Jordan's POV~

I was about to leave for home when Mark came up to me looking very desperate. "Kate, I need your help." He begged. It was getting late so I told him to hurry up. He said he couldn't, that he needed someone to talk to. I knew I couldn't be that someone because I also need someone to talk to. It's been two earthly days since I arrived on earth and I haven't found out where Haden was. I wondered what was going on in the Havens.

"Kate so tomorrow's my boyfriend's birthday-" I interrupted Mark. Boyfriend?! What?! I couldn't comprehend what Mark was saying. At the party, he told me he had a wife and children. Now he's telling me he has a boyfriend! "You're the one who told me to go with my heart," Mark said in his defence. Okay, this Kate girl was obviously insane when she told Mark to go for his heart. Mark is a man who has a boyfriend!

"What exactly did I say?" I asked him and he said, "You told me that being true to myself is key, that if I liked men I shouldn't try to hide it. You said that I would never be happy with Maria if I lived my whole life with her and my kids as a lie." I was touched by what he said Kate told him, I would have told him that he was being delusional, but who am I to judge. We had a lengthy talk.

"Listen mark, you need to tell your wife. She'll be very mad if she knew you didn't like vaginas, but penises." I said to mark, that came out wrong but we both laughed. He told me he was scared, he was scared of what his children would say about his decision. "You're basically cheating on her. If she finds out you're cheating on her she'd wish it were a woman to ease the pain." I said to him. We both laughed again.

"So what's the plan for your boyfriend's birthday?" I asked mark curiously. "I wanna throw it here in the hotel, by the pool. He'll appear as my very good friend. I just wanna make him happy." Mark told me. I told him I'd help him with everything he needed. We started making the little preparations we could. We left the rest for tomorrow. It was time to go, I checked my bag for my house key, I realized I had left it In my drawers. I told Mark to go and that I'll tag along after I get my keys. After a while I found my keys, I was about to leave when the towel guy entered the hotel. I had no idea he left the hotel. He came up to me acting as though nothing happened,

"Uhm I wanna take my spare keys. I lost my keys earlier," he said to me, trying to avoid eye contact. This time he wasn't on a towel or Calvin Klein shorts. He was on a suit, he unbuttoned the first three buttons of his packet shirt. He was looking very hot, and irresistible. But I had to resist him because I thought he was taken.

"You're late," I said to him as I made my way back to the desk.

"I was just uh- finishing up some paperwork." He said.

"If I wasn't here where would you have stayed?" I asked. It sounded like a very stupid question but I just wanted to say something.

"I don't do if's buts or maybes." He said wearing a short grin. I gave him his keys then he left, I stood there thinking, who the fuck is this guy! It was like he completely forgot who I was and what happened earlier today. He later came back to meet me by my desk, he called my name and I answered like I was under a spell, he drew me closer to him, looked me in the eyes and told me he was sorry for what happened today. It sent chills down my spine, but I had to resist.

I immediately pulled myself away from him, I told him not to worry, that he didn't know me and we were not dating so it was not a big deal. I lied. He was heading for his suite when I told him,

"Hey! Come to my friends' party, tomorrow."

"When and where?" He asked.

"7 pm, here, by the poolside," I said. He told me he'll try to make it. Just when I was fully focused on my main mission, towel guy comes into my life. It was just like he was the devil tempting me.

I got home, took some lasagna out of the fridge and microwaved it. Something was ringing, it was the home phone. I went over to pick it up. I've seen Sadie answer calls at the office and she always starts with a hello.

"Hello," I said. I heard no response. I thought I had said something wrong, so I said it again. "Hello," Then a voice finally spoke back.

"It's Antonio." I heard this and flipped out. Antonio! I was scared so I ended the call immediately. I kept on thinking about what Antonio did to Kate and Adelaide. I looked through the house, trying to find pictures, but all I could see were pictures of Adelaide and Kate. I went to Kate's room I heard another phone beep, it took me a while to find the phone but I did. This time it was a portable one. I went to check it and I saw a message, it was from an unknown number. I finally found a way to operate the phone and opened the message. It read,

My queen is back. After two months you still survived, like the warrior that you are. When are you going to let me see my Adelaide? I miss my family. And I'll do whatever it takes to get them back.

From what I read, it seemed like Antonio was a good guy. Until I opened other messages between Kate and Antonio. It was a very lengthy conversation, so I scrolled up to what I thought were juicy.

Babe, I got your call I'm sorry I won't be coming home early today.

I have a meeting at work babe I need to go, who'll take care of Ad?

I told you to quit your job babe, they take too much of your time.

It's paying our bills so I can't stop. Baby please, come home. Stay with Ad so I can go. My mom's not in town yet.

I said I can't fucking come home. You don't understand English!

Don't disrespect me. At least I'm the one doing all the work and earning all the money.

You're a fucking whore. I know it. I see you in designer dresses. I see portraits of you. You are a fucking receptionist, your salary for a year wouldn't be able to buy all those items you have piled up in your fucking room.

I told you never to call me a whore.

You're a fucking whore. You shake your sorry ass for money. A slut.

I know about Miranda, the 18-year-old you've been-

The phone went off. It was blank, I couldn't understand what just happened. I couldn't see anything. I was desperate to know what happened next. But from what I read, I concluded that Antonio was a bad guy. I kept the phone in a safe place until I figured out a way to make it work again, and then I slept off.