What horrible timing! The man who's been tormenting my life and the man who broke my heart a few weeks ago, in the same room?! Well, long story short, it's not gonna be short of drama.

I watched Mr Simmons walk through the pavement, attempting to press the doorbell. Antonio kept on talking, but I didn't listen. What was on my mind was the drama that was about to happen the moment Antonio realizes that I was seeing a man other than him.

And the doorbell rang! Kate's mum was startled, we barely had visitors. "Who's by the door?" Antonio asked me. I shrugged then I decided to open it but he stopped me. "Don't worry my queen, I'll open it." He tucked in his gun as he went to open it.

My heart started beating fast then Kate's mum whispered to me, "Are you expecting any visitors?" Then I whispered back to her saying, "I swear I don't know?"