Chapter 59: Narcana Academy’s Prom


Hmmm. Something's off.

The Maelstrom? No, something different.

Me and Charlotte made our way down the hallway of the academy, we seemed to be on time… but no one had shown up.

"Could it be… that the Maelstrom managed to suck in the physical bodies of humans in normal reality?"

I placed my hand underneath my chin wondering about this occurrence…

If that was the case, the students here was good as dead.

Damnit, nothing I could do about it. I could resurrect their bodies with magic [Revive] but it was slim chance of actually saving them.

I couldn't revive their Origins however, as doing so was risky, and I didn't possess the magical output I had 2,000 years ago.

This was bad in many ways; if those humans were taken into the Maelstrom and so was the teachers, and me and Charlotte are the only ones here, it may bring a lot of attention on us as well.

Attention is one thing I don't need right now, and the same could be said for Charolette.

"Charlotte… I know you noticed it too."

As we walked the halls I looked at her, speaking in a serious tone of words.


She looked at me blinking a few times.

"The students and teachers, they're all missing. Do you know the cause for it?"

Charlotte blinked a few times at me once more, looking at me as if I was clueless.


I leaned my head back some before taking a few steps back, bumping into a locker.

"What's the matter with you?"

She snorted inside her hand, cracking up with an audible laughter which echoed through the hallways.

"Oh dear, Lord Mammon, you're so clueless without your magic are you? Just how much magical output are you missing again?"

What was she talking about…?

"Lord Mammon, it's prom day today, everyone's in the cafeteria."

"Ah… that's right… uhh…"

I was lost of words, honestly I wanted to slam my head on the locker behind me.

"Perhaps I rely on my magic too much rather formal thinking…"

I sighed, placing my hand over my face.

"Cmon, let's go!"

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.


Dragging me through the halls, I felt like a child being pulled by their bigger sister.

This was embarrassing, I didn't know what to do in this situation… I just ran along with her until I pulled my arm away from her grasp.

"Bluey, you don't have to drag me into everything that you wish to attend. I actually planned on skipping the prom…"

Charlotte looked back at me and snickered, we started slowing down as we approached the cafeteria entrance.

"Ahahaha! But it's so fun, I love it when you're pulled into something you don't like, you just adapt to it anyways Lord Mammon."

As she said those words, my heart skipped a beat.

"Charlotte be quiet, remember what I told you about calling me mammon in the radius of other people."

She quickly covered her mouth, I had to whisper these words out to her…

"I totally forgot… sorry…"

We were only a few feet away from the cafeteria doors, however through the plastic-window we could see people in suit and ties, others dancing in the middle as they held fruit punch in their hands.

Rave lights fluttered from the ceiling as the music bopped to everyone's ears.

The sound frequencies of the music was enough to make me highly uncomfortable, as I was never fond of these modern day concepts.

"I'll rather listen to a couple of dogs bark at me at 3:00 in the morning."


"Well what are you waiting for? Wanna go party or what?"

Was she serious? Ah… of course she was.

Before we opened the door, Charlotte zoomed off down the hallway in hypersonic speeds, faster than what any human could see.

However I did keep up with her pace a little, seeing her come back in a dress.

…I must say… she looked absolutely stunning. Not to me of course but to other guys who bothered to check her out.

Charlottes long purple hair still hung down, she wore a black dress with black high-heels, she carried a small black purse with her, as well as a black umbrella, fitting the gothic Victorian looks.

For me, I was just in a normal outfit, I didn't really have anything new or stunning about me, so I decided to change it up a bit.

"Yare Yare, it will be a problem if I walk in like this."

Charlotte stared at me once she came back, just begging for me to change.

Gathering magic at my feet, I formed a magical circle underneath me.

"Cloth Magic: [Formal Wear]"

Utilizing an irrelevant magic type that's barely used out of the countless others, would be cloth magic. Forming a casual suit and tie. Black suit, black pants, white undershirt and a tucked in black tie. My shoes seemed to be accustomed to black boots.

"I suppose this'll do."

I just realized me and Charlotte both looked like we came from the era of 1914 in terms of our looks.

We were both matching in all black.

"You look great Lightstar, we are both matching twins!"

She added some unnecessary walk to her posture as she approached the door, opening them now and walking right inside without a care in the world.

"My subordinates are more brave than I. But I suppose it's why I love them so dearly."

I muttered underneath my breath, proceeding inside the cafeteria.

The music bumped loudly, my eardrums felt like they grew legs and tried to escape from my ears.

This was horrendous…

"I can't stand these peoples music…"

Walking inside and seeing the wild flashing rave lights everywhere did disturb my vision.

Damn this body for being so weak, my other bloodline 2,000 years ago was all powerful and had durable bodies throughout the centuries… but this one was just fragile as hell.

"Hey man… do you want some *hiccup* alcohol…?"

Seriously? Alcohol in an academy?

"You're not suppose to be drinking that."

I said.

Now looking over to the student who offered me the alcohol. They were actually just waiting by the cafeterias door in order to offer new welcomers some booze.

However I did notice something strange…


"That young girl right there, is she alright?"

One of the booze drinkers sat on the table, as did his other two buddies who were drunk out their minds.

But another individual was there too, she seemed to wear all pink, with a ribbon on her head, slumped over in the middle of them, on the table.

"Yeaaaaaaahhh she's fineee! She just had too much to drink…"

Alcohol makes you pass out, yes I know. Alcohol poisoning, but I doubt they snuck that much inside of a party like this…


I chuckled to myself, my brown eyes lit up with blue-crystals in the middle of my pupils.

Utilizing my Maverick Eyes, I could see virtually anything in my direction. From someone's bloodstream, to their brain, to their very heart and even soul if I looked deeper.

It allowed me to even interact with said body parts and spirit, just by blinking, I could take anything out from someone I glared at with the Maverick eyes.

Now seeing the girls bloodstream, she was intoxicated by an unknown drug I have never heard of actually.

Just from the sights alone, it had confused me. Perhaps it was some man made drug in this century used for these certain things.

"Sooooo you gonna just stare all day? *hiccup*"

The drunk bastard questioned me, but I approached the table to the girl.

"Why did you bother giving her an drug? What did you plan to do with her, you sick vermin."

I looked down at the incapacitated female in pink, resting my hand upon the bare part of her back.


One of them realized I found out the truth…

"W-What do you mean drugged? Like hell! She's our friend!"

The bastard next to me panicked, I could hear his heart beating with my Maverick ears.

My Maverick ears were always active unlike the Maverick eyes I kept hidden away, so no one would look at me weird or give me a lot of attention.

The Maverick ears could hear someone's heart beat and even heavy breathing, I could virtually hear everything around me in a mile radius, but the only downfall to them is my mindset.

If I was thinking too hard on something or distracted too hardly, they would be deactivated and leave me helpless in some occasions, especially a fight.

"Your heart rate accelerated…"

The lying bastard backed his head up some before hopping off the table. They all followed in suite, now surrounding me.

"Fumu. A three on one? I bet this is how the lady felt when you all drugged her drink."

I shamelessly said out loud, embarrassing them enough to force them to look around, making sure no one heard.


The one who offered me the booze yelled from the top of his lungs, scaring those around him.

His fist swung and would come my way, in which I simply stopped with my index-finger.

"Teleportation Magic: [Removal]"

In a instant all three of them were removed from my sight via Removal, which essentially removes any opponent from the battlefield and sends them to a random location.

How could I know where they were? Perhaps swimming with the alligators, maybe in space, perhaps they were sent to another universe or in a lions den.

Wherever they were, they won't come back. And just in case, I took the alcohol out from the intoxicated female, so she should awake soon.

"That was risky Lightstar!"

Placing their hands upon their hips was Charolette.

Around us time had stopped.

"If I didn't stop time then your magic would've been seen and shocked everyone! You wanna risk that?"

I chuckled before approaching her, and then making my way pass her.

"I knew you were watching the whole time, soon as I uttered teleportation, you stopped time. I trust you more than myself for a reason Bluey, now let's dance."

She looked at me with an jaw dropping expression, now shrugging her arms and unfreezing time.

We were now in the middle of the crowd, dancing, and trying to fit in (well only I was)