"So, what are you gonna do with yourself while I'm gone," Kate asked Antonio as soon as they arrived at the hotel. He tapped on the steering wheels continuously for a while then he stopped to say, "I can't believe it, I don't know. Maybe I'll just chill in your house with your mom," 

 "Woah, wait. You're not staying at my house with my mom alone. I don't trust you enough to leave you alone with my mom." Kate said.

 "I thought you said I could stay at your place," Antonio said. Then she replied, "As a shelter for the night, not for a fucking day. I'm sorry Antonio, but you have to find a job."

 "What the fuck Kate!" Antonio yelled. "Get a fucking job, Antonio. I'll get you your money in two weeks time and when you get a job, I'll give it to you. And, if you don't get a job before I get you your money, consider yourself out on the streets without the $20,000 to pay off your debts." Kate retorted.