The Hierarchy of Beloveno: Explanations Pt3


(As a Parody there's references from other series but in its own originality)


The endless swirl, also referred to as the Swirl of creation or most commonly "The One who encompasses all", is a metaphysical "force" that exists beyond everything else in the entirety of the Celestial world, transcendent of reality, dualistic function, and all concepts. It stores and archives all possible information, and is both the origin and endpoint of everything in the world of Beloveno, including the souls of both Mortals and the Gods. The endless swirl encompasses all, the mortal world is part of it just as the celestial and ultimate world is part of it. The Endless Swirl is a force that fundamentally lies above all worlds and makes up everything of all worlds, giving its true purpose to be completely "Omnipotent and Omniscient" for the First Wheel, Beloveno. It transcends the boundaries of entire First Wheel while also transcending the boundaries in of itself, making it a contradicting force that has no "True" transcendence, and is unrestricted by transcendence as a whole, as Beloveno is constantly growing, and evolving over time which makes it grow and transcends its previous state of existence, each passing moment, infinitely.


Beloveno is a collaborative construct created by many Supreme gods. It was first thought of by Namani and Sogichi after they had been created from Adrienne and Lucian. Namani and Sogichi then convinced other First gods (aka other supremes and extinction gods) to assist them in its construction. Of these First gods, Yahweh became the one who drew up the plans for Beloveno, they eventually created Beloveno but had an error in their system, due to the extinction gods not helping which didn't balance things out since only Belo-kind helped rather than Veno-kind. Errors started to form and sprout everywhere in reality and errors surpassed Higher gods while mortals surpassed Celestials, this had them create Ohithius, a place errors go after death, but even then they can escape death from their error nature, making them hard to rid of, so then they formed Tiamat to erase them and devour them so they wouldn't escape death, and Tiamat created Ohithius gods to help her in her duty. In its making the supremes banished other entity realms who had been formed from "The Nothingness" which were specifically the Outergods, into Beloveno. Soon after Beloveno had formed, Yahweh became disappointed at what Beloveno was, and so left for Nirvana, his passage ripping a hole in Outerworld. This rip is viewed as the Golden Light, and the lower world and even the first gods are responsible for creating it due to their thoughts all combining into one which had formed Nirvana and its concept as a whole, making Nirvana the main source that runs everything in the series. Others soon followed after Yahweh; these Supremes, known as The Great Ten, left smaller holes, which became the golden lights. Beloveno is a construct but it's also the Wheel that surround all of creation for the Mortals/Lesser Gods that the first gods created, involving the Mortal World, Celestial World, The Ultimate World, and even The Endless Swirl. The walls are impenetrable, as no one can penetrate them except the First Gods. Beloveno was created by the supreme gods and took its name "Beloveno" from the first two first gods of the world who were called "Belo" and "Veno". Since the Supremes were the ones who made Beloveno rather the Extinction Emperors who didn't participate in its making, they have complete control over it all, and they can even crush beloveno with their bare hands like a human would crush or even shred a piece of paper if they wanted to. However they wouldn't do such a thing, as their purpose in the first place is to become "One", and watch over any error in the system of the world, governing it all.

There's so much inside of Beloveno and even if a supreme god destroys it all then Beloveno would still come back and restart everything back from age one where Adam and Eve existed, repeating history again but with new elements inside of it all. The supremes made Beloveno so they could all be "One" rather separate from each other, as all the supremes grew tired of being separate due to their individual concept they represented, Beloveno was made in order to have them all become one in something and equal all together.


The outerworld is an endless void above Beloveno, and exists in the world of the First Gods, being the second Wheel of creation. The outerworld is essentially "Outdoors" to the first gods realms and is where the Sacred-Elders, The Nothingness and Nihility realms exist. The Outerworld is stated to not be beholden to the physics and mathematics, it has no logical concept or any concept at all but is just an empty conceptual-less void where gods can paint their concepts and laws freely along it. Outerworld, The Second Wheel is stated to be a truly infinite realm, as opposed to the limited lower hierarchies such as Beloveno which although still infinite, utterly pale in comparison. It holds "Genesis" inside of its infinite expansion from Azathoth, and genesis are the conceptual form of things such as lower worlds, parallel worlds, fates, possibilities, theories, and so on. Genesis comes in forms of a cubes.


Supreme and Extinction Realms are worlds only held by the First Gods. Realms are described as endless though, as it's impossible to leave a First God realm by conventional means similar to the Celestial realms. If another Supreme or Extinction god is trapped within another First Gods realm, they're bound into it and have barely any power there, as the ruler rules all. This is the same for every supreme & extinction Realm. A Supreme & Extinction realm naturally is an infinite layered realm completely above Beloveno and other First Gods, in the shape of Stars inside of The Outerworld, similar to how Worlds are to stars in Beloveno. In a supreme & extinction world one layer is only "One step closer to god through the infinite steps of one's self". A supreme & extinction realm has a vast infinite Hierarchy of layers. Each layer is superior and more infinite than the last, while the supreme is the one that remains at the top of all of the infinite layers. But outside of their realm they're more vulnerable, and can die in battle against another First God.


The Sefiro tree is a place where the tutelary gods rely. Consisted of 10 Sefirot: Keter (Crown), Chokhmah, Binah, Da'at, Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth. These ten are connected through 22 pathways, forming "Heaven". To even access into the Sefirot one must have permission from a Sefirot member themselves, being able to transcend the natural boundaries of those known as supremes and all that lives below it; each Sefirot member has their own "Throne" in which their embodiment in the Sefirot hierarchy can spread its meaning outwards in. Their 'Throne' is referred to as their realm, being a literal throne which is the source of their realm and their title. If a Sefirot member fights each other, the only way to truly defeat one is by getting rid of their throne, which causes them to lose their title and be diminished to the natural level of a supreme god in which they have transcendence over.


The Golden light is a pathway in which Yahweh created in the Outerworld, this light was the pathway to Nirvana which many supremes didn't follow except The Great Ten who were powerful first gods that helped build Beloveno, leaving with Yahweh to Nirvana and creating their own "Rip" in the outerworld to reach there. Nirvana was never discovered at all, it was discovered in an accident once Yahweh tried to leave the outerworld, ending up finding Nirvana which left a hole in the outerworld and access way into Nirvana. However with an hole in the outerworld and connecting Nirvana and the world below it, others started to discover and understand this light as well, giving them accidental transcendences to the state of Nirvana where they're absorbed into Nirvana's thoughts and it's concept as a whole. One may call Nirvana suicide once being absorbed into it and it's concept, but it is being forever at peace for all eternity. Others can achieve Nirvana as well by obtaining an Buddha Sutra, such as Sun Wukong himself.


Nihility is the portion of the Outerworld mostly created by the Extinction Gods, who are the first gods who did not wish to take part in the creation of Beloveno, and is frequently used synonymously with the planes of these. These beings created their individual planes of Nihility out of themselves, possibly in mockery of the Beloveno. While most of the realms of Nihility exist at the will of a God, there are some that are sustained by the collective will of an array of Sacred Elders, who soon came to be after errors started to sprout within Beloveno.


The Nothingness, also known as the Darkness or Outer Darkness, is a cosmic realm of utter nothingness. It is the domain of an unknown entity, and is the place from which the Outergods and of the realms of Nihility spawn. Before all, before the creation of Supreme Gods, Beloveno and Extinction gods, of the vast plains of Nihility, there was The Nothingness. The Nothingness is a space filled with everything but nothing. An eternal heaven, filled with darkness. Originally before anything. It created the Outerworld, and formed everything that exists in the outerworld from Supreme gods to extinction gods and everything else there is to know.


Above the Outerworld and it's entirety exists the Third Wheel, Irae. In this wheel it transcends the plains of all First Gods and their realms, as well as the Sefirot tree, and the gods who exists inside of the Sefirot tree, along with the Second wheel, the Outerworld. The only gods who exist here are known as the ones in Nirvana, and Adrienne and Lucian. Reaching the Third Wheel is impossible unless one reaches Nirvana via Buddha sutras, or traveling into the Golden Light, however it is known as suicide to do so.


Nirvana is the state one can reach once they understand everything there is to know about reality and everything that exists within reality, or achieving Buddha Sutras. Beloveno consists of infinite upon infinite concepts from all the supremes. The supreme gods stored their concepts within Beloveno and started other forms of lower concepts, thus no one can truly destroy Beloveno unless they understand every concept of a Supreme God inside of Beloveno. Nirvana is an endless landscape of Green earth and large trees under a beautiful Blue-radiant sky, anything and everything that is thought of exists here. This realm is referred to as another world that exists beyond the Second Wheel, and the First wheel. The realm of Nirvana is beyond what an ordinary human or god can handle, anyone who has experienced a path of Nirvana via ascending into a state of Nirvana feels tremendously overwhelmed during the experience and even lost one of their eyes and mind, as it's existence is formed from everything below it, even First Gods thoughts since it transcends even the first gods. Nirvana is, a transcendent world which contains all ideation/concepts, laws, truths, higher dimensions, mathematics, the First god's thoughts, Humanities thoughts, Celestials thoughts, concept of transcendence, etc,...the place where all things in Beloveno's conception/perception arrive. Any being that reaches Nirvana would lose their meaning and become one with it, in a state of forever peace and enlightenment depending on their desires/thoughts. Other higher beings exist here which were formed from Lower thoughts of the supremes and other creations of the world thus forming these beings known as the Absolute Deities. Buddha resides here after transcending the world through the means of the Buddha sutras.



The Extinction Gods (sometimes referred to as the first gods like the supremes) are the most powerful of the realm of nihility and thus most commonly worshipped by lower existences as deities. While Extinction gods can manifest as either male or female (being, in reality, genderless), all of these high Extinctions are typically referred to as "Emperors." In all, there are Ten widely known Emperors. The Extinction Emperors are the first gods who, when Supremes proposed the creation of Beloveno, did not take part but rather created domains out of themselves in Nihility. There are also accounts of other first gods becoming Extinction Emperors after the creation of Beloveno, which also involves the creation of their own realms of Nihility.


Errors are beings inside of Beloveno that don't follow the rules of the supreme gods, which are beings not bound by anything and exist completely outside the Wheel of Beloveno, making them one of the strongest beings in the verse. Errors can infinitely transcend layers of the Wheel until they're at the point of surpassing the Wheel itself, such as Xen and the once known error "Gabriel". Errors can also be abilities and, have the powers of completely surpassing other worlds in Beloveno with ease. Understanding Errors are difficult and they're not supposed to be understood by all means, as the very first Error to ever exist was Gilgamesh himself that had even frightened the Supreme gods. Gilgamesh battled and could even defeat higher gods, perhaps gaining an forbidden realm that only an Error can create. Errors being contradictions also contradict their very own nature and abilities, as whatever they have or do could lead to opposite effects. If one heals then it could permanently wound them, if one gets injured it could heal them, etc.


The Sacred Elders are Errors who have ascended past Beloveno, The First Wheel, and into the realms of the supremes. However errors may be dangerous, they're also dangerous to themselves, hence the name "Errors". After ascending past the first Wheel, Beloveno, there can also be an Error with their transcended for them to not reach into Supreme hood and gain a Supreme realm, making them forever wonder the Outerworld for the rest of their lives without their own realm or even a Supreme authority, leaving them to be "failures" in the world of the first gods, known as Sacred Elders.


The Sefirot are a group of Tutelary Gods that keep the other Supremes in check, and they follow the rules set in stone and are capable of protecting Beloveno until their very last breath. They are friends, inseparable and indomitable. They vowed never to hurt the flow of life in Beloveno. The Sefirot's abilities are strengthened to such great heights it even affects Supreme's very concept due to being the sole line of defense to combat Supremes that break the very fundamental rules of Beloveno. From here on out, Supremes that want to join Sefirot will need to be elected by the Four Originals of Sefirot.


The Tutelary Gods are classifications of the Supremes that keep the Other Supremes in check. So far, there are only ten instances of these gods that exist. They hold unique abilities known as the power of Tutelary, being utterly different from Supreme Blessings/Authorities they are considered superior to them. That specific Tutelary God can ONLY use it; no one who's lower than them can use it. No Error, Supreme, Celestial, etc., can wield the power of Tutelary. The power of Tutelary is torn away if they leave Sefirot or Die within battle.


Outergods were beings formed from The Nothingness and came about to destroy Beloveno and it's entirety by manipulating the mortals, having once existed in the outerworld, the supremes banished their realm into Beloveno making them weak compared to their existence in the outerworld, however even after being banished, the supreme gods didn't banish their Supreme Archetype form, and ultimate mystery, allowing them to still access and achieve a state where they're unchanging and above Beloveno where Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth exists from never being banished. Naturally before they were vanished, The Outer Gods are all-powerful entities that reside within the formless outerworld beyond Beloveno, standing as the supreme governors and rulers of all reality by manipulating the genesis in the outer world, inhabiting a graveyard of rotten worlds and eternally revolving around the throne of their master and creator, Azathoth, playing discordant music and dancing madly for reasons unknowable to denizens of lower worlds, with the unearthly melody itself emanating from the Wheel of Beloveno. The Outer gods are mysterious beings to even that of the supremes and have no correlation to them whatsoever. The future, past, present, events for everything in Beloveno is usually the outer gods fault, for they manipulate future events, stories, everything that happens in Beloveno is usually happening to them manipulating the genesis that resides in the outer world. Most of the events in Beloveno are by the supremes and extinction gods, and most are by the Outer gods. The outer gods power is enough to be equal to that of a supreme, however compared to a supreme in their own realm they would be looked at like a spec of dust. They worship and serve their master Azathoth that sleeps and dreams of all of the Genesis in Beloveno. Genesis is born from his dream, azathoth existence is a mystery or even how he came from The Nothingness is a mystery, but with him Genesis exists. The court of Azathoth is a mystery, not one god has ever found it nor had the will, nor wanted to look for it in the outer world.


Aspirations is just a matter of will for the errors, believing you are stronger makes you so, it's useless to think about limits. This is why the Errors power is infinite, they can Laminate concept over lower concepts, essentially whatever they face, they will just surpass as well. A battle between the Errors is a matter of will/Personification. However Aspirations power varies from each Error, one's aspiration depends on their worldview and will, for example: If a Error has an more important Personification than the other on the world or theirselves, then they will have an better aspiration, such as: If a person has an Personification of being a "protagonist", and could beat any personification and become the protagonist of that Personification, they would still lose to someone who has an better personification such as one having their personification being "The Last One Standing". To shorten it up, if they have a better role in what they believe in or what they think of themselves as, then their personification will make their aspiration tower over the others. And for their will; If a Error has a better will, then their aspiration would make them virtually unkillable, as those with higher wills with their aspiration could easily revive them from Ohithius after they die even faster, and almost instantly depending solely on their will.


When one evolves into a Maverick after awakening their Origin they develop a skill known as Maverick Skills. With the skills they develop, it works separately from a Benoyin however with the same functions. A Maverick skill manifests from one's desire, and can come in many shape or forms.


What's usually restricted by levels of imagination knows no bounds for the user of this ability. Generally, whatever the enemy believes is Impossible, becomes possible, turning into a powerful version of reality warping. When that person is reduced to such a level, they then are locked in an absolute truth where they believe winning becomes impossible, that being set in stone in all ways. This includes fate, plot, and cannot be altered. They can also completely deny aspirations from other Errors as well, making this an ability that can do almost anything in Beloveno. It's rumored to come from a mysterious dark queen, but it cannot be confirmed.


A important part of Beloveno Cosmology are Genesis or Fragments which are dreamt from the slumbering god Azathoth (sometimes they are also called pieces of creation). They look like small cubes, and some are orbs, but they actually are the conceptual form of things such as lower worlds, parallel worlds, fates, possibilities, theories, and so on, that exists inside of The hierarchy of Beloveno series.


Powerful armaments made using Supreme/Extinction imagination as their core, and are the weapons and/or abilities owned by the supreme gods. Extinction/Supreme Authorities embody the ultimate mysteries of a Supreme/Extinction as symbols of their conceptual existence. They can be physical weaponry (e.g. swords, spears, bows) or supporting weaponry, (e.g. shields, rings, crowns). They can also be abstractions such as unique, often abilities. This is a trump card among The First Gods when they battle each other, and the most powerful Extinction/Supreme authority wins in the end, but even so Extinction & Supreme Authorities disrupt each other when they clash, causing disrupted effects of their attacks working but having an minor effect (e.g if an Extinction/Supreme authority manipulates time and clashes with a supreme authority that destroys reason, then the time stop or time slow will still commit its effects for only momentarily as the one that destroys reason will eventually destroy the reason of it being stopped in time, etc.)


The strongest of the Entirety of Sefirot and the Supremes. And they were only being rivaled by the very few. It is unknown about their capabilities. However, the four originals are considered equal in strength. They all came from different standings. One was human, One was here before the start, One rose through everything, and One lived in solitary. The Four Originals' presences are so powerful they could distort and change the concepts of the Supremes just by being around them. They are superior to any sort of means that are associated with Beloveno. No matter how many Supremes are against them, they still will always prevail, due to their paradoxical natures combining into a singular one. The Four Originals combined their strengths and created the power of Tutelary from the chaos The Supremes caused within Beloveno. A power beyond the comprehension of even the Supremes. The Four Originals can use the control of the strength of Tutelary to its fullest potential and are more excellent than the rest of Sephirot, giving them a clear power gap between the entire group. They can also take away the power of Tutelary from the Sephirot if they were ever to try and cause harm with it.


The Tutelary Gods that aren't the four originals work under one of the Four Originals. So that the Originals are capable of monitoring the behaviors and actions of the Tutelary Gods, essentially an Original being the Manager of the group. The Wings of the Originals have blessings that they could use directly rooted to the associated Originals. A seal of its wings appears somewhere on the Tutelary God's body. These marks are as Feathers forming a ring; the number of feathers depends on an individual's success as a Tutelary God and ability and the power that The God can use. The abilities of the Wings depend on the unprecedented powers of the Original, and no two are the same. For example, a Tutelary God under the Management of an Four Original can create and destroy unfathomable creation of the Second Wheel.


Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. The calendar serves as a structure around time. Deities, or beings known as the Original blood of Adrienne and Lucian, as well as other spiritual entities like Yahweh, exist beyond time or outside of it. Time has been disrupted several times. Time was created from Adrienne and Lucian to have the nothingness finally "move" and leave its stagnated state of existence where it couldn't finish its creations, and soon as Adrienne & Lucian created time to be a counter to The Nothingness stagnated nature from Belo and Veno pausing The Nothingness, it finally started to move again, bringing forth creations that the Gods Belo and Veno planned, allowing supremes to come about, extinction gods, and the entire outerworld itself. True Time exists in the Second Wheel, as lesser time exists in the first wheel. The beings in the third wheel transcend time and it's entirety.

In terms of ranks, it will be the following:

1. Nirvana

2. Irae, The Third Wheel

3. True Time/The Golden Light

4. The Nothingness/The Four Originals

5. The Sefirot Tree

6. The Outerworld

7. Nihility

8. Supremes Gods & Extinction Gods (Inside their realms)

9. Supreme & Extinction Realms

10. Azathoth & Yog-Sothoth

11. Supreme Archetype Outergod

12. Sacred Elders

13. The Endless Swirl

14. Beloveno

15. Ultimate Void/Spirit World

16. Ohithius

17. Babylon

18. The Higher Gods realm

19. The Celestial World

20. The Garden of Eden

21: Purgatory (Unknown)

22. The Mortal World