Chapter 43: Sun Wukong vs Two Unstoppable Forces


In The Celestial Sea was a tyrant of thunderstorms meant to erase one from existence conceptually, and destroy their Origin and erase their Concept.

This place was deemed a threat to even the Celestial themselves, being and acting like a literal sea with the Celestial Realms floating inside of it like bubbles.

In this place existed another entity though, or perhaps multiple who's purpose was unknown as of now, even for the Celestial themselves, But that didn't matter right now, as Wukong and Katie stood afloat in this sea staring at one another.

*Pant, Pant...* Katie tried to catch her breath after being sent here and feeling the Monkey King's Aura weigh her down, despite her Authority as an Higher God..

"We are in the middle of the Celestial Sea, it has been many ages since I have seen this place, it is wonderful, isn't it?"

Katie and Wukong were standing on top of Ruyi Jingu Bang who's size dwarfed over even the highest of Celestial Realm in the infinite hiearchy of Celestial Gods.

It's size was unmatched, and compared next to a Celestial Realm it was taller, wider, and much more dense than a realms entirety. The Monkey King as of now could destroy the entire Celestial Sea if he wanted to with Ruyi Jingu Bang.

"Don't underestimate the might of Sun Wukong! You should even be thanking me for bringing our battle here rather staying in the Mortal World!"

Katie recovered, and caught her breath once again, gripping Galatea within her hand as her snow-white hair began to waver.

"Looks like I'm not alone in this battle..."

To his surprise, the Monkey King didn't even sense this other... presence? It felt in its own way "Sinister" to even the Stone Monkey—


A woman's voice was heard as she made her way through a purple vortex, holding her blade.


Makoto already located them once more, summoning her Benoyin: Ama-no-Habakiri was the very blade that comes from deep within her soul from within. A combination of both Yin and Yang. It was created via directly transforming the very spirit of her being into a weapon, it can utilise its own power and Makoto's origin.

Ama-no-Habakiri can utilise the manipulation of Unraveled World, to distort reality in the normal world to achieve a desired result. With this weapon, it is possible to land an attack that should've been impossible, by distorting reality in the unraveled world into making the attack that originally missed, land from hitting them through the Unraveled World.

Upon activation Makoto can use both of her split personalities simultaneously or specifically one if she chooses to do so. The blade is her origin itself formed into the first stage of a Benoyin. Anything that seems possible could be made impossible within its effects.


Makoto yelled from her lungs — she approached Katie and Wukong with her Benoyin, swinging her blade at the Monkey King which in return released a crescent of purple energy, known as her Enigma.

"That's futile!"

He managed to evade the attack... but—


His chest was sliced right into two.

"Eyes of Yin."

Makoto Muttered these exact words to show her skill in battle, finally deciding to step in, to help her Beloved. The eyes of Yin themselves were a natural talent that she's received from the Musashi family.

It grants one a "sixth sense", allowing them to foresee immediate danger and act accordingly, with the accuracy and frequency of the predictions themselves being improved through experience.

"Too bad."

Sun Wukong himself could use spells so attacks couldn't hurt him, and reflect them back at his opponent... however it didn't work...?

"What do you mean, too bad?"

Makoto was standing right in front of Katie now, pointing her blade right at Sun Wukong.

"What you've been harmed by is my Enigma. I could care less if you are Monkey King! Those who have no Enigma would simply lose in a battle against one who has it. You've been sealed for quite long, it's only logical you haven't heard of it until now."

Sun Wukong realized his wound wasn't healing, having the Enigma leave a burning feeling on him... did it completely bypass his layers of immortality...!?

"I have taken many Immortality pills during my time in the Mortal World, I believe the count was infinite."

He knocked against his chest a few times with his fist.

"I have infinite layers of immortality yet you managed to bypass them all with your Enigma, you are strong! I'm getting a bit more excited from how things are going now!"

The Monkey King reached and tugged on a few of his hairs before blowing it from his hand and out into the Celestial wind.

"Come forth, my monkey clones! Kihahaha!"


"I sense danger..."

Makoto muttered under her breath.

"I do too Makoto, thanks for saving me... I was in quite a hassle."

Katie smiled from behind, suddenly realizing the appearance of... multiple clones?

"There's at least five clones, we can handle them."

Makoto gripped her Benoyin tightly.


It was merely martial arts, he didn't use his staff or any other form of a weapon, making his way towards Katie and Makoto he would swing his fist, striking for the Princess of Olympus' face, as the other clones closed in on Makoto doing the exact same.

"If you know I can kill you as of now, why waste your time?"

It seemed as if Makoto didn't even draw her blade, only slashing at the five clones in quick succession, destroying their immortality and their regeneration entirely.

"Don't be a fool and cut to assumptions!"

Katie dodged his blow and stepped back, using Galatea in her hand to slash right at his head, in which he leaned back enough to evade the blow.

His body was flexible to lean back till his head touched the staff beneath him, now flipping backwards and kicking right at Katie's arms before Makoto performed a horizontal slash right at the Monkey Kings head—

"Kihahahaha! Switchedddd!!!"

His head was decapitated, blood spilling on the staff underneath them which was the size of an actual celestial realm or bigger.

"Switched..? What does he—"

Katie felt something was off, as did Makoto with their danger awareness.


In a goofy, and playful tone of voice, hundreds upon thousands of clones leapt from underneath, they all surrounded Makoto and Katie whilst holding their own versions of their staffs.

"You can get rid of my immortality but I can simply switch into a new body where I am brand new once again!"

One of the clones talked before all of them arched their staff above their backs with two hands, now extending their staffs out a bit more, swinging them downwards at both Katie and Makoto.


With Makoto's Eyes of Yin, and Katies "Killing Intent Detection", their prediction and overall precognition was unmatched.

Katie using her Killing intent Detection, where if one comes at her with killing intent, Katie can view their killing intent as leylines, or threads which weaken their movement and motivation to follow through with their attacks by cutting them mid battle.

She can instantly change her position, or instantly appear infront of her opponent as if it were an unnatural teleportation. Being able to break stances almost instantly, and using her "speed-force", which is her built up speed and energy throughout her celestial life span as a defensive mechanism.

Katie using this had teleported in front of Sun Wukong, or rather one of his clones.


Her voice echoed before her body started to spasm, all the clones around her managed to all be struck by an invisible fist...


Wukong was even confused, what just happened? Before he knew it—

"Faster Forever More..."

Katie destroyed every single clone, however they simply came back from their immortality, but Makoto didn't allow for it to happen, and took advantage of them being immobilized as they tried to regenerate.

"Enigma Style: Shukuchi!"

Makoto enacted her next attack; a movement technique based around cutting down the distance between herself and the opponent to instantly reach them.

It is based around movement and breathing techniques. One can cut distance and even infinite distance, even if the distance is unknown they would still cut it, even if it's infinite they would still cut it.

One doesn't need to know how much distance there is to the one they're fighting, as mystery to an Enigma user is nonexistent.


Makoto's blade was fused in her Enigma, her slashes were vibrant and created loud echoes and shockwaves throughout the Celestial Sea, killing every single Wukong clone around them during their regeneration.

"Faster... Faster!!!"

Katie moved at enormous speeds with her Taihō. This was Katie's true desire in its utmost form. Her desire to "always be fast enough". She does not wish to only be faster than her opponent, but to always be fast enough for whatever she wills. Whether she wishes to reach a certain destination in time, or whether she wishes to attack an opponent before they hit an ally, her speed will exponentially increase.

"These two... are demons beyond comprehension!"

Wukong watched as his clones were all demolished, and before he knew it the same happened to him... his eyes widened to meet with Katie's fist which sent him flying, and now following up behind with Makoto, who's blade was covered in her Enigma.

"It's over for you! May you rest in your grave, as the Celestial Sea where be your resting grounds!"

Makoto followed soon after Katie and struck Wukong right into the chest... his immortality was finally bypassed....