Chapter 44: Awakenening — Sun Wukong’s True Power


"Indeed, you two are very strong, stronger than any, stronger than Buddha himself before he had long ago transcended."

Makoto's blade was stuck through his chest, however Wukong managed to be alive...?

"But I must show you what a true Monkey King is about, no?"

Katie's eyes would widen—

"M-Makoto move away—!!!"

Katie's Taihō allowed for her to move faster than her opponent and at her desired speed... and yet—

"What's... what's happening...?"

Katie cried out, realizing her Taihō wasn't functioning correctly—


Makoto's eyes would widen, feeling Wukong palm her right into the chest... her body suddenly vanishing in a bright light.

"No... Makoto! Makotoo!!!"

Tears quickly formed in her eyes, and after what felt like eternity, Katie finally reached Sun Wukong.

"I'll kill you! I'll FUCKING kill you!!!"

She threw a punch which he countered by wrapping his tail around her arm, and swinging her downwards into the extended staff below that they previously fought upon.

"Kihahaha, I almost forgot to mention, I am Buddha's Archetype. Buddha is the sole creator of Benoyin and its stages, so it is only logical for me to disrupt it, no?"

Katie slammed into the staff before recovering, wiping the blood from her lips as steam surrounded her body.

"What did... you do... to Makoto...?"

She looked upwards at the Monkey King, balling her fist.

"I sent her into Nirvana. Kihahaha, do you know who you are dealing with now? I am Sun Wukong, battles of this caliber is only something I can naturally deal with."

He would stretch his hand out forward and changed his entire arms size, it was big enough to grab an entire Celestial realm and hold it as if it was an entire snow-globe.


Katie couldn't manage to map out his speed, feeling her body suddenly explode from an unknown force—

"Woooo!!! Haaaa! Yaaayayayaya!!!"

He laughed and prepared more and more, throwing liters Celestial Realms at Katie by manipulating his bodies size to be big enough to pick them all up, chucking one after another—

"Ugh... guh...!!!"

Blood poured from her mouth as she was being pushed into a corner. Celestial Realms from the gods exploded upon her one after another, pushing Katie backwards more and more...


She looked down, sadness and sorrow was in her eyes.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you..."

Blood started to surround her body, Katie had her arms up guarding her face, most of her Olympus armor even broke apart...

"I'm sorry for being so slow..."

Wukong steady threw Realm after realm before managing to shrink back his iron rod.

"You have lost your will to battle, why be down in the dumps!? Nirvana is equal to heaven, I simply given her an unending peace!"

The Monkey King, undaunted, roared with a laughter loud, And wielded his iron rod with artful ease: one turned to countless attacks, filling the entire Celestial Sea with a swarm of dancing dragons.

"Agh... aaaahhhhh!!!"

Katie yelled in pain as uncountable swarms of attacks from his staff struck her body in quick successions, steady knocking her downwards into the endless Celestial Sea. The further down you go, the weaker the Celestial Realms were.

"Does that mean... he's even sealed away your true form... that exists in the Endless Swirl?"

Katie felt herself slowly starting to lose consciousness...



She was gently caught by someone, a figures face that she's seen before, many times.

"Wake up, there's no time to be sleeping... Katie..."

Next to this figure hovered another one.

"Haruo... Galatea...?"

Galatea wasn't the shape of a sword anymore, appearing to be an actual entity this time around. Short yet beautiful, long pale hair with no wearing of shoes. She fit the look as a guardian to the Olympus Princess.

"Galatea, you went back for help...?"

Katie was nearly on the brink of unconsciousness, being held up.

"I only did what was right, you fought well Katie, I am proud. But right now we have more important matters, like this stupid monkey."

Haruo and Galatea looked up to face Wukong.

"Galatea, can you take care of her? I'll handle him... after all, this is from my fuck up..."

Haruo looked up at the Monkey king with a grin. Half of his body was nervous, but the other half felt pretty damn regretful, realizing he had to clean up his mess.

"Alright Monkey King, let's see how you handle the might of a Merlin."

Wukong as of now was sitting on top of a Celestial Realm, they all were the shapes of spheres inside of the celestial sea, so using them as objects was common here.

"Huh, a Merlin??? I think I heard of them before, quite interesting people, yes?"

He rubbed underneath his chin.

"But the fight Katie and Makoto had given me was fun, why must I fight you?"

Haruo looked irritated by his response.

"Because I'm the one who unsealed you, asshole! So I'm gonna drag your ass right back inside of the mountain once again!"

Wukong placed his palm underneath his chin, resting on it.

"Nay. I refuse to fight you."

Haruo would start to spasm in annoyance, gripping his fist tightly.

"Damn you... actually I got a better question, how were you able to damage Katie with mere Celestial Realms? Something like that shouldn't be able to push her over the edge."

Sun Wukong glanced at Haruo finally, not even seeing what the lad had looked like from before.


"You ask interesting questions, Merlin! It is part of my "Three Ways of Life" I have created long ago. The first way of life is my body being able to adapt, and grow to anything that is thrown at me after I experience it, such as Makoto's Enigma. The Second way of life is me being able to disable one's Benoyin, and overall power, having my aura alone passively lower my opponent until they're weaker than a Celestial. Last but not least is my third way of life, but that is what I'll show you now."

He stood up and stretched his neck side to side, extending his arms forward to do another small stretch with his arms.

"I am invulnerable as of now. Do you wish to battle me as things are now?"

Haruo sucked on his teeth and extended his hand to the side.

"Let's dance, Monkey Brain."

Haruo's Trauma-Force seemed to be active now.

"Crescent Despair!"

He first would unsheathe his blade to perform his attack.

He activated one of his natural skills as a Maverick, this allowed haruo to use up all of his saved emotions from his madness and chaos, and release it into a blast against his foes with his sword or claws which can help him with long distance attack and can increase his strength by hundred folds once he absorb enough madness, and chaos to release it against his enemies, for them to take on the full worth of pain as much as his father Shiroi could endure.

The Merlin family was highly unknown, but from skills alone they seemed dangerous to battle against, that was without a doubt.

Sun Wukong watched the blast head his way once Haruo swung his blade towards the Monkey King... and now many others followed behind—

"Do you want to see my Third way of life, young Merlin? Very well, I shall show you my ultimate power!!!"

Wukong leapt off of the Celestial realm before sliding his feet upon the blast of emotions Haruo had sent out—

"What in the— what the hell?"

Who wouldn't be surprised from such an action...? Sun Wukong slid upon his blasts like they were nothing, before jumping to the other, and then the other, now leaping into the air.

"The Third way of life is to beat your opponents ass without a break!"

It wasn't an ability, but a simple quote. Wukong can fight many, as his stamina was Limitless and had no bounds just like any other Celestial God.


Wukong has an special ability called the "Monkey Eye" which was a third eye that lets him see down to the substructure of any Higher World or universe, see through planes of existence, see data, or information, without needing to see into the Unraveled World.

He could see through people's make up, even including one's own DNA, and other Celestial worlds, and see how one's ability functions, such as when he battled against Katie and Makoto. The Monkey Eye was always active, and in return can set ablaze someones body, energy, and Conceptual existence if Wukong willed it, or Erase Sinful energy, or return attacks back at the opponent, and even paralyze his opponent.

He seen through Haruo's attacks, using his Monkey Eye to set ablaze Haruo's very Origin which had him grunt in pain, feeling his other "True Side" slowly burn...

"Ugh... b-bastard... what did you do?"

Wukong wouldn't even answer but slam the end of his staff right into the Merlin's cheek.

"I am simply toying with you, does that clear it up!? Extend, Ruyiii!"

Once slammed upon his cheek, Haruo was caught at the other end of Wukong's iron rod, suddenly pushing him downwards into the endless Celestial Sea, sending Haruo through realm after realm, killing other celestials and their homes, forever stretching on and on for eternity.

"My staff will stretch for eternity, you will never return back to the higher realms of gods! May you enjoy your time at the bottom, young Merlin!"