Chapter 51: The Heroes Last Stand Pt2


Buddha looked down at the heroes who were opposing him and his will, in order to protect their world, which would make sense from a logical standpoint, considering they all lived in this world together and constantly fought with each other.

Buddha remaining in his meditative state would clasp his hands together once more.

"Words of Enlightenment..."

His words vibrated along the cosmos.

"Looks like I have no choice..."

Akira stretched his arm to the side, the heroes faced him.

"Summoning, the Necronomicon..."

The Black Book of death. The Necronomicon was a book that keeps gods away of all kinds, even those that exists outside the hierarchy of endless gods.

The book has forbidden spells never meant to be casted, one can cast these spells with the risk of going insane, many can say these spells out loud with the risk of breaking their mind, and others can chant these spells with the risk of becoming a vegetable for the rest of the lives.

Risky, but yet so deadly to the one receiving the chant from the book itself.

"Spell of the Ancient: Seal of Divinity!"

Not only could it seal those inside of Beloveno, but also prove as a threat to the Supreme Archetypes: The very supreme archetypes themselves existed outside of Beloveno and in the court of Azathoth, a forbidden realm that remained in the Second Wheel.


Buddha didn't realize what happened, but soon as he tried to speak, he could do so no longer—


His eyes would widen, Akira completely sealed off his speech, forcing his words of enlightenment to be nullified.

Buddha looked down to see the evil book he had inside of his hands... he knew that the book alone could pose a threat to his very existence.



He casted forth thousands of Buddha fists from behind his back, this time they all were ignited in flames, but—

"Senjou Musou, All Seeing Eyes Of The Gods!"

Toshiro could see right through it, and what was going to happen from the Avatar. Toshiro has fully understood and awakened his maverick skills in a short time.

Having fully unlocked the abilities of his eyes Toshiro is now able to see "The Truth" behind someone's very being, in a sense seeing their bare nature regardless of one trying to lie and/or hide it. He is able to clearly and accurately see images from the past and a fully see events starting from 0 to 5 seconds into the future.

Along with this power by looking into someone's eyes he is able to see the past through their eyes as well as share future sight with them, however this future sight doesn't need to he real as he can alter another person's perception, switch two people's field of view and even stitch together a different reality in their eyes on a whole through reality perception altering aka strong illusion.

Covering his eyes/damaging doesn't deactivate the ability but it can severely alter the illusion one sees but their true nature and past will always be stored for Toshiro and is every changing. Meaning until one ceases to exist every action someone does and leaves behind in time he will be able to see it, analyze it, and know of its attributes.

This ability is even more effective as it only needs Toshiro to see the person's eyes and not them to see his. Through his very heightened sight Toshiro could be miles away from his opponent but still be able to active his ability.

Buddha seemed to be effected by such an ability...? It would make sense, considering that Toshiro was still utilizing "Enigma Style: Mystery" — giving himself an unreachable mystery that can't be touched by anyone unless they themselves has an enigma as well, and forcing one to always lose in a battle and bypass their resistances unless they had an enigma.

Buddha being effected by this ability allowed Toshiro to counter effectively against his thousand Buddha fists—


"Wither into dust!"

He grasped onto his primordial weapon and without even swinging it, the thousand fists were all decapitated from their forearm down, coated by darkness.

"'He read my attack...?'

The meditative Buddha mentally noted to himself. Buddha wasn't planning on exactly throwing his fists down in a barrage of attacks, rather he decided to create something from his distance away, but Toshiro read it effectively—

"Cross Innocence!!!"

Haruo had shouted, using his Maverick skill which was the very tattoo that was marked on him by zankoku which allows him to reach superhuman abilities, allowing him to increase his endurance and strength like no other, being able to power his body to be as similar to a tank to anyone who attacks him physically, or could give off a small pressure around his foes to make them kneel for awhile just from his aura alone.

As Haruo utilized it, his strength increased exponentially, dashing from his spot and reaching Buddha in high-speeds—

"Enigma Style — Single Heaven: Dragon's Enduring Cosmos!"

Katie looked up to hear Haruo shout enigma—

"Wait Haruo knows the way of enigma? Doesn't that take like... full concentration and mastery?"

Toshiro held onto his primordial weapon, glancing over at Katie.

"Makoto has taught us Enigma and we learned together, Haruo may seem a bit rude sometimes but his way to adapt to certain things and master techniques is unmatched."

Katie blinked cluelessly...

"That's hard to believe... but that's Haruo for you."

Haruo closing in on Buddha had performed his own custom enigma style — a special left-handed thrust which had his body and concept itself fade out of existence into Nothingness from his Enigma, having Buddha be unable to see Haruo any longer...

'I can see even that of the Grim Reaper who is nothingness itself, and yet... this enigma ability is so powerful, I'm unable to detect them despite them being in clear view... but now that he's vanished, this may be even worse for me—'

Buddha was stabbed straight into the eye once Haruo managed to reach him, now the Merlin's body faded back into existence.

"And another! Enigma Style — Single Heaven: Dragon's Enduring Cosmos!"

He lunged right into the other eye, his blade coated with his own Enigma which prevented regeneration of any kind, jabbing his blade straight into Buddhas eye once more—


Buddha grunted in pain, unable to speak, both his eyes were taken out, leaving him immobile... and now—

"Good job guys, looks like we pushed him into a corner! Keep your abilities up, I'll finish this!"


Katie would stance herself in a running-position, similar to what a track runner would do.

"Here I go!"

Haruo quickly moved out of the way to see Katie suddenly blitz all of their perceptions—

"I'll finish you off from here, Buddha!!!"

Buddha risen his hand, light forming from the palm as he could hear Katie's voice, however—

She reeled her fists back, defying physics as she ran on the vacuum of Wheel-Space...

"Final Atoning Strike!"

Katie performed a attack, yet also reflection. Whatever her fist hits will be induced with causality, having its cause and effect manipulated and reversed to allow her to deliver the finishing blow. This includes other attacks, and works on that of beings such as Origin Users who transcended the very system of cause and effects, even concepts such as the Celestials.

Once she collided her fist into Buddha, his next plan of attack was reversed, thus—

"Mimicked Strike!"

Through sheer speed, Katie can manipulate clones of herself, to which can mimic any attack she performs if not take out. Using this ability, another clone appeared next to her and copied her every move, and together they performed the final blow—


Her Maverick skill considered a blessing of Zeus. Around Katie formed clouds despite being in Wheel-Space, having the sky turn dim in any area, and a bolt of lightning shoots down from the sky to strike her down.

Once struck by the lightning, Katie and her clone covered it in their fists, punching straight through Buddhas very skull, piercing through the avatars head like butter from the lightning itself...


Katie wasn't done, as she turned around to face Buddha, she once again used it—


Lighting from the forming clouds above struck her leg this time, as Katie and her clone kicked Buddha right into his back, stumbling his large body forward...

"11th Dance: Sky-Erasure!"

Utilizing his swallow Dance, Akira came straight into Buddha who had been bombarded with leagues of attacks...

This exact sword technique being performed was where the user raises their blade up into the air and perform a powerful downward slash while stepping forward, cutting right into Buddhas chest. By compiling a massive amount of kinetic energy within the blade's tip from the step performed, Akira can use the power of this technique to be described as powerful as a giant wave. This technique is theorized to have been invented as a substitute for Galactic Sever, for those that were incapable of using it. However as a result of it being a watered down version of it's parent technique it loses many of its effects.

Despite this it is vastly easier to learn. Even with that fact it is still an incredibly difficult technique to learn, and even after being watered down many are still unable to properly use this dance.

The large slash across Buddhas chest signified his defeat... as the avatar of him was stripped away, his body falling backwards... death seemed to be inevitable for the Nirvana god.