Chapter 57: Peace Finally Returns


Seth, known as the Buddha of Courage had now returned peace upon the very first wheel of reality.

Everything was restored once more after Buddhas defeat, and Providence stood inside of his hands, held onto him, being cherished more than anything towards the White haired Buddha.

What they fought was nothing more than an avatar, but it didn't matter, as the avatar was still powerful enough to destroy their very home they all knew an love.

The Buddha of Courage had brought everyone back form Nirvana and restored peace once more for the heroes, as they all prepared to depart back into their homes, where they could live life again.

Eternal Makoto was even sealed away inside of Nirvana along with the Endless Swirl she was connected too. It further proves how much of an actual threat Sun Wukong was to the heroes.

"I'm so glad you're back!"

Katies voice was heard as she ran up to Makoto, hugging around her neck, and pulling her in for a kiss…

Their lips collided which felt like heaven for the two, seeing each other alive and well.

Akira, Haruo, and Toshiro were exhausted mentally from their entire battle, as Seth stood in the back, Providence gently floating up to his shoulder, resting her small body upon it.

"So you actually managed to defeat Buddha… and become one yourself?"

Toshiro was surprised to hear this, as they all were.

The heroes stood dormant inside of an unknown realm created by Seth, which existed far outside of the worlds reach, and perhaps inside his own wheel of creation, known as "The Wheel of Reality", another transcendent hiearchy.

"The only problem I have is Sun Wukong, how will he be dealt with? Is he staying sealed inside of your weapon Dàinsleif, forever?"

Akira glanced over at the Buddha, staring at the hallowed armament inside of his hand.

"Actually Sun Wukong and me decided to team up a little… ahahah…"

"WHAT?" (All)

Who wouldn't be surprised at this? The heroes all turned to face Seth, their eyebrows rising to show visible confusion…

"Yeah… well you see, after I defeated Buddhas avatar, I had no clue how to open a pathway to Nirvana, despite my infinite knowledge of the world and beyond. Wukong had helped me with opening a pathway, in order for me to reach you all."

Seth gently closed his eyes and stared at Dàinsleif in his hand.

"But now I achieved something even greater, therefore…"

Looking over at Toshiro, Seth would smile.

"I'm giving Dàinsleif to you Toshiro."

The Hero made his way towards the Primordial, placing his trusted weapon into his hands.

"Out of everyone I believe you should have this more than ever. If there's one thing I know, after I gained omniscient knowledge, it's that you are by far the most worthy of holding it."

Seth had a gentle smile upon his face. They all could tell he wasn't some easily aggravated child anymore… but much more?

He was a new person, entirely.


"To give something so important away—"

Toshiro's cheeks would flush with a small blush.

"Uhh… thanks… I suppose, Seth."

Clearing his throat, he straightened up himself.

"I'll take good care of it, and cherish your weapon."

Toshiro was the type to take pride in it, and hone the weapon to its fullest. Seth knew that more than ever.

"Well, with the way things are now, I guess we all can return back home?

With the Buddha smiling, he was happy this all could end peacefully without another threat interfering with them, however there's one thing missing—

"To Unite God and Men… that is your destiny…"

Speaking from the far distance was Makoto who approached Seth…

"You feel lost, do you not? Lost in your own head, despite gaining omniscient knowledge, and becoming a Buddha, you do not know the next step in life. I can see it upon your face…"

Makoto gently grasped the courageous Buddhas hand, and placed the other on top.

"I knew it was your destiny ever since I first saw you, with the Endless Swirl. Ever since then, I knew that your Destiny wasn't just meant for Beloveno… but much more."

Makoto reached out her hand and would place her finger lightly upon Providence's head, rubbing against it.

"Do not feel lost, your journey itself may be to unite god and men, outside of Beloveno and into the higher wheel above us. That may be where your destiny lies, Seth."

The Buddha hearing these words would be shaken up in relief… that was true, with everything she said. The heroes had shown many feats when fighting the Buddha avatar, and it all proved that they existed above the Higher Gods, and above the infinite dimensional plane of the Celestial World.

Seth felt lost, and confused on why he didn't complete his destiny, and why he didn't unite divinity and mortality. But now it was clear.

He must unite the Supreme Gods and more, with mortals, in order to fulfill his role in life.

It's all clear now, and Seth knew it more than ever from Makoto's wise words…

"It was that obvious…?"

He had sighed from his mouth, feeling tensed up, until Makoto gently wrapped her arms around his chest, pulling him in for a comforting hug.

"Everyone needs a hug once a while, no matter who you are. If you are ever so tense, please come visit me… I will shower you with many hugs, and have Katie do the same…"

Katie looked in the back with a confused expression—

"Hey I didn't agree to that! But… fine… I guess I do owe you, Seth…"

Katie walked over towards the Buddha, doing the same as Makoto, placing her arms around his body for a hug, squeezing him tight.

"H-Hey… I think… a one man hug is alright—"

He was being squeezed, Providence genuinely concerned—

"Hey! Let the guy breathe!"

She gotten up and placed her small hands upon her hips.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to announce. Starting from today on, I will finally return back home, and it's all done from Seth!"

"Hurray, yaayyy! So good for you!"

Haruo replied soon after to providence's comment, sarcastically mocking her which just fueled her ego…


"Yep, that's right! I can now finally return back from what was stolen from me! The demons of purgatory destroyed my Celestial Realm long ago… I was just unlucky, as one of them came after me from being such an important Celestial in the Celestial world."

Providence looked at Seth and leaned onto his ear.

"Truth be told… I was once the most powerful Celestial, even next to Buddha himself when he reigned in the Celestial world. The Demons decided to travel into the Celestial sea in order to hunt my realm and destroy it, in which they succeeded… forcing me to lose my role as Celestial. And now in order to get revenge, I had to get some type of enormous strength to do that! And so I chosen Seth… once he was born, I could see he shown promise…"

Providence exposed everything from here on out, but the only one who was shocked by this was Seth…


Turning his pupils to face her, Seth had a look of sternness.

"I used Seth as a mean to get revenge… but then I realize how selfish I was really being… and I kinda grew onto him — after I started to grow attached to him more, I only wanted one thing from our bond… and that was for Seth to be happy and well!"

Providence tugged onto Seth's ear, and placed her small hand upon his cheek.

"As long as you're okay, I can be okay! Me regaining my Celestial realm back is just a bonus to having you in my life…"

She leaned into his face, placing her small lips upon his cheek, giving him a gentle kiss…


Seth blinked ferociously in confusion, his eyes seemed like they were spazzing out—

"Providence don't take advantage of me! Just because my omniscient doesn't work on you, doesn't mean you can take me by surprise!"

Seth turned his head to the side and exhaled from his mouth.

"I see."

Toshiro gently chuckled into his hand.

"You two are connected, that means you both share the same… connections in a way?"

The Primordial had Dàinsleif inside of his hands, now placing it behind his back, strapping it on him.

"So I guess whenever there's a threat we can't defeat, we'll let Providence handle it, since Seth is leaving Beloveno, huh?"

He had given a small chuckle, looking over at Seth.

"I can't thank you enough…"

Toshiro given his thanks…

"It's whatever… I mean you're pretty kick ass if you can fight against Buddha himself. Let's push our old problems to the past."

Haruo acted like a damn Tsundere…

"I give you my thanks as well. All of this is tiring, considering where I lived, I am the world leader… sigh… the amount of paper work I'll have to work on will be a pain in my ass."

Akira wanted to give up and just fall right there forever…

"We given you our thanks Seth! We appreciate having you around, with us!"

Katie soon responded back as well, Makoto giving a gentle bow next to her.

"Then I guess this is truly our goodbyes for now. It's been fun knowing you guys…"

Seth would see Providence float off his shoulder.

"Goodbye Seth…"

The white haired Buddha stared at Providence, his eyes red but yet had small tears inside of them…

"Goodbye Providence…"

Everyone was gathered here together, prepared to go into their respective worlds, and before they did—

"Eat and sleep well, keep your world safe and never put your head down… always watch your footsteps. Goodbye, guys."

They all vanished from the unknown realm, returning back home once more.

The Ragnarok was over.