The day had arrived. The day of Angel Laura's descension. Superior Catherine later heard of the Arkangel's plans to descend Laura down on earth. And she wasn't delighted about it.

 "What is this I hear about one of the Angels descending on earth?" She asked Arkangel Micheal with so much authority in her tone.

 "Superior Catherine," He said as he bowed down to her to show reverence. Then he continued, "You heard right my superior. We haven't heard any updates from Angel Jordan so the Arkangels and I decided to appoint our own Angel. And we are assured that she won't forget about her mission and end up chasing love." 

 "Chasing love? Elaborate." Superior said to Arkangel Micheal. Then he replied, "We had the principality Angels show us Kate's life and what we saw were incompetency, unreliability and unsteadfastness."