reached so high that it stretched out the Mortal world and into the Celestial Sea.

Everyone felt hopeless.

"He's... a monster..."

Seth uttered from his mouth, his body shaking... this was the creature they had to battle...? Sun... Wukong...?