Chapter 55: Brothers Reunited


Abel ran through the grassy fields of the Spirit World holding onto his hallowed armament.

Going faster than he's ever gone before, he could notice a castle within the sky...? Standing up above and in its glorious light, the space surrounding the castle would trap anyone within it, forcing them into its bindings.

Bloody Mary being forced in the Castle Mythos vicinity was destined to die unless she found a way to escape from certain death.

Abel realizing the castle being there, had assumed that Cain must've been nearby, and thus he was right—


He looked ahead of him and noticed Cain there walking down from the hill, holding onto his hallowed armament.


Cain risen his eyebrow to notice his brother inside of the spirit world out of all places...

"You're... alive...?"

Cain at first believed he was being deceived...

"That's imposs—"


Abel cut off Cain, holding onto his blade, Nona.

"I've come to defeat you brother, and stop you from carrying forth with your plan, just to gain what you want selfishly!"

Cain looked irritated, his eye twitching.

"Damnit... just what do you think you're doing? Getting in my way again? Trying to be powerful and almighty once more?! You were always like that Abel! It's why I hated you from the bottom of my heart!"

Cain would point his blade towards Abel.

"That's not true! That isn't true at all Cain! Stop speaking nonsense! All of this power has gotten into your head, and now you're a lost cause... but there's still time to be saved! You can be freed from this!"

Cain closed his eyes, exhaling from his nose as he turned his head to the side.

"I can't stand it... I just can't stand it all. You are always looked at and respected more than out of me and Seth... it always pissed me off, because you had more potential than the both of us."

Cain twitched in his face, a tear streaming from his eyes.

"I guess I can say... I've been jealous of you for so long, but now that I have power... I can... finally, do what I please... and have people fear and respect me."

Abel glared at Cain.

"Well this isn't how you do it Cain. There's plenty of other ways to obtain what you want, not by hurting innocent people!"

Cain had flared in a rage of Sin energy.

"Transform, Skofnung!"

Inside of Cains hands, his hallowed armament began to transform and morph into a new weapon entirely, being that of an scythe.

"I'll finish you off from here on out, Abel... you won't run me anymore..."

Skofnung's power was eternal. Whenever manifested into the hands of Cain, all is forced to bow at its presence, even gravity itself, and thus—

It didn't matter who you were, what title you had, it didn't matter about your rank in this world, general, captain, nothing mattered.

Even concepts around him began to bow by an intense gravity, and the only concepts allowed within Skofnung's vicinity were that of "Abel" and those who would be deemed worthy enough to benefit him.

"This power... it's his hallowed Armament...?"


"I'll end you here brother, and make sure no one will stand in my way! As of now, you're the only one in my path, so I'll finish you off!"

In a violent growing of energy, it bursted dark and lethal within the scythe.


Cain shouted, charging an absurd amount of dark energy inside of it, but soon the energy became visible to what it was—

"Bloody Mary's chaos energy... it's what she given me to defeat you! I'll make sure you won't survive the first attack!"

Swinging his scythe, an wave of chaotic energy came closing distance into Abel's direction...

"Nona... let's finish this..."

Abel held onto Nona with both hands firmly.

"You've pushed it too far, Cain!!!"

Bloodlust would burst forth from Abel's body, and spirit.

An hero emits an drastic amount of Bloodlust when enraged, and when they do, a gravitational pull of fate starts to swallow their enemy, showing them their death in the hands of the Hero.

Once they seen their own deaths, fate starts to change in order to benefit the heroes in their battle, forcing them to win against their opponent, be it against another hero, or not.

"Such an absurd amount of bloodlust—"

Cain eyes watched as his chaotic magic was... sliced apart?

"But that's... Bloody Mary's chaos magic? How—"

Gripping onto Skofnung even tighter, Cain had a vein through his forehead by anger alone, forcing him to dash forward into his brother—

"I'll just have to pressure him!"

Cain looked side to side in order to enact his next plan.

"That'll do it— huh?"

Once Cain faced the direction of Abel once more, he was met with a slash across his chest...

"Gungh... h-how is... he so fast?"

Blood would splurge drastically from his chest...

"Flash Step: Untouchable Hero..."

Abel was in total concentration as of now, his speed unmatched, as was his will.

"Flash step...?"

Cain would close his eye, wincing in pain.

"Damnit... even my origin was damaged..."

He backed up a few feet, holding onto Skofnung and preparing for the next attack... but Cain noticed something?

"Wait... when I was in his vicinity, Skofnung didn't weigh him down from its presence? It's as if he's unaffected by it... why—?"

Cain would grind his teeth in frustration.

"Why am I unaffected by your Weapon, is that what you're trying to ask?"

Abel quickly caught on by reading his facial expressions.

"It's simple really, brother. My weapon is called Nona, she can tell me everything there is to know about a hero, even the abilities of an hero. As of now, I  chose to gain resistance to your weapon since it was used against me."

He held Nona with both hands and would stance himself, holding the blade beside his head, pointing the edge at Cain.

"Heroes can choose to gain resistance to anything, whether it's death, Sin Energy, or even concepts itself. Now you know what you can do, don't you? But that doesn't mean I'll let you do it."

Abel smirked.

"Bastard, damn you Abel! Your weapon is a-"

Cains entire jaw was missing as he tried to speak... and then his arm... and then the other.. and now his leg! His other leg! His entire chest slashed straight through!

"Cooooaa...!!! His speed... what's... happening...?"


Cain was limbless now, the battle was long over from the looks of it, as he could no longer hold his weapon, and he fell—

"I... won't be beaten... by something foolish as that!"

Soon as he fell to the ground in cut up pieces, his body came back.


Abel didn't expect this... believing he had won this battle, Cain was good as new?

"Evil Grandeur."

Cains ability was frightening, now showing it's true power. It was similar to that of a precognition, but much different, as everything Cain wishes for, wouldn't fail to happen, even someone like Abel, despite having Nona, a Legendary spirit who understood heroes greatly, it would utterly pale in comparison to Evil Grandeur. Once materialized, Evil Grandeur acts like Probability Manipulation from being able to bring out an non-existent chance for his enemies to make mistakes, to Fate Manipulation where his belief even affected fate itself, thus bringing him back.

Everything was now in Cains power, as he chuckled to himself, placing his scythe upon his shoulders.

"Keheheheheh— Kahahahahahaha! Aahahahahaha! Honestly Brother, did you believe what you were doing, was enough to stop me? With sheer speed and some brute slashing? No..."

Cain had spun his scythe around.

"Let me show you what a real heroes power is!"

Spinning around his scythe, he had slashed forward in a instant, cutting space, and decapitating Abel's right shoulder—

"Huh— g-gungh... agh!"

Abel didn't even realize it until the last second, having his arm now cut off, and dropping his blade.

"Your bloodlust may be able to change the future, but the skill of a Maverick is much stronger than their simple bloodlust!"

Cain had closed their distance, taking advantage of Abel's decapitated arm, and weapon taken from him.

"You won't escape!"

Abel would look around him in worry, knowing that trying to evade it would be true imminent death...

"Damnit... I'm gonna die if I don't break out of this!!! Fine... Then I'll awaken my Benoyin!"

Nona has already told young Abel about what a Benoyin was, making him have the knowledge capable of winning this battle, however soon as he attempted to even awaken his power, cain did the unthinkable—

"Event Control!"

Cain using his other Maverick Skill which can manipulate the outcomes of events, having the ability manipulate any event of a battle, scenario, plot, and even probability, and can render any attack ineffective against him and his power. Once using this Maverick Skill, it's useless to attack Cain, from any event being under his control, and his reason—

"You're mine..."

Therefore, once Cain reached Abel's location... his scythe sliced through his body, splitting him into two.