Kate and Sadie were just coming back from the restroom when Kate caught the eye of Mr Simmons. She instantly pretended to act like she didn't see him but she turned to look at him again when she saw that he was with Daya. She gave him a derisive look and then she switched her mood and gave a rather pretentious smile when Sadie tapped her.

 She was enraged with anger and contempt towards Mr Simmons and Daya. But what could she do? She was just a receptionist, so she thought to herself. 

 She didn't like the fact that she felt helpless when she had the face and body of Kate Del Rey. So she decided to get her revenge. Since you want me to condescend to your level, Mr Simmons, that's exactly what I'll do. She said to herself.


 While Mr Simmons drove, Daya rested on the compartment, lost in her thoughts. Mr Simmons turned to look at her several times but she didn't flinch. She was thinking about her last hours in Haven,
