Okay, let's keep up with Jordan's names. So, her real name's Jordan, but she's Kate to everyone but Miranda and Daya. To Miranda, she's Jordan and by now Miranda already knows that that's not the name she goes by. Lastly, she's Harley to Daya.

 Speaking of Daya, she finally got dressed for the dinner her brother, Cameron had planned earlier.

 "I'm coming!!" Said Daya when she heard a loud knock on her door. She learnt to always lock her door so that what happened earlier between her and Mr Simmons won't repeat itself. 

 When she was done applying her lipstick she quickly ran to open the door. Meanwhile, angry Annabelle said to her, "Daya, I have been banging on your door for over three minutes! What were you doing?"

 "Applying makeup." Daya moaned. Then she stroked a pose for Annabelle, "Come on, how do I look."