Old Town, San Diego.

 Cameron, Annabelle and Daya both sat at the same table. As they ate, they discussed, "Oh my, the food here is amazing." Daya said as she took a napkin to clean her mouth.

 "Very true Daya." Cameron agreed with his sister. Then Annabelle asked Cameron, "How on earth did you find such a beautiful place like this?" 

 "Uh, Google," Cameron said as they all laughed. Shortly, his phone rang and he excused himself to take the call. "Excuse me," He said. Only Annabelle and Daya were left on the table. Annabelle then asked Daya,

 "Daya, I forgot to ask. What took your time back at the hotel?"

 "Oh, I was searching for my purse," Daya replied. In doubt, Annabelle said, "For 20 minutes, come on Daya."

 "I swear, I was searching for my purse," Daya said as she washed down what she ate with a glass of red wine.

 "Okay, if you say so," Annabelle said. Daya felt Annabelle was suspicious of her. "What Annabelle?" She said.