Chapter 42: Sun Wukong and the Great Buddha


Sun Wukong, the sole founder and creator of the world known as the ultimate world. Of course being the Monkey king and The Buddha of victorious fighting, nothing could stand in his way. He was next in line and nearly equal to that of the original Buddha. He had a peaceful life, born from a magical stone formed from chaos itself.

Upon hatching into the world he lived most of his life on The Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. There he joined and lived with a large group of monkeys eventually discovering a secret cave that the monkeys could use as their new home. The monkeys were grateful for this and accepted Sun Wukong as their king and proclaimed him The Monkey King.

However, Sun Wukong was not happy with their peaceful life, as he feared death and his time in the Mortal Realm ending. Because of that he decided to seek out Immortality. Crossing many seas, and continents this Journey of his is successful as he learns not only Immortality but obtains all sorts of abilities.

Through his story he would end up clashing with the forces of Heaven, rebelling against them and eventually being imprisoned under a Mountain which is then called the Mountain of the Gods, sealed by the Buddha for 300 Years, and that has happened already.

He's gained abilities beyond mortal comprehension and was even sealed in the God Mountain despite the countless immortalities he's obtained from eating millions of immortality pills, and even erasing his name from the book of death.

Many didn't know that Sun Wukong has already left the Mountain of the Gods seal once before, under a deal with him and Buddha, and thus he was freed for a temporary amount of time.

After being freed under the condition he is forced to accompany the "Transcendent Monks" on a pilgrimage to retrieve Buddhist Sutras in exchange of achieving another higher immortality and to be freed from the Mountain of the Gods forever.

The Sutras are Buddhist texts which belong to the Buddhist tradition of Buddha, and his transcendence into godhood, however if Wukong were to read the sutras then this deal would fail, and he wouldn't obtain immortality from Buddha. The Celestials were the one's who long took it away from the mortal realm through means of using their own avatars. This leads Wukong and the monks, along with a few companions on a Journey to retrieve the sacred texts of Buddha, and by the end Sun Wukong is made into The Buddha of Victorious Fighting, after destroying the avatars and killing them off which allowed him to retrieve the texts.

These texts were those that only the Transcendent monks could read. Within His journey to retrieve the sacred texts during the Buddha era, Sun Wukong came across many Monks. A vast majority of them are normal people, however there are a select few that obtain abilities. These are the Monks that utilize "The Great Way" as a path to transcendence.

They are capable of ascending beyond the boundaries of the Mortal World and as the Garden of Eden exists completely above that of The Mortal World, they transcend the Mortal world through access to the garden. In the end they reach a Higher Plane of Existence known as "The Realm of No Birth."

While it is not known if they obtain any special abilities, this transcendence can be considered to focus more on their state of being if anything.

Monks who exist in the Realm of No Birth see all of Reality as Empty, being unbound from The Mortal Realm, along with having no Cause and Effect, can see every Cause and Effect, and a few other things, similar to how Mavericks work.

It exists above that of The Garden of Eden which allows the monks who follow the original Buddha to reach a state of enlightenment, though may be small, the Transcendent monks only wish to reach peace, and the "realm of no birth" is that peace.

Sun Wukong talked to these monks and never understood why they only wanted to reach a never ending state of enlightenment, but then it dawned on him.

The world was chaotic and everything was pure chaos, however he himself was born from the very magical stone of chaos. Wukong understanding what he was had made life much harder, coming into realization from talking to one of the Transcendent monks. They had explained his entire story and his meaning as a whole.

Wukong wasn't here just to be the monkey king, he was here to stop the original Buddha after discovering what the Buddhist Sutras actually were once he broke the deal and read it... and that is when the day and age of Nirvana was found only for Wukong and Buddha himself-



He screamed, shouting with all his might. The monkey king, the one who retrieved the Buddhist Sutras. He was the one who obtained the title as The Buddha of Victorious Fighting from the original Buddha himself.

His yell shook the Celestial Sea, and shook the very foundation of the world of celestials. At the very top of the infinite hierarchy of celestials resided Buddha, the one who had obtained the Buddhist Sutras rather than keep it down in the mortal world.

These Sutras were unbalanced in their prime glory, even Zeus, Allfather, and the very Higher Gods couldn't understand what they truly were.

Those of the Spirit World? It couldn't comprehend the Buddhist sutras.

The Supremes gods? Even they weren't fond of what the Buddhist sutras were. Only that of Buddha understood their true meaning.


Wukong stood in a grassy field which was painted with blood. His brethren, the other monkeys who fell in this battle against Buddha.

After he retrieved the Buddhist sutras, and gained it back from the celestial avatars he brought his entire people here, the other monkeys.

He wished to give them all Immortality as well, that was the point of them being here... but they all died, at the hand of Buddha himself.

"Why... Why did you kill them? What have they done to you?"

He spoke in an emotional tone, hatred and sorrow shook boldly from his bones.

"They have no means of being here, you only wished for Immortality not them, Sun Wukong. Do you understand how deals work with a Divine being?"

Buddha hovered in the sky in his realm which stood at the pinnacle of all the other Celestials. His glow, and bright radiance was magnificent, who wouldn't gaze at awe from his presence? That was wukong of course...

"They are all dead... the ones who called me king... I won't let this happen... it will not happen Buddha. Your godhood has gotten to your head!!! Why do you even need the Buddhist sutras? What is your reason?"

Tears did flow from his eyes, but Buddha smiled at his question more than ever. Sun Wukong already knew of the Buddhist Sutras, and deemed Buddha a traitor already from reading it, though Buddha didn't know he read it, only because his omniscient couldn't work on Mavericks such as Wukong. The Monkey King himself needed to hear on why Buddha needed the Sutras, rather assume.


Wukong paused for a second. Transcendence? What the hell was he going on about? He has enough of that as is. He was already powerful, so why-

"You want to become like The Higher Gods?"

Wukong asked as he allowed the tears to dry within his fur.

"Nay. Merely the entire world, even those of supremes will be transcended.. that is what I wish for. Absolute Transcendence to where I can forever be at peace without any foe or creation stopping my peace, I will reach an unending state of omnipotent enlightenment."

Wukong couldn't believe what he was even hearing at first... was a crazed bastard or what? The Monkey king stood there now and stabbed his staff within the ground, hopping upon it and standing on its tip.

"I suppose I must battle against you, and your entire heaven if that is what must be done."

He basked in a bloodlusted persona and was ready to battle against the sole creator of Benoyin right in front of him...

That's right, Buddha was the very god who created Benoyin and its entirety, and now he was about to fight that said god. The very God that existed at the final peak of the infinite Celestial World.

"अंतिम स्वर्ग की सेना (Army of the final Heaven)"

He has casted a chant, a mild one at that. A chant which hadn't been used ever but he still understood it better than ever. Armies had gathered along the entirety of his realm, they all had one goal and that was to defeat Sun Wukong.

"Each and every thing you see is that of equal to me. My power shines brighter than any, you stand no chance. Do you truly wish to battle me for petty revenge and my goal, Sun Wukong?"

The Monkey king was surrounded and cared not for his words, he only muttered underneath his voice.

"You Insolent false god, I'll be the one to bare my fangs into your whole army and show them what true dedication and hard work gets you. I have worked and gained much over my life, and it won't end with a meager army such as this!"

It didn't even take much but a strand of hair. He ripped it from his body and casted it off into the heavenly winds of buddhas realm.

"Body Outside of Body... this is my gain to you all, come forth from me."

Sun Wukong the one who could battle against the heavens itself, being able to transform each of his 84,000 Body Hairs into anything he wants including exact clones of himself, objects, animals or even other people. He can bite these hairs into smaller bits to create even more clones if he needed be.

84,000 exact copies of himself had come, and they wasted no time demolishing the entire army with their other copies of Ruyi Jingu Bang.

The Ruyi Jingu Bang was fearless and vicious in nature. A cudgel that weighs over several tons. It has the ability to fly and act without Sun Wukong's prompt and even fight for him. It comes with Shapeshifting abilities shown through its ability to multiply itself thousands of times over and being capable of growing to any size he pleased.

It was the main source that kept him alive and now there were thousands upon thousands. It extended its length and width and stretched across the entirety of Buddha's heaven, demolishing a quarter of the army.


"Conquer and fall!!!"

The original monkey king yelled as it grew itself into the size of a mountain pillar in which he leapt on top and was surrounded by the army waiting to battle against him rather than the clones.

Wukong battled their bows and arrows fused with celestial divinity. He dodged and evaded devastating blows which could rid one of their concept and origin. He blocked and reflected the concept of causality itself as they were meant to catch him by surprise. He multiplied his Ruyi Jingu Ban and extended them all to be taller than the stars themselves. He laid waste to the final Heaven of the celestial realm.

"You are immaculate Sun Wukong. You may come from the very essence of chaos, but that shall not stop me from reaching the ultimate enlightenment..."

The monkey king stood up and shrunk the Ruyi Jingu Ban he stood upon. Falling back to the ground which was tattered and shattered into pieces, Buddha's army was defeated. His entire league.

"They're not dead... they are somewhere better, I can tell you that."

Not dead? Buddha was confused about what he had meant...? When a god dies then they cease to exist, they couldn't come back? Nor did they go somewhere else?

"I don't understand, what do you mean, Sun Wukong?"

The monkey king glared at him, a shadow covering his face with piercing feline eyes of some sort.

"I said what I said. They're not dead, but they'll be back. Maybe in another thousand years or so, it depends. But I created a world in which they go after death, and I call it the final heaven, or rather the ultimate world if you will..."

Buddha looked at him and closed his eyes with a snicker.

"The ultimate world or final heaven is the title of my world, so what you say is only a bluff to take me by surprise. How could you possibly deceive me, monkey?"

Wukong looked back up at him.

"If I pull up this left ear of mine, I can find out who's speaking up in the Ultimate World; If I pull down this right ear of mine, I can discover how the Higher Gods are settling the cases with the others. It is merely awareness of it all, and I've obtained access to it, which helped me in creating a final heaven for the gods."

Buddha looked in shock, could he mean-

"An Higher Gods Authority? You obtained the Authority of a Higher God—"


The atmosphere grew thicker, and it felt as if time had paused across all of reality. If he didn't obtain access to Authority, then what must be the cause of this? To create an entire new world where gods go after death...!?

"I obtained the Realm you wished to transcend into with the Buddhist Sutras. Nirvana. The realm where the True Gods Exist. The Supremes are the first gods, that in itself is right... However Nirvana is filled with absolute deities created from consciousness and minor concepts of every mortal and god alike, forming their existences within Nirvana which makes them reign on an even higher level of transcendence through reality. They are similar to a spirit, being formed from desires and such, however on a more grander scale and a much more complex existence."

How did he understand so much? Wukong seemed confident in his ability now to win... and so it seemed that as of now these absolute deities of Nirvana had given wukong power to create what he desired, and that was the ultimate world.

"You are connected to these beings of Nirvana? How did you understand this?"

Wukong laughed, he couldn't help himself. He was like a jokester in this situation, a hysterical laugh that only echoed further and further upon his heaven...


Buddha was mocked among this monkey... he couldn't understand how to truly feel now. He was played, but it wasn't his fault.

Buddha may have been that of a celestial, but the Celestials couldn't comprehend nor have readings on mavericks with their omniscience, due to a Mavericks nature on existing outside the framework of the celestials, and Sun Wukong was a Maverick.

"You have played me a fool Wukong... I have indeed accepted this defeat. My goal to transcend has seemed to vanquish upon my head... I see you've already accomplished that feat, have you not?"

The monkey king scoffed at him and turned from the original Buddha.

"I know not of these absolute deities above the first gods, but if you wish to become one that is up to you Buddha. I will only spend my time in the God Mountain sealed again, I wish not to fight anymore unless necessary... After all, I have obtained my goal of immortality, and that is Nirvana. I cannot truly die unless the absolute deities in Nirvana wishes for my death. We made a deal, remember? It seems I broke that deal by already reading the Buddhist Sutras, so being sealed is only a fair trade."

Buddha chuckled.

"I see. Then I thank you Wukong, you have saved me from my own foolishness. I wished to be the first and rule over this new world called Nirvana, that no god is fond of... but hearing that multiple other absolute deities exist within this world, that goal has vanished as well..."

He had walked away with a smile on his face. He slugged his staff upon his shoulders walking away and outside this cataclysmic realm of the creator of Taihō. The monkey king vanished in thin air and made his way to the Mortal World, and asked the Celestials to seal him once again.

Buddha accepted his defeat only with a smile. The monkey king was an interesting one, it seems he was the first to understand what not even the supremes would understand on his own will.

The Buddhist sutras existence remains a mystery, but Buddha transcended after reading the sutras, and he gained access to Nirvana, forever leaving Beloveno and its entirety. Reaching the ultimate, omnipotent enlightenment.