While holding her chest, Daya couldn't believe what she just heard the doctor say. "Hemorrhage?" Mr Simmons in disbelief said.

 "How critical is it? Oh my goodness," Daya asked the doctor while wearing a disheartened look on her face. 

 "Well, we'll have to place him on a high priority list for diagnostic imaging tests." The doctor said. Then Mr Simmons asked, "What's that?"

 "Well, if a doctor like me, suspects that an individual like you, is haemorrhaging, you'll have to be placed on a high priority list for diagnostic imaging tests. Such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. It'll help us locate and evaluate the extent of the haemorrhage." He explained to them.

 "Okay, I understand." Mr Simmons replied. "So, when does he take the CT?" Daya asked.

 "Now. It wouldn't take that much time. I'll escort him to the CT room while you wait here. Is that okay?" The doctor asked Daya.