Chapter 62: The Zero Dimensional Realm


Sitting in the middle of the bar was starting to kill me from the silence.

As of now things were becoming too eerie for me, considering I was in a foreign place I had no knowledge of, with someone who can easily take my life.

Closing my eyes and sighing, I looked to the side of me and seen Charlotte fast asleep, her cheek resting upon the table, drooling.

"At this rate that Carter fellow won't come back in at least a few hundred years or more… I'm getting doubts to stay. I can just walk out and leave, no one else is around."

Shiroi had left over an hour ago to bed, and Julianne wrapped everything up before leaving back home.

It was just me and Charlotte sitting in the middle of the Bar…

"Well I suppose a quick drink wouldn't hurt. It's not like I'm tampering with my Origin, it'll only screw with my physical body."

I got up from the table now, my hands dug in my pocket as I walked over to the bar table.

Behind it was many alcoholic beverages to soothe my taste buds right now… however—

"Wha- Woaaaahhhhhh!!!"

I stepped into a portal—

"W-What the… HELL?"

I fell down into an endless nightmare, all In the matter of seconds… now noticing something—

"My body… it's… disintegrating?"

Then it clicked to me.


This place all around me has the same fiery haze as that energy blocking the door during our escape.

The energy appeared Light-green and pink, crackling like the flames of a furnace.

How funny, I was even melting away like paper in a damn furnace… I was done for.


As I tried reaching upwards to where the portal was that I fell through, someone stuck their head inside… it looked like… a child?

Perhaps same age as me?


Now half of my face would fade away, my body being decomposed in this realm of madness.

"…That was dumb."

Wait… what?

I could've sworn I just died a second ago, my entire body eradicated and all. How was I able to hear things?

Everything was black, but then I noticed my eyelids were only just closed…

"…I'm alive…?"

As I opened my eyes I had looked around me.

"I'm still in the same realm…"

I was sitting on a floating table in the middle of this dimensional plane, confused to what exactly was happening.

"…You died from having your dimensional body consumed by the Zero Dimension."

Next to me I finally saw them. The one who stuck their head through the portal only a moment ago…

"I swore that I've died—"

They were eating on a marshmallow, as soda was sitting on the table in front of us.

"I revived you soon as you were about to be consumed, and then set up a nice seat for us."

They looked… so emotionless, even their tone of voice seemed so uncaring.


"...…..This is the Zero dimensional plane, a place where no dimensions exist. The realm we are in is infinitely small as a singular point, and everything you see is undetectable, and impossible to interact with and can not be split into smaller parts from how small we are."

They took another Marshmallow out the bag and munched on it.

"Do you want one?"

They offered me an marshmallow now, though I humbly declined.

"No… I'm fine. So you say we are infinitely small? Then what about the energy around us that we're floating in…? What is it—"

He looked around at the energy with emotionless eyes.

"It's Zero Dimensional energy, it's unique. What it does is keep its Zero dimensional function if it's used in a higher dimension. For example… if it was to be used in the third dimension, it will still keep its function as a Zero dimensional concept, and break apart the dimension of whatever it touches into a zero dimension."

He took the cream soda in front of him, lightly sipping on it.

"I am Gabe… I am a supreme god…"

I looked over at him, feeling an awkward pause as we stared at each other for a few seconds…

"Supreme… God? You mean to tell me—"

Gabriel closed his eyes and gotten up from his seat.

"Yes, the ones who created Beloveno. Each and every Supreme God embodies a fundamental concept that exists in the wheel Beloveno, and mine is Zero. Everything that has to do with Zero is where I am naturally acquainted too…"

They turned around and all the sudden casted an Black hole in front of me.

"Zero Singularity…"

His emotionless voice was blocked out by the sound of the raging blackhole he had summoned, now absorbing the marshmallow bag and cream soda into some unknown abyss.

"So… as everything stands now, how am I surviving here if the Zero energy breaks apart dimensions and turns them into Zero dimensions—?"

Gabe looked at me now, turning to the side as if he didn't want to answer.

"You talk too much."


What did he mean I talk too much? We were having a nice conversation—

"Let's just say that I'm keeping you alive with my own power… I am a supreme god after all."

The rankings were massive. As of now I was quite literally talking to my father at this point.

A supreme god was important, they were the sole creators of us all, despite his looks, he was the one that made us.

He was pale-skinned, and a blue-eyed boy with black hair in an twitail hair style. His left and right eye blazes with a blue flame, however I did notice it change colors every once a while into the energy of this place.

His fit was odd, wearing on the top a black string-bikini under his dark-gray hooded jacket.

The jacket was lined up with white checker patterns along the sleezes, and small gloves upon his hands. He seemed more down to the modern era if anything…


"I'll just take that with a grain of salt…"

I had to respect this entity in front of me… a Supreme god, just how crazy do you have to be to talk back to one?

I didn't wanna risk anything, that's why I was quiet. I heard legends from the wise Gilgamesh and other spirits talk about the supremes.

A supreme god alone is boundless in nature, and cannot be killed unless their realm or name is killed off with them.

The Supremes are formless, transcendent, transdual, and completeness beyond all dimensions of Beloveno, and divisions of Beloveno.

They were above all dual systems, such as the Endless Swirl, but even on a higher level, being untouchable and unreachable by anyone from Beloveno… unless you were that of a supreme.

"…Good… I accidentally had you fall down here when I was about to teach Shiroi a lesson from infiltrating my home."

Thinking back on it… Shiroi did mention someone named Gabe when he opened that portal.

Ah, I started to get the picture here. It made sense now.

"Wait… now I think about it, how is Shiroi able to even use Zero Energy?"

That's right, he was a mortal wasn't he? That didn't make his sense, he should be dead now.

"…..It is a very exhausting long story… maybe he can tell you… after I kill him."

My face lit up in fear, my body felt like it was just hit by a damn truck, considering how fragile it is.

It was something about his glare once he said that… I nearly went unconscious, but now we teleported out of the realm and back into the bar, Gabe came along as well.

"H-Hey… you aren't gonna use that Zero Dimensional stuff… are you?"

I looked at them who stared ahead of the bar, in search for Shiroi in all directions.

"….Who do you take me for? My pinky is enough to manhandle him…"

They now made their way to the door shiroi went in after leaving us, a bad omen was happening right now…

"This is the right time to leave…"

I reached over without looking to grab Charlottes hand, but—


Once I turned to look, it was SHIROI'S HAND!?


"Damnit, I knew I felt that presence in here, Gabe really is pissed off. Alright alright, escaping now won't be so bad…"

Was this guy serious…? Not to mention he was in his pajamas, Charlotte just slumped out next to him.

"The fact you are an acquaintance with an Supreme God tells me a lot. Just what am I getting myself into?"

I sighed to myself, now facing the wall not too far behind us.

"Grab onto my hand."

Shiroi grasped my arm instead, now using my other freehand to reach for Bluey, grabbing her by the shoulder.

"Soul Magic: [Fateful Exorcism]"

Our bodies fell to the ground, and our souls departed, removing them from our body with fateful exorcism, we were now being sent into the afterlife…

As of now, the only place most safest from a Supreme was the Underworld, a place where the dead goes in Beloveno.

You never hear of the underworld, however this will be the first time even I would experience it…