Chapter 48: Seth Genesis Returns


"Yo, we never got a chance to meet!"

Seth shouted from a long distance away, now lunging to one of the floating pieces of debris closer towards Wukong.

"Oh it's you."

The Monkey King was finishing off battling the other Celestials.

"I watched everything in the God Mountain, they killed you, so how did you come back?"

Sun Wukong would turn to face Seth, his arms crossing with his staff jabbed into the ground.

"I have access to Nirvana, I cannot die unless the absolute deities inside of it wishes for me to. You see, I have obtained something great, greater than any man would ever obtain, achieving the ultimate enlightenment of my very being, but that is something you'll never understand, as well as any person that exists here or even outside in the Outerworld.

Seth risen his eyebrow, Dàinsleif sluggishly hanging on his shoulder.

"The Outerworld? What are you exactly talking about?"

Sun Wukong would turn to his left, and on the side of them was a massive wall... or rather "Wall", it was the Wheel of Beloveno.

"Do you see that massive wall over there?"

Seth glanced at it.

"What about it?"

"In actuality that is a wheel, but you cannot tell it is one from the angle we are in. It stretches on infinitely to hold together the realms inside of it, known as The Mortal World, Celestial world, and the Higher Gods world, and many others."

Seth would take a good look around him to see other floating spherical-structures in the distance, being huge as stars compared to an human body, some smaller.

"So around us are the realms that exist in Beloveno? Then where are we right now?"

Wukong nodded his head.

"You catch on quickly. Right now we are inside of Wheel-Space. Just think of normal space you humans call it, but this space is only meant for the reams in Beloveno. This is First Wheels space, and outside of this wheel is an even higher wheel, known as The Outerworld."

The outerworld is an endless void around Beloveno, The First Wheel, and exists in the world of the First Gods. The outerworld is essentially "The Second Wheel" similar to how Beloveno is the first wheel.

The Nothingness and Nihility exist outside the First Wheel. The is stated to not be beholden to the physics and mathematics of any conceivable cosmos, it has no logical concept or any concept at all but is just an empty conceptual-less void where Supremes and other unknown gods can paint their concepts and laws freely along it.

The Outerworld in the First God's world is stated to be a truly infinite realm, as opposed to the limited lower worlds such as worlds in Beloveno which although still infinite, utterly pale in comparison. It holds "Genesis" inside of its infinite expansion from an unknown entity, and genesis are the conceptual form of things such as lower worlds, parallel worlds, fates, possibilities, games, fictional stories, and so on. Genesis comes in forms of a cubes.

Seth was learning the true meaning of reality, and learning that there were higher existences than his own.

"The First Wheel huh? So one of those floating Spheres in the distance belong to The Mortal World... the place where my father came from... and my mother."

Seth glanced down, now staring back at Sun Wukong.

"You destroyed the Celestial World, you know that right? It was important, everything there was important and yet you destroyed everything there."

Seth would drop Dàinsleif from his shoulders and hold it with two hands.

"Every concept to every god there was important and maintained order for the Mortal World! Without the Celestials, most things in the mortal world will cease to exist, in past, future and even present!"

Seth gritted his teeth.

"As things are now, I'm the only goddamn bastard who can battle you, as everyone else is missing. I have no choice..."

Sun Wukong blinked a few times, confused, before shrugging to himself.

"Man oh man, why do I get surprised? I forgot mortals are always so brave and compassionate! What do I know? I'm a monkey after all! Uhohahahaha! Ahahahaha! Man!"

The Monkey King laughed hysterically before grabbing his staff from the debris, and pointing it at Seth.

"I don't even need to try against you, sadly enough."

His staff would have a fiery glow around it.

"When I died after Akira, Toshiro, and Haruo killed me, I made my way to the Higher Gods realm and bathed Ruyi Jingu Bang in the flames of heaven, that's why they were unable to regenerate and why Toshiro was also conceptually injured. Do you know what will happen when I use this against you?"

Sun Wukong has smiled mischievously.

"Go ahead Monkey, try it."

The Stone Monkey laughed.

"Ahahahahaaha! Man it's your funeral! Extend, Ruyi!!!"

In that moment his staff extended forward and aimed right into Seth's chest, but—

"Copy System: Flames of Heaven!"

Dàinsleif was surrounded in the flames of heaven, completely taking Wukong off guard—

"Wait, how?"

Seth countered his Ruyi Jingu Bang, slicing it in half before moving at unmatched speeds, but the reasoning for it was simple—


He consecutively swung Dàinsleif and launched the Flames of heaven in crescent slashes at Wukong who managed to dodge and evade most of them, trying to see how Seth managed to get stronger than the last time he seen the boy—

"I am confused, really lost. Hmmmm..."

Using his Monkey Eye, he could notice Seth was fused with another being?

"How did he manage to pull that off? What an interesting boy..."

Crouching down to evade another one of the slashes, he would leap into the air, and spin around acrobatically.


He threw a kick straight into Seth's cheek which stumbled him back a few.

"Ungh... Hyaaaahhh!!"

Seth quickly recovered and jabbed Dàinsleif straight into Wukong, however missing—

"Impressive, you managed to fuse with a Celestial? How did you pull this feat off?"

Seth seen him dodge his strike before being kicked backwards and floating off the debris, into Wheel-Space...

"Ungh— how does he know I fused with you Providence...?"

A smaller voice was heard, and that was Providence fused with Seth's entire being.

"Gee I don't know! That's not important right now, we need to find a way to land a clean blow!!!"

Seth talked to himself mentally, hearing Providence.

"I think I may have an idea..."


"Copy System: Enigma!"

Wukong eyes widened—


Taken back by the activation of Enigma, Seth managed to even copy that—

"I see, using others abilities is your way of fighting?! Hahaaa! Man we are the same!"

Seth using Enigma would manage to fuse it with Dàinsleif alongside The Flames of Heaven.

"Compact Fusion: Flames of Mystery!"

Compact Fusion allowed for Seth to fuse any ability of energy he's copied with copy-system, and combine them together to do devastating effects.

"I'm not done!"

He was still slow... so the best way to not be slower was to do the impossible once again—

"Copy System: Faster Forever More..."

Seth from watching Katie and Sun Wukong's battle from the God Mountain prepared this whole time, preparing to defeat Wukong! He used Katie's Taihō which was Katie's true desire in its utmost form. Her desire to "always be fast enough".

She does not wish to only be faster than her opponent, but to always be fast enough for whatever she wills. Whether she wishes to reach a certain destination in time, or whether she wishes to attack an opponent before they hit an ally, her speed will exponentially increase.

Seth managed to copy Katie's Taihō but only because he fused with providence.

"If I didn't fuse with you Providence, none of this would be possible!"

Sun Wukong could disrupt Taihō's, that was a common given from him, however that's if he had the chance to do it.

"Haaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" (Both)

Seth and even Providence screamed, they were closing in onto Wukong who let his guard down from underestimating Seth...

"This Child..."

Wukong couldn't even finish what he was going to say, being stabbed straight through the chest. The flames of mystery combined together would bypass his infinite immortalities.


The Monkey King could feel his body slowly start to fade away.

"You believe... that... I will die forever? Kihahaha, Sun Wukong never dies! I'll return again, and even stronger than before!"

Seth would smirk as Dàinsleif was stabbed through his body.

"Who said you were going to die, Sun Wukong?"

The Stone Monkey would raise his eyebrow.

"Are you saying—"

Around Dàinsleif a swirl of energy was being conducted.

"Mystery Flames: Seal of one thousand puzzles!"

He casted forth an swirling vortex which was illuminated as purple and orange, twisting and turning around Dàinsleif, and more importantly around Sun Wukong.

"The combination of the flames of Heaven and Toshiro's seal! I'll do what Toshiro planned from the start! And that's finally sealing you, Sun Wukong!!!!"

The Vortex of flames would start to spin around the monkey kings body as he yelled.


His body started to shrink and be compacted, sealing him away into Dàinsleif...

"You... managed the impossible, Kihahaha! This world is too interesting—"

His voice faded away with Seth panting, his body just in time would give up as he fell down, face planting into the debris underneath him.

"I...done it..."

Providence who he fused with would break out of his body and detach from him, hovering into the air before quickly flying over to Seth's face, patting him on the cheek in worry.

"Hey now! Don't give up on me yet! At least open your eyes, Child of Mortality!"

Seth gently opened his eyes, an exaggerated sigh of pain coming from him.

"H-Heheh... good work... buddy..."

Providence crossed her arms and smiled.

"I can say the same to you too, Buddy! Ehehehe!"

Providence laughed which in return made Seth do the same.

"Ahahahaha...! Ow... ow ow... don't make me laugh...!!!"