Chapter 54: The Castle, Mythos


Their battle was fierce and echoed along the very foundation of the Spirit World, however now they could finally reach the conclusion of their fight. Bloody Mary against Zenobia, two of the most fearsome spirits to ever exist, and will ever exist.

"I leave you no choice? Kyahahaha, what do you mean Zenobia? Have you decided to use the Akashic Records?"

Bloody Mary would extend her arms side to side, her head leaning back, showing her crazed expression~!

"Bring everything you have upon me, it doesn't even matter! I'll bring them forth, the Valkyrie's of the dead!!!"

Bloody Mary shouted into the sky in a fierce roar. She was prepared to use everything she had in order to defeat Zenobia and take the throne for herself, however facing against the spirit queen was no easy task—

"Yes Bloody Mary, you leave me no choice as I said. Raise your army of the dead, do what you must. In the end, it's all meaningless."

Bloody Mary given a smug look as around her body exploded in arrays of purplish-chaotic energy, blasting it upwards and having it all come raining down into random sections of the spirit world.

"Bloody Magic: Necromancy!"

The entire spirit world was still rumbling from her power, the dead known as the valkyrie started to come forth from their graves...

"Yes, I remember just clearly on how it happened. During the time I came back to visit you, I brought forth the Valkyries and persuaded them to help me from Valhalla, sending them here to take on your spirit Army. Don't you remember on what happened?"

Bloody Mary's swastika began to spin rapidly.

"They overpowered your pathetic little kingdom and decided to kill half of the spirit population, however you decided to step in and take measures, finishing them off in one blow."

Bloody Mary's swastika would stop, showing that the necromancy had been complete.

"But now you cannot stop them, they'll be fueled by my chaotic magic and destroy this entire world for me to now harbor and remake however I want, with the Akashic Records! Kyaaahahahahaha! This is so wonderful! Truly wonderful!"

All around them, the origins of the valkyries returned once more, rising up from their graves, groaning in pain and yelling in rage.

"They won't stop until everyone is dead Zenobia, but you're fighting me! That means you have no choice but to let them all run amok!"

She looked to each side of her to see the valkyries flap their wings and skyrocket upwards into the sky.

"Destroy Zenobia's kingdom and leave no spirit standing!"

Far from their distance was Zenobia kingdom, you could see it's magnificent castle being the highest over the walls of the beautiful city, however—

"What...? Where is... the castle?"

Bloody Mary looked to her side at the kingdom in the far off distance... no castle to be found...?

"I'm thankful you run your mouth, more than you throw your hands, Bloody Mary. It makes me proud."

Above them in the sky was Zenobia Kingdoms Castle, Mythos.


"T-The... Castle of... Zenobia Kingdom...?"

Her eyes widened as she stared into the sky, in suspense.

"Form, Gungnir."

What manifested inside of her hand was Zenobia's ultimate weapon crafted by the spirits of the spirit world.

Every single spirit, from weak, half-spirit, legendary spirit, and even most of the grim reaper had helped in crafting this ultimate weapon. But it only had one downfall...

"I cannot wield Gungir anywhere else unless it is in my castles vicinity."

Zenobia smiled.

"The Weapon that embodies the spirit worlds entirety, down to the last atom in the air."

Bloody Mary's swastika began to turn—

"Chaos Magic: Logic disruption!"

Using her Chaos Magic this time, she would destroy the logic in Mythos working in her vicinity, as she was able to destroy any logic she had wanted, but—

"That won't work."

Zenobia had glared at her.

"As of now we are in the vicinity of Mythos. It is absolute, and Impossible to defeat."

The Space was Absolute. Once Mythos is summoned, it has the ability to control, create, and even destroy space, logic, concepts, Causality, everything that exists in creation, as spirits represents the fundamental concepts of the world.

Bloody Mary's magic seemed to fail and vanish before Mythos, her eyes fluttering in Bloody magic.

"Damnit... damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Damnittt!!!!"

Bloody Mary shouted.


Zenobia performed her next attack. Considered to be the strongest among all of Zenobia's attacks, considering it was when using Gungir; Taking the form of an darkened blast named "Tartarus", which represents the abyss, and death. The attack from Gungir would obliterate anything in its path, including existence, theory, reason, concepts, hope, chaos, and more.

Not even Blood Mary's Chaos Magic would be able to pose as a threat now. Even a casual Gungnir blast far surpasses every Hallowed Armament. Zenobia when using this powerful weapon can choose whatever she wants to destroy out of her target, either by destroying their origin, or conceptual existence.

"You... youuuu!!!"

Bloody Mary watched as the darkened blast of energy hurdled her way, in which she tried to dodge—


Dodging seemed to fail miserably, only having the darkened blast "Erase" the logic of her dodging, and her concept of dodging simultaneously.

Bloody Mary taken back by this magical power was struck straight through her chest, the spirits eye widening...

"Guh... mgh—"

She would slide onto her side, her body furiously having blood pour from it as Zenobia held her weapon gently, resembling a trident-staff.

"How...? How can I lose despite having chaos magic...?"

She looked down to cough up most of her blood.


Zenobia hung Gungir low as she approached Bloody Mary.

"It's because you are no match for me, it's simple really. I'm only able to use Gungir near Mythos from it being created inside of Mythos. Can't have the weapon used without its scabbard, now can you?"

Zenobia would smirk

"Give up and accept defeat."


"Troops set up your defenses now, we have incoming straight ahead! They're flanking us from the front!"

The girl who shouted would stand upon the walls of Zenobia Kingdom, revealing herself as Adana.

Archers stood atop the walls, spirit soldiers had their weapons and armor crafted from the very essence of the Ultimate Void as they all prepared to fight.

"Valkyries? I remember Queen Zenobia were the only one able to kill these creatures... I-I doubt we have a chance!"

One of the spirit soldiers spoke out loud, starting to panic the others...

"Y-You're right, Queen Zenobia is the only one capable of defeating them!"

Adana looked down at the army and would extend her arm.

"As of now I am queen you fools! Do not forget lady Zenobia had given you the power of the ultimate void to craft your weapons in order to defeat threats like these! Don't lose your will and continue!"

The soldiers who shook in their boots began to rattle their armor... but with Adana's charismatic nature and overall kingship from being her mothers daughter, they felt more motivated—

"Queen Adana is right... we must fight with what lady Zenobia had given us... absolutely!"

The archers would take from their quill, crafted custom arrows made from the void.

"Archers, ready, set—"

The Valkyries swooped in from the skies as they held onto their weapons and shields...


Giving the order, Adana ordered every archer on the top walls to release their fire, quite literally shooting thousands upon thousands of arrows into the sky, hitting the Valkyries which driven them insane upon the first hit alone.

"Looks like the Void arrows managed to damage them... incredible..."

One of the archer spoke as Adana smiled.

"Abel, it's your turn."

Yes, standing right next to her was none other than Abel who decided to take the second action in this battle.

He leapt from his spot and came flying straight through a horde of Valkyrie's, holding onto "Nona" his Hallowed Armament which is also known as spirit destiny in its true form.


He broke through their defenses and murdered every single valkyrie, destroying their defenses.

"Insane... this is the power of a Hero?"

One of the Knights looked up into the sky at the sight.

"Now that's at least a quarter of them, they're still coming one after another... but I can't focus on them, I have to get to cain!"

Abel landed on his two feet and quickly ran straight ahead, his hands extended behind his back as he made his way through the fields and straight into Cains direction.

"I'm coming to stop you cain, and finally end this battle for good, and for the better of humanity."

Now with the final battle, this would decide the spirit world and the world of the Mortals.

If Bloody Mary obtains the throne then mortals and even the entirety of Beloveno would be in trouble.

If Cain destroys magic then humans would no longer have their other source of power.

This rested in the warriors of the spirit world, and inside Abel's hands.