Jordans POV~

The party couldn't grow less boring. I had so much to drink, that I needed to go to the bathroom. I had no idea where it was. I was staggering trying to navigate the bathroom. I had no idea I had entered a whole different room. I was knocking on people's suites asking for the bathroom. They all stared at me like I was some sexy crazy drunkard.

I reached a particular suite, I knocked on the door and this steaming hot guy opens the door, he tied a white towel around his waist and another one hung around his neck. He had great black eyes with beetling brows and thick black hair with the perfect facials. He was tall, and his body was divine. I gazed upon his beauty and I was forced to recollect myself. I started to stammer,

"I-I-I'm so sorry, I was looking for the bathroom," I said trying to adjust my hair as I gulped. From the little I could see, his room was the biggest amongst all rooms that I knocked on. He kept on staring at me lustfully, I was confused. Why would he be staring at someone like me, then I looked at my dress. My boobs were partially out! I adjusted my dress, and then he said,

"You're Kate right?" This guy has a fucking accent. It was British. I didn't believe in love at first sight until now. Maybe it's the tequila. I answered him, I told him I was Kate. "Welcome back." He told me with a smile. I was shocked he knew me, I meant Kate. He asked me if I still wanted to pee I told him yes, it was so embarrassing but it would be more embarrassing if I had pee'd in front of him.

He told me to use his bathroom, I was surprised. He doesn't even know me enough to invite me into this bathroom? I had no choice but to enter his room and use it. It was like Haven in there, elegantly designed and thoughtfully appointed, it was spacious and an enticing blend of comfort and luxury.

It was a broad range of modern conveniences, including large, private patios, balconies and granite and marble bathrooms with Jacuzzi tubs and separate showers. His bathroom was like paradise. While I was using his toilet I had to pee in a way that he wouldn't hear the sound. When I was done I flushed it and washed my hands. I came out of his bathroom only for me to see he was standing right in front of me. I was startled. He held me,

"Woah, were you scared?" He asked me as he looked into my eyes. All I could think about was my lips on his, but I had to come back to reality.

"No, I wasn't," I said as I sighed. "Your place is amazing," I added.

"You work here don't you?" He asked, I confirmed with him. "How come you've never been to this room before." He asked.

"I work as a receptionist, not a cleaner," I said while adjusting my hair and looking at the mirror. I could see him from the mirror, he couldn't stop staring at my backside. I quickly turned around and thanked him for letting me use his bathroom. I was about to leave when he dragged me back gently, our lips almost touched, and I was ready to give in. He never wanted to kiss me,

"You have something on your neck," He said with his mesmerizing voice as he gently shifted my hair backwards and removed it from my neck. It was cheese! I felt a little tingling through my spine when he did that. To avoid further embarrassment, I immediately carried my purse, thanked him then left. I did not even want to know his name.

At the party Sadie came looking for me, I went to meet her. I wanted to tell her what happened to me but she was crying, she was drunk. I couldn't tell her anything at that state. I called it a night. We took a cab to my place together.

It was the next morning, and I woke up with a headache. Sadie had already gotten up before me. I woke up to meet breakfast on the table. I forgot I was on Earth. Everything that happened at the party started coming back to me.

"Breakfast mum," Adelaide said to me with a cheerful smile. "Aunt Sadie made muffins." She added running around the whole place. Sadie came up to me and said, "two months ago you were scared for her life, now she's here, whole and hearty. Antonio's never going to see her again." She said to me. All these talks about Antonio got me scared of him. What did he do to Kate and her daughter? I must have missed that part on her file. We all ate breakfast together, laughing and talking about different things. It was time for work. We got dressed, I wanted to take a cab but Sadie demanded I drive.

"Are you fucking kidding me, you better be joking. A cab?! Kate, you've gone mad " Sadie yelled.

"I just got out of the hospital, I can't just drive," I stressed.

"You rarely use a cab, fuck you're the one who said cab stands for cunts and bitches. That is to say, only cunts and bitches, use a cab!" Sadie jeered.

"Well I just changed my mind, cab stands for comforting and breathtaking."

"I call bullshit!" After a very long argument, we decided to use a cab. "I hate you," Sadie said, "I love you too," I said smiling enjoying the sweet cab ride.

At the hotel, we received a lot of people. The business was booming. I did not forget the reason why I came to earth, and I also still couldn't forget what happened last night at the party. I was smiling while working, Sadie noticed, "who's got you smiling like that?" She asked. I told her it was nothing. I really wanted to tell Sadie but I was afraid she'll blurt it out and I'd get Kate sacked. I decided to keep it to myself. A woman walked in, she was looking in her mid 20's, and she had curly black hair. She was dressed in floral patterns.

"Hi, I wanna see someone at the partial ocean view, junior suite." She said to Sadie. Sadie put her through telling her what she needed to do, after which she'd go to see the person she wants to see. Meanwhile, I couldn't stop thinking about the guy with the towel so I decided that during my break time I'll try to find his suit.

It was my break time, I visited the lady's room to adjust my hair and my make-up. I looked at the mirror and said to myself, Jordan, you're perfect. I went on to find his suite. I tried to remember every route I took. I finally found it. I knocked on the door and to my surprise, it was the girl that came into the hotel earlier that opened it. She was in her undies, in very enticing bras and panties.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, this must be the wrong room," I said while trying to cover my eyes. Then I heard a voice calling from inside, "baby come back to bed!" The voice sounded familiar. "I'm coming..." She strained.

Then she turned and said to me "Sorry we didn't order anything, I think you've got the wrong number." I tried to look inside the room and I proved my doubts wrong. It was the towel guy's room, and I felt ashamed of myself.

He grew impatient and came up to the door this time on Calvin Klein shorts. He grabbed the lady by the waist wanting to lift her when he saw my face, he paused and stared at me for a while. I wished the ground could swallow me at that point. I immediately said, "you're right, I have the wrong room number." I ran off ashamed of myself. My mind was now fully focused on the plan. To find Haden and stop him.