Chapter 45: Galatea, The Guardian Spirit


"So Katie and Haruo were both defeated? Sigh… it's come down to this."

Galatea, a small and yet adorable looking entity wasn't one to underestimate. She stood afloat inside of the Celestial sea as she faced Sun Wukong in front of her… however the Monkey King has heard of her as well, and even met her perhaps—

"I must say, I didn't expect to see Galatea the almighty out of everyone to pay me a visit, what is it that you are here for?"

Sun Wukong leapt upon another Celestial Realm and crouched down.

"I am here to act as a guardian for Katie Densin, the one you have battled a moment ago. You are acting like a raging tyrant, destroying the Realms of gods and even causing chaos among the order of the Celestial World."

Galatea crossed her arms, her head tilting to its side.

"This is annoying me, a lot. I'm sure you are aware of my power, so why bother trying to battle me? You know what has happened 400 years ago."

Sun Wukong picking his nose with his pinky had spun around on his butt as he sat on the celestial realm underneath him.

"Kihahaha! That doesn't matter! With the way things are now, I can beat you with little ease. Are you going to try and defeat me, and send me through another infinite cycle of death?"

That was right, long ago they have fought and their battle wasn't pretty; Galatea tested her very own strength against the Monkey King in order to see how much of a monster she could be, before she served her purpose, as to protect Katie.

"You were powerful back then, but that was many many years ago, I broke free from the infinite cycle of death only because I grew bored of seeing myself die! Kihahaha! Uhohohahaha!!!"

Gala would look down at the staff still expanding downwards and pushing Haruo further down… but she realized something—

"…I can't lift it…?"

She stretched her hand out to try and stop Ruyi Jingu Bang, in order to save Haruo, but it seemed too heavy to lift.

"You must be thinking "I can't lift it?", man oh man you are so clueless Galatea! Aren't you suppose to be all powerful?"

Galatea glared back at the Monkey, her arm bulked up.

"Shut up."

Digging her fingers right into the expanding staff, she would grab it, however it still carried on downwards endlessly.

"Ohhhh? You managed to stop it? With just your fingers— man did you get even stronger??!"

The Monkey King was baffled at the sight, and now Galatea would raise the staff into the air, having Haruo no longer carry on downwards.

"It looks like I have to unseal myself in order to fight you. Damnit, why am I surprised? You even given the Higher Gods trouble, but I can see you aren't at your full power yet, or you would've easily managed to kill everyone with a glare."

She snickered at her own comment, her hair lighting up in a pale aura.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin your fun, but you managed to annoy me, insolent Monkey."

The light coated around her body before exploding outwards.

"I'll end this battle from here on out!"

As of now, Galatea had unsealed herself and broke free from the confines of her restrictions.

"T-This isn't what I expected your unsealed state to be like… I sense imminent danger- Kuha! This is scary!"

He retreated backwards, jumping from realm to realm, making his way out of her area—

"Smart, you managed to escape in the nick of time. Incinerate!"

Once Galatea had unsealed herself, she created flames hot enough burn through the infinite Celestial Sea, controlling the fire to miss each and every realm, only coming for Wukong in a blaze.

"Kaaaahh?!! It's chasing me!??"

He looked behind him as a wave of flames carried out his way. The monkey king could only leap, and leap. He jumped on each Celestial Realm like they were marbles.

"Ooo! Aaa! My tail!"

Part of the flames even touched his tail as he steady ran away for his dear life, patting his butt to put out the flames.

"You are pretty slow."

Wukong didn't even realize it, but he met face to face with Galatea who was standing on one of the realms, throwing a right-hook straight into the Stone Monkeys face—


His head turned to the side as his neck broke in half from the force alone, his body went flying from realm to realm, shattering each and everyone.

"Get up, we are just getting started."

Galatea would smirk.


Galatea stood afloat in the Celestial Winds. One could always notice her from her fit; wearing a form-fitting white dress with long sleeves, and four high-cut leg slits that reveal her legs, however without shoes.

Her white hair was wavering in frightening Holy Energy.

Galatea herself was Katie's guardian spirit, a being created by Zeus meant to protect his daughter, and guide her throughout her travels.

She is a divine entity, at the top of the hierarchy as God's "right hand." She is capable of residing in the right seat of God, something no mortal can ever reach as it involves the Endless Swirl to do so.


Wukong as of now was resting against one of the realms globe, spinning around as his back was latched onto it.

"Extend, Ruyi Jingu Ban—"

Before he could finish, Galatea would open her palm and coated every celestial realm around them in holy energy, now closing that said hand, which caused each and every realm to crash into Sun Wukong, exploding against his body—


The explosions caused a cosmic quake along the Celestial Sea, Haruo even being able to feel it despite being endless structures away.

"What the hell is going on up there…?"

Haruo floating in the Celestial sea could see a bright light from above that echoed along hierarchy of gods.


Clones appeared behind Galatea in which she didn't even budge, or try to dodge.


She scoffed at them, simply pointing her hand behind her, creating a finger-gun to blast them, exploding them apart… however they weren't regenerating?

"Despite me adapting and overcoming Makoto's Enigma that could nullify my infinite immortalities, you still can bypass it?"

Wukong shown up from the explosion, his feet resting on another Celestial realm… however—

"The 72 Earthly Transformations, are at my ultimate disposal!"

Using his famous shapeshifting ability, the Monkey King could turn into 72 different things, having an extra life for each one of those transformations.

Once using it, it gives Sun Wukong complete control over his body, being able to create extra limbs or modify his size at will.

"You're strong, but you fight without a calm mind, Galatea!"

Sun Wukong using his 72 Earthly Transformations would manage to create several clones, however once they appeared, their appearances were obvious—

"Transformation Akira, Toshiro, Katie, Makoto, Haruo!"

They all were at the same level of said heroes, making their way towards Galatea as they utilized their abilities.


Galatea would give off another eerie vibe from her, the Spirits aura had now managed to skyrocket.

"To go to such lengths, and show Katie… the one I protect with every ounce of my being. You must want to really die?"


"Lightning of Theory!"

Around her all of creation seemed to have be surrounded by her enormous holy energy before a bolt of lightning struck her body, which activated the ability to its fullest extent.

The Narrative Flow allowed for Galatea to relay and manipulate the world as if it were a story, seeing it as a narrative in which she can edit, erase, and create new lines. She can use the gift of zeus, which activates passively according to the situation of script.

This lightning can cleanse the script entirely, as if it were a book being burned, bypassing resistances, and denying any alters of fate of the path determined.

Galatea managed to manipulate the narrative of their fight, stopping time or rather "The Script" of the world, as texts appeared in front of her that she changed, and switched around, her hands even ignited with lightning.

"A befitting death for the Monkey King who rebelled against heaven, is by the hand of God."

She changed the words around, and reality would unpause once again, erasing his copies of hero clones, and now having Sun Wukong look up to see two massive hands similar to Buddhas carrying itself downwards towards his body—

"Crush, and perish!"

That same hand would crush the Stone Monkey after slamming themselves together, similar to a clap.

Bones… and even blood splattered everywhere, but Galatea wasn't the one to be finished even after that.

"How about another one?"

Manipulating the script again would seem instantaneous for Wukong as reality itself kept pausing for Galatea to rearrange the texts of reality. More fists collided upon the already conjured one.

*Kaboom* *Shatter* *Kaboom* *Shatter*, only the sounds of his body was heard being crushed more and more until nothing but paste was left of Sun Wukong…

"Are you done playing, or what…?"