Chapter 46: Arc Adabohlic Saltor


It was the eerie sound of a thunderstorm only raging in the endless sea of the gods, a spirit and a Buddha fighting. Their battle defied logic and were in their own logical reasoning as of now.

Nobody could comprehend them.

The only ones able of understanding the two were those of the Higher Gods themselves, perhaps the heroes, but the Celestials were dumbfounded.

"You heard me, Sun Wukong. Are you done playing, or not?"

Galatea said it once more, her arms crossed over each other as she faced the large hands that crushed on top of one another, squeezing Wukong inside of it.

"...I know for a fact that you aren't dead, show yourself—"

Galatea was cut off from talking and forced to dodge to the side—


She evaded his staff which pierced through the Buddha hands created by galatea, aiming straight at her head.

"You should know better that I'm not one to take lightly."

Galatea would reach her hand to the side and grab the staff... however...

"Yaahahahaaa! Looks like I tricked you!"

She didn't even realize it... seeing the staff poof into smoke which revealed Sun Wukong next to her—

"Sorry Galatea, looks like I'm out of your league!"

In that moment Galatea's body started to vanish once The Stone Monkey palmed her into the chest, trying to send her into a higher existence... and far beyond that of even Beloveno—

"Sun... Wukooooonnngg!!!"

Galatea struggled... she tried resisting... Wukong stood afloat in front of her while her hand extended forward—

"If you... hurt Katie... I will... I will come back for you... and I'll— Guh... aaahhhh!!!"

Galatea couldn't resist any longer before she turned into light, vanishing out of the first wheel of creation and into a higher one that existed far beyond their own reach.

"Ohhh Mann, oh Mann, she was scary! I'm so glad she's out of my hair now. I could've died if I didn't send her off. Whew! I can finally rest now..."


The Monkey king tried to rest but was interrupted by another foe... or rather the same foe, that being Haruo himself.

"I don't think there's any time for you to rest right now, not when I'm still here."

His hands were inside of his pocket before two portals formed behind him.

"Don't forget about us. Looks like we managed to catch you by surprise."

Toshiro and Akira stepped outside of the portals and from the icy mountain of the gods.

"You didn't even realize, did you?"

Akira spoke.

"Kihahaha you guys are back for more huh? Well I can have a little bit more warm-ups with you."

He hovered in the air before nonchalantly laying back.

"What is there to realize?"

Soon as The Monkey King decided to rest, he noticed something in the sky... it blinded his eyes and took away his carefree attitude.

What he had seen could very well kill him, perhaps do more than even that.

"Awaken, Arc Adabohlic Saltor!"


Akira shouted the exact words for its awakening, and finally he could show his true power against the Monkey King.

"Arc... Adabubba what?"

Wukong mocked it from his tone of voice but he was genuinely confused on such an ability—

"Arc Adabohlic Saltor is the very counterforce against the Endless Swirl."

Toshiro had lightly spoken.

"And it looks like we have to use it in order to finally get rid of you, monkey brain."

Haruo gripped his blade before Akira done the same.

Arc Adabohlic Saltor is the Arc Adabohlic Saltor, the Sun that encomposes all of creation, utilising the Beloveno as its strength Akira creates another catastrophe. This creation itself was made for the Reason of War but its creation and goal is far greater than such a thing. Arc Adabohlic Saltor or "AAS" is the direct counterpart to Endless Swirl.

Born through the Supreme Blessing of an unknown entity as of now, it can utilize Genisis which holds all fates, events, and phenomenons of the First Wheel dubbed Beloveno both bestwod upon Akira. Holding the key fundamentals of the entire of Beloveno Arc Adabohlic Saltor was constructed as a metaphysical force that is unbound to and holds the complete unification of all of Beloveno.

Composed of all Dual Systems, Concepts, Events and Phenomenons, Realms, Planes, Reality, All Existence and Nonexistence held within The First Wheel. It's ability to summarise all and archive all events of Beloveno from it's Genesis up until it's very Final Point.

Constantly aiming to be at the pinnacle it transcendence everything within and that of which is archives even transcending itself throughout all possible scenarios infinitely and endlessly creating an infinite transcendence however besides it's existence lays it's Equal the Endless Swirl "The Force who encompasses all" enter a continuous looping motion of transcendence against the other at an equal rate bolstering their transcendent ability through the other and solidifcation of existence within the first wheel.

Nesting in a mirrow opposite manner alongside The Endless Swirl. When utilised within a certain area a Black Sun Vesiage can be seen within the Sky capable of being viewed by all of creation. Inside the very Arc it creates a Fragment called [Akira The Soul], which is housed and trapped within making it an extension and apart of his very being to essentially hold control over it as if it were his very soul itself and entire being.

In order to ensure it's existence and defence against destruction if one were to attempt to destroy it they'd need to be an equal force and end everything within the First Wheel Permanently to then completely destroy the Arc.

"To think a mortal has something this powerful, what has happened during the times I was gone? Oh well, looks like I'm more up for challenge!"

Sun Wukong stood afloat now, shrinking Ruyi Jingu Bang within his palm and facing the three.

"Challenge? You are up to meet with death himself, asshole."

Haruo muttered these exact words before the three of them formed their weapons.

"Abaddorico Zantojo Benkyo: Sword Of Annihilation!"

Akira was the first to formulate his blade.

The Sword Of Annihilation, Abaddorico Zantojo Benkyo, is a sword comprised and created from Arc Adabohlic Saltor, a sword which embodies True Annihilation and is only accessible and wielded by Akira Abbadon, 1st Primordial Evil Star. As Arc Adabohlic Saltor embodies all of creation, all of creation has a weakness, bane, counter or equal.

Arc Adabohlic Saltor conjures all of this into the Abaddorico Zantojo Benkyo. The sword creates power waves of annihilation composed of all of creations' weaknesses, banes, counters and equals be it from the past, present or still to come in the future.

This weapon will birth the defeat of its target so be it does not exist. Its mere presence alone prevents the analysis or protection of others to stand before it as they're destroyed and forced to wither by its might. It's Akira's attempt at making a weapon feared by the gods.

And next came Haruo—

"Crystal Dream of Zarathina!"

A mystic sword taking the form of a dream world of another world no one can access that being the dreams of all merlins with a jeweled blade. It has alien knowledge from the far, far future, beyond the reach of Mortals.

Haruo uses zankoku as the base, and the very second base is the gauntlets his Grandfather Xen made to even be able to wield it, so that way it can carry the original power of the dream universe of Zarathina, and only those of his lineage can use it in any form.

It is the tool he used to push back the mirror image of the people who defy the dream-worlds and wish to destroy all that comes from its dear home and its people, through a 'virtually limitless' Ether Cannon.

The sword is capable of the Dimensional-Diversion Phenomenon, allowing the user to draw in potentially infinite powerful energy. The kaleidoscope-like jewel blade creates a small opening to the same area in another parallel world, though any further interference is impossible, and it draws in all of the Zarathina energy from that space.

The blade is such a dangerous capability of absorbing many possibilities of other dreams too even higher beings greater to him.

"Despair, The Cataclysm!"

Toshiro now formed his weapon, or a sword to be more specific, like the other two weapons wielded by the Primordial Evil Stars it was created from the Arc Adabohlic Saltor and is only accessible and wielded by The Abaddon of Despair, Toshiro Abaddon.

Arc Adabohlic Saltor embodies all of creation and through the will of the Primordial Evil Star, Toshiro Abaddon "everything has an end, and I and my sword are the bringers of such end", and as such Despair, The Cataclysm will bring about the inevitable end of all. Regardless of who or what it is once attacked by this sword, one's end happens instantaneously by bringing forth the end of their existence and the beginning of their non-existence.

Every weapon they had obtained now could even damage the very First Gods themselves, known as the Supremes.


"Weapons that can damage even the first gods? Kihahahaha! That's some insane power, but—"

Sun Wukong vanished from their sight in a bright flash of light.

"I don't think it'll really prove as a threat to me!"

He slammed his staff against Akira's head which was enough to send him flying, hitting him straight into a Celestial Realm.


Haruo would turn to face behind him, his jewel-blade would suddenly flutter in Zarathina's energy before releasing out the tip of his blade, slashing it across Sun Wukong's chest—


The Monkey King was in shock... the power of the blade was enough to completely slice him into two, but that wasn't the end of it...

"Everything has an end, even you Sun Wukong!"

Saying those exact words. Toshiro utilized his Primordial weapon and would slash it in front of him, casting the Monkey King in a darkness.

"Ngh... I-I... can't defend against this one... what is this—"

Akira would return back, however he was already behind The Monkey King.

"It's your end..."

Akira had already formulated his weapon of mass destruction, it being a sword created from Arc itself, forming waves of annihilation that stretched endlessly across the Celestial Sea.

"I want to finish this off with a bang. You managed to put everyone in such a sorry state, this should end it off for good."

His sword were like thousands of pillars rotating before the waves of annihilation even began to break apart Wukong's body which was sliced into two, slowly regenerating—

"My Regenerations... it's slowing down?"

He soon realized that it stopped entirely.

"You can't regenerate from Despair, The Cataclysm unless you are that of a supreme, your reign of terror ends now Sun Wukong."

The Monkey King felt the waves now condense itself into the blade before Akira held it up and above his head, with two hands.

"Sword Of Annihilation!!!"

He slashed downwards which sent out a roaring wave of energy condensed and brimming with malice. The energy soon reached the Monkey Kings location in which it completely decimated his body into nothingness, even his origin. His immortalities were bypassed as well as his very own Staff, entirely ridding him from this world.