Chapter 56: The End of Rivalry


Bloody Mary looked up at Zenobia holding her chest in pain, a large hole opened in the middle of it.

"So this is the weapon you obtained, during my time out of the spirit world...?"

Bloody Mary glaring at Gungir inside of Zenobia's hand was shook up by an engrossing fear...

"That's right. Once Mythos is in our vicinity, it creates an absolute space around us which encloses my enemy inside of it, giving me an absolute advantage in it, allowing me to use Gungir to its fullest capabilities. You can try to escape, but it won't matter..."

Bloody Mary slowly risen up and groaned in pain...

"Damnit... you... damn... bitch!"

Her chaos magic around her body disappeared.

"H-Huh? My chaos magic... what has happened?"

Zenobia would hold Gungir with two hands, slicing it downwards across her chest.

"G-Guhnggh...! Aghh!"

Bloody Mary stumbled backwards, yelling in pain.

"My wounds won't heal...!"

Zenobia had spun around, slashing right at her chest again, this time with brutal strength, however Bloody Mary dodged—

"Not this time!"

The Spirit managed to evade Gungir, pile-driving her fist forward, until—


She was slashed across the chest, despite evading...

"This is... just a cheat! A unfair, cheat! Goddamn you! Damn you Zenobia!!!"

Her wounds had steam coming from them by Bloody Mary trying to heal.

"You taken away my chaos magic, and even my Bloody magic... how ridiculous... just ridiculous!"

She balled her fists in rage.

"Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!"

Leaning her head back, she would shout into the sky up above.


From her shouting, Zenobia would raise her eyebrow—

"That's right... I forgot, these two are connected... I must stop them from—"

Zenobia miscalculated, now seeing how Bloody Mary vanished from in front of her, leaving the absolute space of Mythos castle.

"Tsk... what an persistent Spirit..."

Zenobia had Gungir deform within her hand, as Mythos slowly vanished in white particles from behind her.

"It will be dangerous for Abel if her ends up having to deal with both Cain and Bloody Mary. I must act quickly... though, my magic is drained, I cannot teleport as of now. How ridiculous."

Zenobia closed her eyes, regretting her miscalculation. The Queen was powerful indeed, but just one mistake was enough to cost her this loss, not being able to kill the Legendary Spirit and stopping her actions. Putting both the spirit world in danger, and the hero Abel.

Back in their battle now, it shown the brothers fighting, as Cain was able to get a perfect clean cut right through Abel's body as he used his Event Control.

"You're mine..."

Once Cain reached Abel's location... his scythe sliced through his body, splitting him into two.

However ending the battle like that wouldn't be so easy...


Cain's eyes would widen as he watched Abel perform another feat, only given to that by an hero...

"It's like gravity around him increased to the point where it's pulling in fate and Causality... is this my brothers, Bloodlust...!?"


Cain was having a hard time trying to break through his brothers defenses, his scythe was suppose to slice through his body, however in return, it had went off its course and was weighed down by an intense gravity—


Cain yelled from the crushing of his bones, as Abel stepped forward a few more times to apply more bloodlust in their area.

Once their bloodlust is active, they manipulate gravity-pull, which causes fate and causality in the world to change and benefit them the most.

An enraged hero was something that anyone should fear, no matter their title...

"My body won't... last!!!"

Cain watched as he was eventually forced into the ground below him from the change of gravity, now giving Abel the chance to raise Nona above his head.

"You're miiiinnnneee!!!"

His face strained with veins and rage, holding Nona with both hands, and now jabbing it down into Cains head—


As his blade glided down to end this battle... an entire arm was jabbed through Abel's body...

"Fufufu...~ looks like I made it on time..."

Behind Abel was a voice of a young female, well at least it sounded like it. In truth, this person was hundreds of years older or more...

"Y-You... it's... Bloody... Mary- Cuohh...!"

Abel's eyes would slowly start to look pure white, his pupils vanishing as he fell forward, slamming his lifeless body into the ground.

"No... not like this... am I going to die... a second time...? Nona... help me..."

Abel was bleeding from his chest, the heroes origin was slowly vanishing in the unraveled world from Bloody Mary, Nona seemed to be connected to him, injured as well, forcing her to be unable to speak.

"Nona... please..."

Bloody Mary walked forward a bit more, stomping her boot upon Abel's head, crushing it into the dirt...

"Mary... you've came?"

Cain looked up defeated, his eye wincing in pain, until he was now picked up?

"Hey... Mary, what are you doing?"

Cain was lifted up, now the spirits hand would go around the child's neck.

"I given you most of my chaos magic, didn't I?"

Cain was choking, his hand placing itself around Bloody Mary's wrist.

"The Valkyrie's has my chaos magic as well, but you have more of the supply... I suppose you'll be useful to me after all."

Bloody Mary had her swastika rotate clockwise in her eye.

"You're useful into the end, Cain! With you I was able to have the help of a hero on my side, in order to take over the spirit world and escape a disastrous situation with Zenobia!"

She titled her head to the side, Cain slowly felt his chaos magic leaving his body... but also his own energy...?

"You were nothing more than a pawn, perhaps once I'm done with you, I'll make you into my play thing? How does that sound?"

Cain choked, his body started to twitch violently as his own energy and hers was being sucked into her rotating swastika, steadily filling up the spirit and her power


"I was too late...?"

Zenobia stood off in the far distance watching the battle in front of her unfold, being unable to use her own spirit magic as of now.

"Those boys... they'll die..."

Zenobia would quickly run towards their area, she felt powerless... using so much power to defeat Bloody Mary, this was the closest in despair that she's ever felt in her life.

"Oh look who's shown up? It's Zenobia... but she's all out of magic from using her last weapon, therefore she's unable to save you!"

Bloody Mary could feel a hand grip her ankle. Looking down, she noticed Abel..?

"No... let... go of him... release my brother.. from your palm!"

The Sadistic Spirit had smiled, her crazed expression showing how truly evil she were...

"Kyaaahahahaha! Release him you say? Fine then, I'll do just that! He's already finished anyways!"

Bloody Mary would throw Cains lifeless body to the side, him shriveled up into a husk...


Zenobia finally reached them.

The queen approached Mary in a fit of rage, out of her own failure and miscalculation... the spirit queen threw a punch, engulfed in her spirit energy.

"How futile, Zenobia."

Bloody Mary would kick her straight into the gut.

"I given Cain half of my chaos magic, so in truth I wasn't fighting you at full power... but now with half of it restored, I topple you in every way."

Zenobia would fall back and land onto her side, groaning in pain...

"Did you forget I was connected with Cain!? It's why I was able to escape your absolute space within Mythos... and it's how I'm standing alive as I am now."

Bloody Mary approached her and would step upon Zenobias head.

"Kyahahahahaha! As of now, I am the ruler!"

The Spirit queen felt the heel trample upon her head, forcing her to slowly turn her pupils to the side, a smirk upon her face.

"You are wrong... there's still... my daughter... Adan—"


Bloody Mary would cut the queen off from talking.


Zenobia gasped, realizing that Mary had something up her sleeve, that she didn't say...

"I control the Valkyrie's Zenobia, did you forget they had my chaos magic?"

Mary titled her head to the side.

"No... you couldn't have possibly—"

The Spirit lifted her head into the sky and risen her arms.

"Kyaahahahaha! Yes, they're all dead! And as of now, Adana is in my control! She's under my capture! Nothing from the ultimate void would rival my power! My existence is absolute! It is the glorious embodiment of chaos and destruction! I have won!"

Zenobia closed her eyes hearing those words... she admitted defeat...

"I made the biggest miscalculation... that has now costed me... and the heroes our defeat... I deserve no title as queen..."

Bloody Mary placed her hands upon her hips, giggling.

"Fufufu~ good, gooood! Then in that case... I'll make you all my slaves..."

Cain was dead... Abel was unable to move, he could only hear these words as his body was in a desperate, cruel state...

"No... but... my destiny...?"

Abel cried, his body half-unconscious.

"Young boy... I am sorry... that I've failed, and was unable to defeat her. Truly, it is my defeat... this is all from my mistake. I am truly sorry..."

Abel was unable to reply... he just... closed his already lifeless eyes...? His origin managing ti maintain itself, but not enough for him to get back up.

"Bloody Magic: Absolute dominance!"

And now, Zenobia, Abel, and the entire spirit world was under her command. There wasn't anything else left for them, or to save them.

Evil has won.

"Refer to me as your queen!"