Chapter 60: The Bringing of new allies


"Aren't you just having the time of your life???"

Charlotte screams without a care in the world.

"I suppose this is fun."

I reply back dancing with her, it was a groovy night.

The musics pace was upbeat and had everyone moving fast at such a pace it didn't even seem like a prom date but a disco party.

Damn these modern concepts, I hated how I actually started to like it...

"Goooo Lightstar! You can do it!"

It was embarrassing hearing Charlotte yell that towards me in the middle of the crowd... it brought attention upon me, not good—


I was quiet now and stopped my movements, taking a breather.

"Hey why'd you stop?"

I facepalmed myself, shaking my head back and forth.

"Too much attention Charlotte—"

"Hey man you can really dance, nice moves."

I heard some lad next to me compliment my style, it was nice to hear it but I didn't need so much attention brought my way.

"It's nothing..."

I replied.

Charlotte realizing what she had done would now scratch her head in shame.

"Aieeeyaaa, sorry, sorry! Hey where you going?"

I pushed and shoved my way through the dancing crowd lightly, hearing how the music started to pick up in pace.

"Gotta go to the bathroom, unless you wanna watch me take a piss."

I smirked, saying this while glancing from behind, proceeding my way to the exit.

"Nope I don't mind at all."

Charlotte was suddenly next to me, her speed was just insane...

"...You don't mind?"

I glanced over to her.

"What? You don't have those tendencies to protect your friends back while they're vulnerable?"

She said.

I now chuckled to myself.

"Honestly, we aren't living like we were 2,000 years ago Charlotte."

Over 2,000 years ago when we went out camping through the forest of the country "Eeforot", the sole place where I built my kingdom, it was always dangerous to use the bathroom in the woods, you needed a body guard to even piss.

Enemies and creatures were smart enough to take advantage during those moments, and they would strike you, until you were dead, and their next meal.

However still having that same mentality, we couldn't do that now... this generation placed silly rules such as the girls bathroom or the mens bathroom. Honestly it was unnecessary, at least to me.

"So? What if we aren't living like that? You neverrrrr know!"

Someone placed their hand upon my shoulder.

"Hey, what you two love birds doing? The party's this way."

Some cocky bastard came to me trying to show off to his group of friends who was staring a few meters behind.

"Don't touch me without permission, sniveling child."

He risen a brow.

"Child? Man you're as small as my little brother. What, are you 5'6?"

I look up to him.

"Yes I am, but what does height have to do with anything?"

Charlotte sighs to herself, she knew where it was going...

"You're funny. I'm assuming you two ladies are just gonna bail when the fun just began. You know, I seen what you did to those drunk guys not too long ago, where are they actually?"

...Did he just call me a lady?

"They're gone, I put them out."

He crossed his arms, puffing out his chest as if he owned this conversation, and could do whatever he wanted.

"Not cool bro, you know I was relying on them to give me a little more alcohol but you screwed it all up by snitching."


"Shut up."

He suddenly fell down to his knees.

"You won't touch me again, and you won't come near me again, do I make myself clear?"

His eyes were dreaded with fear, he looked down to the ground, sweat beads forming upon his forehead.

"Never again, come near me, or send anyone else after me. If I get so much as a little attention, your pain will be far worse."

He suddenly collapsed.

"Let's go."

I walked to the exit, making my way out to the bathroom.

"Jeez, what did you do to the guy Lord Mam- Lightstar?"

I would bow my head, chuckling.

"I placed him in an illusion. As of now his perception of time is altered. One second is One hundreds years to him, he'll die and repeat his life over and over for a minute until he's back again. Once he wakes up, he'll believe everything's an illusion, until he gets a grasp on reality! Kuhahahaha!"

Charlotte given a shrug.

"You're just the same as ever, when you mean something you really mean it I guess!"

I had stopped in my tracks, my eyes peering off to the side. Someone was behind me...

"That was unnecessary you know."

I didn't bother to turn around, I already knew... this person wasn't normal.

"Fumu. What was unnecessary?"

They all the sudden vanished...


A gust of wind blew my hair and clothing, they were standing a few meters ahead of me.

"On what you did to that kid. He was being an ass, but putting him in something like that wasn't called for."

I risen a brow, stuffing my hand into my pockets, Charlotte confused as me, yet placing a serious expression upon her face.

"Who are you?"

She said.

He gently took his head off to reveal a set of unfamiliar set of hair; he had black and white hair and blue eyes. His attire consists mainly of a black and white tunic with blue accents, gray pants, thigh-high armored boots, and a short gray cape with a gray edge.

"My name is Carter, I've been watching you some time now Mammon. May we have a talk with one another?"

I would grit my teeth, my hand balling into a fist inside my pocket—

"Teleportation Magic: [Removal]"

Casting a rune underneath his feet at such speeds was impossible to dodge, yet—

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be."

He kicked it... away? Kicking my magical rune and defying the laws of magic as if it was nothing before him. Who was this guy?


"You are wasting your time, do you want to continue this even further, Mammon?"


Bluey struck him, in a fit of rage she came closing in, materializing a blade inside her hand.


Slashing it downwards, she cut the blade upon his armory... but—

"No... effect?"

Carter just looked at her with a worried expression.

"Seriously, can we not go too far into this?"

And again...

"Teleportation Magic: [Removal]"

Taking out both my hands now, I aimed it at the rune under carters feet.

"Amplification Magic: [X100]"

Amplifying the effects of my magical spell, even if he resisted it last time, he would now have to resist it 100x stronger than before, bypassing his resistances with relative ease... but he vanished from the rune.

"Where'd he go—"

Appearing behind me, he chopped the back of my neck...


I felt dizzy for a moment, stumbling back and forth as things started to turn black..

"Lord Mammon!"

The same happened to Charlotte, her neck being chopped hard enough to knock her unconscious.

We both fell down, our bodies colliding into the floor roughly.

"I didn't want to do that, but you two made it unnecessarily difficult to even have a conversation with."

A bead of sweat trailed down his face.

"I hope Shiroi won't be mad at me, I gotta take these guys back to the Bar."

Carter looked around and shrugged his arms.

"If anyone ended up seeing this, I could just erase their memories from these events. No matter, I have to get going."

He leaned down to hoist the two inside his arms, picking them up and tapping his foot a few times.


The sound of electricity was heard in the hallways, now appearing in some foreign place.

I slowly opened my eyes, unable to process what happened, confused at the situation at hand, I would place my palm upon my face.

"Ngh... where am I?"

"Looks like the two troublemakers gotten up."

I was sitting at a table... inside a bar? But where was Charlotte—

"Aaaaahhhhh~ mannnnn this is soooooo *hiccup* goooood!"



I looked at her with an cringed expression, Charlotte was intoxicated...

"Have you been drinking when we gotten CAPTURED?"

I suddenly grabbed her bottle of alcohol, pouring it out and onto the floor.


She tried grabbing it back but I threw it to the side, smashing it into the wall.

"...I went through hell in making that drink..."

The bartender behind the desk sighed as she was cleaning the rim of a wine glass with a towel.

"But what does a kid know?"

I read her name, Julianne? Turning around to face her, I stuffed my hands into my pocket, walking right in front of her.

"May you tell us where we are?"

She cleaned the wine glass just perfectly, sliding it off to the side now.

"Shiroi told me to be quiet until he gets back, so sit tight and wait..."