Chapter 58: Narcana and the new Generation


"Affirmative, I understand my lord."

It's wings flapped about, flying next to my windowsill on the second floor of my room.

"Lightstarrrr it's time for breakfast! Don't keep mother waiting now!"

My mother didn't know it but I just given a bird the coordinates to Narcana's Government. As of now Narcana was the center of the world, it's leader known as Akira Kojiro, who is also the leader of the entire world.

The coordinates was to spy inside the governments military facility.

The government was one big massive base, or essentially the headquarters where all leaders around the world gather together in order to discuss business and other forms of politics in this generation.

Of course their technology was far too advanced. Over thousands of years had passed by now from my recent world… it is now the 20th century.

I was known as a great king, by the name of Mammom, the maverick king, but I took my own life in regret from not saving my closest friends.

Ken, Bluey, Wave, Az, and Kaiko.

They all were close to me and yet I failed to protect them all.

The names I mentioned weren't their real names but instead their titles as generals.

Bluey was known to be so fast in battle that she appeared as a blue blur, thus Bluey.

Wave was known to have such great swordsmanship that his blade made the illusions of flowing water.

Ken was known for his incredible knowledge and sightseeing for enemies locations.

Az was short for absolute zero, meaning he was incredible with manipulating the forces of Ice, and always reverting his enemies strategy back to zero.

Kaiko was known as a current of the ocean, and just like wave his fighting skills were so impressive he had made illusions of the ocean.

They all were great friends and they all fought to the end to protect me.

Me? Well I'm known as Lightstar in this world, that's what my mother named me. Some weird name… what name is Lightstar? I rather be known as Mammon for gods sake.

However that's how it was.

Getting up from my bed and now departing my eyes from the window, I walked to my door, grabbing my backpack next to me.

I'm 17, my appearance drastically changed from how I looked as Mammon; I look like an average young man in high school. With blue hair down to my neck, brown eyes, and straight hair with bangs. Wearing some school uniform, I looked like an embarrassment going to school, or rather Narcana academy.

I didn't like this one bit, why should a Maverick King venture off to some academy when I know everything they'll teach me already?

Back then when I had the ultimate power, I could simply traverse into the unraveled world for information via searching other Amalgamations… but now I look like this.

I bet some god is laughing at me from a higher plane up above.

"Lightstar hurry dear, your food will get cold!"

"I'm coming ma."

My mother rushed me, now I stopped by the stairs and walked down, hearing them creak in this old house we lived in all our life.

My family never decided to move ever. They weren't my first parents but they still were my parents.


"Hello dear, I made you pancakes with a side of eggs and your favorite Shrimp Scampi! Just for you!"

I looked down at the table… it was just… GORGEOUS! My eyes fluttered with stars in them, I couldn't resist it. The smell… the aroma… the beautiful taste of Shrimp scampi. It was a dream come true.

She made this just for me, for breakfast? This mom was the best.

"Ahhhh… it looks so good ma… but why did you decide to make it—"

She closed in towards my face.

"Light, now now tell me you didn't forget what today was?"

I blinked a few times, a bit confused.


She leaned back and clapped her hands.

"It's your Half year anniversary prom date! Narcana academy always hosts one every half year to celebrate with the students! Isn't the world leader Akira just so great? So friendly to the kids! Oh I love him!"

I cringed.

"Yeah I suppose so."

Looking down at the food on my table would put me at ease, now releasing a sigh.

I walked over and sat my backpack next to the chair, grabbing my fork and already started chowing down on the food.

"Mmm..~ it's still warm and delicious."

My mother couldn't help but watch me eat it with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm so proud of you son! You'll grow up to be a big and healthy man like your dad!"

I couldn't get some damn space.

"Yeah. Sure, but can you at least put up another plate for me when I get back home?"

She looked around and searched for some paper plates.

"Oh sure dear, just a second."

Finally… she left me to get some space. I love mom more than ever, but when she's excited it's just an hassle to deal with.

Spinning the pasta around on my fork, a sudden notification vibrated in my pants, forcing me to reach in and grab my phone.

"Oh, it's Bluey- I mean Charlotte."

Yes, bluey my subordinate and greatest friend was alive in this world, believe it or not she reincarnated the same year I had reincarnated, and we both kept our memories intact. However for the others I had no clue where they were.

Bluey's real name was Charolette, as said from before, Bluey was only a general name from their skills and combat experience given to them.

…But I do find it coincidental that Bluey's real name is Charolette in this age and generation, while it was the same name back two thousand years ago during the age of Gilgamesh.

"She found something? Whatever it is, I hope it isn't a waste of my time."


I sat down my fork and would grab my backpack.

My mother was frantically searching into the kitchen, but before she could turn around to ask me anything I would vanish.


I linked over to the Unraveled world now, going into true reality. Making my way towards the door, I opened and closed it, however the actions I done in unraveled world wouldn't go to the outside world of normal reality.

I walked down the street under the red crimson sky, amalgamations walked everywhere around me and even driven cars as their Human counterpart done the same in normal reality.

"I could honestly just teleport, but I still wish to not risk running into any other magic user of the sorts. Teleportation wastes magic and is easily detectable by an skilled magical user…"

It sounded foolish as this generation thought of magic as a myth and even spirits as a myth, so why did I worry?

To put it simply, it was because of a group I heard of.

Toshiro, Katie, Haruo, Musashi Makoto, and Akira the world leader.

I heard they had incredible knowledge and even where powerful enough on their own to destroy not only this world but the entirety of the celestial world.

It was shocking hearing that news. However I have to be careful on where I get my information from, as I got that info from some Amalgamation on the day I decided to explore around a bit and learn some stuff about this generation.

…A lot has changed, even King Arthur's whereabouts is missing.

Narcana was formed from Musashi and Sasaki's battle ages ago, creating a place where supernatural activities is seen as common, due to their battle involving supernatural forces and attacks that still lingers around to this day.

The lingering effects of their battle causes most supernatural entities like spirits and other forces such as demons to spend their time around this country.

The backstory of Narcana was honestly huge, and I barely even know the gist of its main sources.

Now unlinking myself after countless steps, I would be in front of Naracna Academy where Charolette waited for me.

An beautiful girl with dark-purple hair in the same shade as the color of the night. Charolette partially tied her hair back into a ponytail while still letting much of her hair fall to her knees.

She didn't look the same as she did 2,000 years ago, but honestly looked much better to tell the truth.

I hoisted my bag upon my shoulders a bit more and smiled when seeing her. She had done the same.

"How did you sleep?"

She asked.


I replied.

She then closed her eyes and turned around to stare into the Academy gates.

"I found something that may change everything Lord Mammon…"

I would bow my head and chuckle

"Ahahaha, you still wish to call me that after all these years Charolette? We grew up next to each other in the same neighborhood and played with each other as kids. It's a coincidence but you should still know me as Lightstar from now on."

She turned around placing her hands upon her hips.

"Hey you still do the same! You still refer to me as Bluey, my darn general name! I can do the same thing!"

I turned my head to the side biting my lip… well she was right.

"I guess so… anyways let's change the topic. Back to an more important discussion, what did you find?"

She pointed up into the sky now, right above the academy rooftop.

I walked towards the huge gate that went 20 meters up, and looked into the sky to see a large swirling portal that made the sound of a blackhole… hovering right above the schools building.

Don't tell me…

"Is that…?"

I gasped in shock.

"Yes, it's a Maelstrom. You know of them, after all you were Maverick king Lightstar. Maelstrom's are portals into the unraveled world, and once they're opened up, they will eventually expand until true reality fuses with normal reality. We must do something about it, before it's too late… either this week or the next."