Pain, scorn, agitated, and afraid, were everything I felt while Antonio was in Kate's house. He kept on demanding to know who Jordan was while I kept mute.

 While he yelled in my face, I imagined a scenario where I take him by surprise and take his gun from him. And I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger then he fell to the ground. Antonio was dead, but unfortunately, it was in my head.

 I jerked back into reality when he grabbed me by the neck. "You're gonna tell me who the hell Jordan is!!" Antonio yelled. I was struggling to breathe when I said, "Okay, I'll tell you."

 He scoffed then he let me go. Panting, I said to him, "There's no Jordan. She doesn't exist. I made that name up so Miranda wouldn't figure out who I was."

 "So she was right. You knew she has never seen your face, so you decided to tell her that your name was Jordan?"