It was almost 7 pm, I still did not have a plan. The extinguished family came in, asking for me, I immediately ran to meet them discreetly, I did not want Mark to know I was offering concierge services to The Millers.

"You're Kate right?" Mr Miller said beaming with joy.

"Yes Mr Miller, uh why don't we go outside, the preparations are ready," I said trying to get them to go outside. We were all outside and they began to discuss,

"You did a good job, Kate, no wonder Mr Rogers recommended you to us."

"You know Mr Rogers, always trying to bring out the best in people," I said wearing a fake smile. They continued to discuss amongst themselves as I excused myself.

I tried my best to avoid Mark but he eventually caught up to me, "Kate, it's almost time, I already saw the wonderful preparations outside, you are godsent. My boyfriend's gonna love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Mark said joyfully. I couldn't dare ruin his moment but I had to.

"Mark, those preparations are not yours," I said sadly.

"Yes, of course, they are for my boyfriend, not me. Duh," he said as he giggled.

Mark did not understand what I said, "no. I mean they are not for your boyfriend's birthday." Mark was confused, his mood changed abruptly.

"I don't understand, what are you saying Kate?" He asked confused.

"I'm saying"- I was cut short by a male voice. "What she meant to say was that the venue of your boyfriend's party has been changed. Did she not tell you about that?" It was Towel guy! He asked pretending like he didn't know what was happening.

"Changed? where?" Mark asked. He started to lose his countenance.

"She didn't tell you about it, poor guy, well it was changed to the partial ocean view junior suite." Towel guy said. I was shocked, but he told me I couldn't throw a party in his room.

"Fucking kill me dude, no way!!! No way!! Partial ocean views junior suite??! How the fuck did you get the money to pay." Mark asked bewildered.

I wanted to say something but Towel guy cut me short, "it doesn't matter Mark, what matters is that you've got a venue much cooler than the beach side." He scoffed.

I was happy, Mark found a place to throw his boyfriend's birthday party, and I also pleased the Manager. Nothing went south!

It was 7 pm, and I had to join the Millers outside. While the rest partied at the junior suite. The Miller son's party was filled with teens, ranging from 17 and above. I wore short jeans, with a defacto shirt. I wasn't feeling the need to dress up. Everyone was drinking and partying. I sat on my chair sipping a glass of champagne. Jaden, the birthday boy stood up to give a Thanksgiving speech.

"Thank you to everyone who made it, I wanna thank my parents for making all this possible. I also wanna thank Kate, she was the brain behind all this." Jaden said as he smiled at me. Everyone began to cheer for me.

Mr Simmons POV~

I had never had this many people in my room, how did I get to this? I had removed my valuables before letting all the guests in. I left my room to take some fresh air. I bumped into a girl. She was a bit plump,

"I'm so sorry," she said. I dusted myself then I headed outside. It was dark, the lights were turned on, and I wondered about the place till I saw myself by the poolside. I saw her standing, she looked really beautiful, in her short jeans. I watched her from afar. She was dancing, she was a bad dancer but I could see she was doing her best. She was really happy.

A strange-looking man came up to her. "I'm sorry everyone, can I just borrow her for 2 minutes." The man said then he left with her.

Jordans POV~

Who is this man? And where is he taking me to? I thought to myself. He wore a white t-shirt and on top of the shirt he wore a jean jacket with beige trousers. He was a lanky man, looking in his late 30s, with partial beards. He dragged me to one corner outside the hotel,

"Hello, My Queen." He said with a smile. My eyes began to bulge, I was trembling with fear. Antonio was here!

"So you came back home after two months and you couldn't give me a call huh?" He asked me as he tightened his grip.

"Stay away from me," I said trying to step back. But he dragged me closer to him, aggressively.

"No one is here my Queen, so don't even try to scream." He said as he held my hands tight. He forcefully kissed me then I pulled away from him and spat out. He got angry at my action.

"You're out here dressing like a fucking prostitute. Your culo is out for fuck sake." He yelled.

We Angels can understand different languages so I said to him, "I wear what I have, now let me go!!"

"Why would I let you go Mami? I just got you back. We're going to meet Ad." He said aggressively as he slapped my bums. His car was parked directly in front of us. I could see a little girl there, she looked terrified. It seemed like she was about 15 to 16 years of age.

He demanded I entered his car, but I refused. Then he hit me. "Get in!" He yelled. I have never been mistreated in my entire life, so I wasn't going to let Antonio mistreat me.

"How dare you touch me. How dare you!" I yelled. People started looking in our direction. I got what I wanted. "If you don't let go of me I'll scream RAPIST!" I said to him. He quickly let go of my hands. He told me he was going to come back. He promised. He zoomed off with the little girl in his car.