In Mr Simmons's suite,

 There he stood, in front of his mirror looking all prim, perfect and handsome as always. He adjusted his tie as he said to himself, "You sexy beast."

 As he adjusted his tie in front of the mirror, another figure slowly began to form inside the mirror. That figure was Lucifer.

 Startled, Mr Simmons managed to say, "Father," then he bowed before him depicting reverence towards him.

 "My son, Haden. You've been stagnant, limited, I'm not pleased." Lucifer said with disappointment.

 "I'm aware Father. I had a plan," Mr Simmons said. Then Lucifer asked, "But?"

 "But it failed. It failed Father." He said ashamed of himself. Then he asked his father with rage, "Father why can't I just kill her?! Maybe that'll make more Angels come to earth!"

 "You can't kill her under any circumstances. Angel Jordan must not die, rather Kate, mustn't die." His father imposed.