Jordan's POV~

I woke up early, for the first time. I brushed my teeth then I went to prepare breakfast. It was then I realised that I had no idea how to prepare breakfast! I took a deep breath and tried to remember what Kate's mum had been preparing since I arrived. I eventually remembered some of the recipes she prepared, so I decided to make omelettes. I saw the oranges but I had no idea how she made them turn to juice. Then I remembered I saw her use a juicer once so I dropped four oranges into the machine without peeling their backs off and turned the machine on.

I saw a frying pan in the cupboard, I brought it out and broke three eggs into the pan then I turned on the gas. I had no idea that oil was used oil in frying the eggs. On the other hand, the juicer made horrible noises and as I was trying to adjust it, I forgot about the eggs. I had no idea the eggs were burning, I could smell it. The smoke detector started going off, it woke Kate's mum causing her to run to the kitchen. She saw that smoke filled the air,

"Oh my God! Kate! What the fuck?!" She yelled. I stood there looking at her. She ran up to me and turned off the juicer and the gas. Kate's mum couldn't believe her eyes.

"What the hell Kate?" Kate's mum asked furiously.

"You don't wanna go there" I jeered.

"What?!" Kate's mum said confused. She was still furious. I tried explaining to her that I wanted to make breakfast for a change but she didn't listen to me.

"Did I ever tell you I was tired of making breakfast for us? You almost burnt down your home. This has never happened before. What is going on." Kate's mum wondered. I told Kate's mum that I would clean it up but she suggested I got ready for work, that she would do it.

I had my bath all dressed up for work. I completely forgot about Mark's boyfriend's birthday.


At The Hotel

"Hey, Kate," Mark said pumped up. "Today is the big day, 7 pm. So what did you plan?" Mark asked me bubbling with enthusiasm. I couldn't tell him that I had forgotten all about his boyfriend's birthday party, so I told him this instead,

"It's gonna be big, the poolside is secured, and only invited guests are to come in,"

"Guests? What do you mean guests?" Mark said confused.

"People from the office, duh?" I said, trying to hide the truth.

"Kate, I have a wife remember? If too many people show up, it could jeopardize my marriage." Mark said.

"You told me that he was going to appear as a very good friend of yours. No one would notice a thing." I stressed trying to convince Mark. Mark sighed and appreciated me for my efforts. "Thank you, Kate, I hope nothing goes south." He said then he left.

I was in big trouble. I lied to Mark! What am I supposed to do now? I went to meet Sadie, "hey Sadie, I need your help." Sadie was busy, she told me to give her a second that she wanted to charge her phone. I saw the way she plugged her phone into a device then her phone turned on. It was then I remembered the phone at the house.

"What is that?" I asked puzzled. Sadie was confused.

"You mean this, a power bank?" Sadie asked, waving her power bank in the air.

"Power bank, it saves power?" I asked while I turned my neck around trying to adore it. Sadie burst into laughter. She couldn't control herself. "What the fuck Kate! Are you auditioning for a movie role and you didn't let me know?" She said as she hit her table continuously laughing.

I couldn't quite grasp why Sadie was laughing. I wasn't trying to be funny. So I immediately joined her, laughing. I told her yes that I was auditioning for a movie role. For an Angel, I did lie a lot but it was for a good cause.

"I'm sorry Kate, but you belong behind this desk not on TV," Sadie said.

Hey! That was mean. But I couldn't care less. I had a means of turning on Kate's phone at her house. I asked Sadie if I could borrow her power bank, and she told me she would give it to me anytime I needed it.

It was my break time. I navigated the manager's office. I knocked on his door, he told me to come in.

"Ms Kate. What wonderful timing." He said joyously. I was confused, why did he need me, what did I do? I did not want to mess up Kate's life. "Superior what did I do," I asked.

The manager briefly laughed, "Superior? You know you could just call me by name." The manager said. I tried to remember his name, but I didn't quite grab the names on Kate's file. I looked at his desk, and I saw a tag,

"Mr Rogers....." I said smiling sheepishly. He affirmed his name, then he told me why he said wonderful timing.

"An event would be holding today by the poolside around 7 pm-"

7 pm?!!!, Poolside?!! I am so fucked. Marks' boyfriend's birthday was supposed to hold there at that same time. "7 pm? What event?" I asked curiously.

"One of our valued families is throwing a birthday party for their 20-year-old son. And I would like you to help them concierge, their son's party." The manager asked.

"Concierge? Sir with all due respect-" I was cut short by the manager.

"Kate, I know you just got back from the hospital, I know you need to rest. But you are one of the known and respected faces of this hotel. It would be a huge honour if you did this for me." The manager insisted.

I didn't know what to say, If I accepted it I was going to let Mark down. And If I declined, Mr Rogers would be greatly disappointed. I thought of a plan, it was risky but I had to take it. I told the manager that I would do it. He was happy and he came out to hug me. I just stood there, I knew I was definitely screwed.

I left the manager's office and I went to the Towel guy's suite. I knocked on the door hoping he'd be in. To my surprise, the door was opened. I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea if I just entered. So I did, I was marvelled like I saw it again for the first time. I saw a file and I went for it. I was ready to open it when he came in.

"Oh my God!" I said startled. He told me arrogantly to leave his files alone. He was furious. I apologized for coming in without permission, I told him that it was so rude of me.

"What do you want Kate?" He said aggressively. "Look I know we don't know each other, but can I ask you for a favour?" I said playing with my fingers.

He scoffed, "and what is this 'favour'." He asked.

"You know that birthday party I told you about, my friend?" I asked trying to make him remember.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked.

"It's today... And it's clashing with another important event." He demanded I get to the point and stopped beating around the bush.

"Can I throw the party at your place?" I blurted out. He started laughing, I have never seen him laugh before. I wondered what I said that made him laugh. Humans are really weird. "It's not funny, I'm being serious. It's urgent"

"What makes you think I'd allow you to use my room to throw a birthday party!" He yelled. He was right. What made me think of such a silly idea? I told him he was right, and that I was stupid for making up such an idea. I left his room, thinking he was going to have a change of heart and call me back. He didn't! What kind of man is he? He couldn't spare his room for one night! One night! He is worse than the devil, I said to myself.